Today is 28 December 2009 (Monday) year is just around the corner and the year 0f 2009 will be ending soon. Emm wondering if I have succeeded fulfilling my resolution (hehehe)...guess not fully 100% and as usual it will be forwarded to the next year's resolution (hahaha)...well better not to say it out loud coz if it's not working out...MALUUUUU...huhuhu
I'm on leave today till next week (10 January 2009) but I have to come today to settle my ICSA Matric exam result analysis because I'm waiting for 3 more subjects (Quantitative Methods, Economics, and Computer)...but sometimes due to work demands me to commit myself to come to the office and settle everything (but sometimes tak settle jugak kena bawak balik rumah and dok terperap dalam bilik with my notebook doing my work). But sometimes some people they tend to mumble and complaint for their work and some of them are quite annoyed of being so much hypocrite...we should be thankful and grateful for given the job as compared to those people who are still wandering and searching for job. But yet, they are some people who do not feel thankfu for it...bising keja banyak sgt nak buat tapi bila fikir balik it's logic kan? Yela dapat gaji banyak of course la keja pun banyak (compatible with what u are doing and also with your high paid income...chehh..)..Well biarla apa2 pun Allah yang Maha Berkuasa atas segala-galanya.
Well, when talking about commitment ni banyak perkara yang perlu kita fikirkan right? People around me always ask "Bila nak kahwin?...Are u being so choosy?....Baik kahwin cepat, umur dah meningkat...bla..bla..bla.."...Yeah...yeah...yeah...thank you for all the concerns and worries.'s not that I don't want to get married or whatsoever...I just tell them..."Belum jodoh lagi; Belum ada teman lagi; etc...etc...etc.."...Sometimes, when I think of this married thing....again I ask myself whether I am prepared enough to commit myself to married life? Perkahwinan sesuatu yang dituntut dalam agama but when u think of getting married because u have to get married or sebab dah sampai seru BUT THERE'S NO PREPARATION AND COMMITMENT...then what will happen later?
Apa2 pun I always pray to Allah to give me strength and courage to face what's ahead of me...Insyaallah doa moga Allah pertemukanku jodoh yang boleh menerima dan menjaga saya dengan baik dan sehingga akhir hayat...Amin...
Till then..wassalam
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Hari Warga KPTM yang Meriah
Salam and good day
Huh lama tol x menulis kat blog ni....menunjukkan yg i've been so busy la konon. Tapi memang betul pun busy ngalahkan menteri hahahahaha.

Dah ptg2 naik hotel coz nak gi iron baju. Dahla tu nak iron baju kena gi Blok B. Dah bilik kitorang kat Blok C tingkat paling atas sekali tingkat 9 tapi mmg best view dia boleh nampak semua. So bwk baju gi blok B nasib baik hall iron tu xde org so me and Ila pun iron la baju. Back to hotel and rest jap pastu took a shower then siap2 nak gi dinner.

Sunday (6/12/09)
Huh lama tol x menulis kat blog ni....menunjukkan yg i've been so busy la konon. Tapi memang betul pun busy ngalahkan menteri hahahahaha.
Last Saturday til Sunday (5/12 - 6/12/09) ada buat Hari Warga KPTM at Ancasa Allsuites Hotel at Port Dickson. All the branches attended and it was enjoyable and fun. Tema dinner riuh sekampung. Before gi PD ni me and Ila punyela kecoh dok pikir apala nak pakai mlm dinner tu dahla tema org kampung. On Friday tu konon gi lah jusco nak cari apa2 yg boleh dijadikan pakaian utk meet the theme tp x jumpa2 gak. Mlm tu dok pening pikir apa nak pakai. Last2 adala baju tp takla kampung pun coz tak retila pakaian kampung ni mcm mana (almaklumla mak kan org bandar hahahaha - poyo je) pastu tanya my mum ada tak kain batik yg blm dipakai lg so my mum bg 1 pair of batik yg still lg dibungkus x buka2...huhuhu...Settled fuh Alhamdulillah.
Saturday (5/12/09)
Saturday (5/12/09)
Gerak from my house to college coz gi dgn keta Ila. Car pool dgn Kak Fazni and Kak Ana. Around 11 am gerak from kolej. Lapar gila sgt coz x breakfast apa pun so stopped by kejap kat R&R beli waffle and air mineral and continued the journey (ceh mcm journey XPDC je ahaks). So dh sampai PD tapi mcm lost coz cari punye cari x jumpa gak hotel tu. Stopped jap kat terminal PD tanya la org kat situ. Kak Fani kata kita dah terlepas so kena patah balik. So patahla balik then lastly Alhamdulillah kita pun berjaya menjumpai hotel tersebut ahaks. Dlm kol 2 ptg gakla sampai.
Amik kunci pastu gi lunch around 2.30 pm masuk bilik, lawa gak bilik dia. Me and Ila dok 1 bilik (2 org je beb) yg lain2 kongsi2 ahahahaha...yela last minute register dgn Fendi nak gi PD. Siap bagi complimentary buah coz operator kata itu complimentary utk honeymooner ahahaha...poyo
Dlm pkl 3 ada games turun bwh kat blok B ada kaunter org buat inai so apa lg mak pun try la (dah free kan heheh) buat dua2 tangan rasa mcm nak menikah pulak wakakakkaka (perasan jek). Pastu dok jap nak tunggu inai kering dah tu me, Ila and Kak Ana nampak gym apa lg terusla masuk (huh first time masuk gym - wlu pun gym hotel)...Baru main kejap dah penat (poyo je lebih - yg lain2 amik gambar posing jek...ahaks)
Amik kunci pastu gi lunch around 2.30 pm masuk bilik, lawa gak bilik dia. Me and Ila dok 1 bilik (2 org je beb) yg lain2 kongsi2 ahahahaha...yela last minute register dgn Fendi nak gi PD. Siap bagi complimentary buah coz operator kata itu complimentary utk honeymooner ahahaha...poyo
Dlm pkl 3 ada games turun bwh kat blok B ada kaunter org buat inai so apa lg mak pun try la (dah free kan heheh) buat dua2 tangan rasa mcm nak menikah pulak wakakakkaka (perasan jek). Pastu dok jap nak tunggu inai kering dah tu me, Ila and Kak Ana nampak gym apa lg terusla masuk (huh first time masuk gym - wlu pun gym hotel)...Baru main kejap dah penat (poyo je lebih - yg lain2 amik gambar posing jek...ahaks)
Mlm dinner mmg riuh jgk la. Artis jemputan Haiza and dia mmg best jd MC that night mmg btl2 kecohla x kering gusi pecah perut gelak. And mmg x boring. Means that she's good at entertaining the crowd and suma mmg sporting gilala nak2 last2 part tu ada joget lambak huh adala beberapa org naik pentas x igt joget punye hahahaha...Around 1 am balik hotel. By the way Ila dpt lucky draw tu dia dapat mini bar pastu nama dia pulak tercalon sbg best theme dress tp yg menang org lain...huhuhuhuhu
Sunday (6/12/09)
Pagi2 bfast pastu tukar baju. Gi padang tgk org sukan tp kitorang x sukan pun coz time2 tu dahla panas (maklumla puteri lilin kitorang ni ahahahahaah - mmg poyo teramat sgt). So dah lama tgk tu gi lah jalan2 kat area hotel tu pastu gi pantai jalan2 then minum air kelapa. Tak lama pastu dlm kol 11 am nak masuk bilik balik tp tetiba mak ckp jom tgk kuda nak. So gi lah kt tpt kuda tu...yg naik Ila jek. Mak x pun coz x beranila just amik gambar kat kuda jek.
So dlm kol 12 noon balik bilik rehat jap pastu dlm kol 1 tu turun bilik check out then gi lunch. Tunggu Kak Fani pastu off to KL. Around 1.45 pm bergerak.
Sampai kolej dlm kol 3.30 ptg so I waited for my brother to fetch me. Dlm kol 5.30 ptg dia sampai ngan kwn dia so balik jln jem jugak so pusing sana sini nak elak jem at last sampai umah dlm kol 6 lebih gakla. Penat x igt
Anyway...I enjoyed the day and it was fun....Insyaallah kalau ada rezeki lagi next year bolehla pergi lagi and hopefully gi tempat yg lain pulak ahahahah..
Till then...wassalam
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Gi Kenduri Pakcu Za
Salam and good day all
Today (25/10/09) me and family went to my uncle's house (Pakcu Za) in Seremban coz dia buat kenduri khatam quran untuk daughter dia. Yang pergi only me, my mum, dad and my brother (Mail). My sis and her hubby x dapat join coz Kamal kena gi kursus. My other bro (Naim) pun x dpt gi sama coz dia ada class ganti plus nak siapkan assignment dia suma almaklumla UiTM kan dah nak exam....takut gak
Around pkl 11.30 am bertolak dari rumah then janji dgn Uncle Arip to meet kat station minyak near tol Sg. bila dah jumpa tu kitorang terus gerak...along the way tu I saw 3 motorbikes (ala2 harley davidson) tgh konvoi...fuuhhh dia punye bunyii jantung pun bole jatuh kat lantai ahaks....besides that ada lg konvoi motorbike tp not yg tadi yg lain pulak.
Nearly 1 pm sampai rumah Pakcu Za then dah lapar punye pasal amik seat pastu amik nasik dgn lauk terus bedal la apa lg...boleh tahan la....coz diorang buat ala2 gotong royong gitu and some of the bahan2 pun ada yg disumbangkan dan juga ada yg bawa dari kampung...hhuuuu bestnye gotong royong mcm ni kan...x payah nak buang2 duit amik catering pastu makan pun kena catu jek..yg ni suka hati korangla nak bedal berapa byk pun ahahahahahaha
Ramai gak org datang....lg pun dia housing area so the neighborhood kat sini mcm bagus la org pun tolong-menolong. Pakcu Za pun dah makin x sihat...bila jumpa dia je syahdu sgt rasa bila tgk keadaan dia yg makin susut sebab sakit. Dulu masa kecik2 uiii boleh tahan mantap la my uncle ni bole tahan la handsome dia ahaks....kitorang dulu rapat suka gakla gurau2 and dia antara my uncle yg sporting and suka buat bila tgk dia tadi...rasa sedih...syahdu dan simpati...Ya Allah Kau berikanla dia kekuatan hati dan ketabahan hidup dalam dirinya...
Sembang2 jap...tgk cuaca dah mendung...tup...tup...hujan sudah turun...dlm kol 2 pm tu gerak dari rumah Pakcu Za nak balik umah terus...hujan pulak makin lebat plus with the thunder and lightning...takut gak time2 ni kan bawak keta....Sempat gakla tido jap dlm keta (biasanya x tido tp dh penat sgt plus dgn x cukup tido semenjak 2-3 menjak ni kan...huhuhu)...bukak mata jek dah sampai Selayang. My brother and dad stopped by kejap kat kedai tepi jalan beli 2-3 biji durian...fuuhhhh sedap tu lama x makan nihh...
Sampai je umah hujan makin lebat...apa2 pun Alhamdulillah selamat sampai umah dalam keadaan yang selamat....tanpa membuang masa my brother pun memulakan ops durian...eheheheheh...bedal la sebiji...not ada 1 biji tu tak berapa memberangsangkan rasa dan kualitinya....redha jelaaa...
Till then...salam and adiosss
Monday, October 12, 2009
What a Happy Day Today
Salam and good day all
Thank you to those people (friends, colleagues and my beloved students) for their beday wish (10/10) until today. I really appreaciate your wishes and gifts. This evening, I supposed to have marketing (BUS313) class with Sem 5 DBIT students. When I entered the room it was dark but I can see the students so I turned on the light and mumble why the class so dark...bla..bla..bla...and suddenly...SURPRISED!!!!...I was really shocked when all of them sang the beday song...I felt my tears gonna drop but have to control from dropping. I was numb, surprised plus happy and unexpected.
There was a cake (my favorite) from Secret Recipe (nyum...nyum..nyum) on the desk and it really made me joy and happy coz they really made me surprised. I didn't expect a thing at all and never expected it would be such a surprised moment for me. I cut the cake and ask Sal to complete the cutting and ask the others to passed the slices to each of the student.
Since the last time before Raya I wrote on this blog...quite some time I haven't updated any story...just been so bz lately with so many things popped up back-to-back.
Well, to start, today I had a very happy and joyful day. Nothing much it's just I am now a year older as before...Insyaallah I'll become more matured and value my life and to think of my aspirations ahead of me...InsyaAllah.
Thank you to those people (friends, colleagues and my beloved students) for their beday wish (10/10) until today. I really appreaciate your wishes and gifts. This evening, I supposed to have marketing (BUS313) class with Sem 5 DBIT students. When I entered the room it was dark but I can see the students so I turned on the light and mumble why the class so dark...bla..bla..bla...and suddenly...SURPRISED!!!!...I was really shocked when all of them sang the beday song...I felt my tears gonna drop but have to control from dropping. I was numb, surprised plus happy and unexpected.
There was a cake (my favorite) from Secret Recipe (nyum...nyum..nyum) on the desk and it really made me joy and happy coz they really made me surprised. I didn't expect a thing at all and never expected it would be such a surprised moment for me. I cut the cake and ask Sal to complete the cutting and ask the others to passed the slices to each of the student.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Raya yang Sederhana (yeke???...ahaks)
Salam and good day all
First of all I would like to wish Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin atas salah & silap sepanjang tahun ini. It's been quite a long time tak update blog ni...bukan apa I've been very busy (well biasala alasan stereotype kan ahaks...) - macam biasala dengan kerja yang macam2 kerja. So many things I need to jot down here and so many things I need to express (anger, dissapointment, happy, joy)...eemm.. Since now we're in the mood of Raya, let me tell you the nice and happy things.
Sunday: 20/9/09
Alhamdulillah Allah masih lagi panjangkan umur kita untuk celebrate Hari Raya after one month kita berpuasa (yeke sebulan..ahakaka...well for those yang ada ter"kantoi" atau "uzur" tu..make sure ganti ahhh...nanti dosa tau..ahaks). On Sunday, 20/9/09 was the Raya day, macam biasa I woke in the morning kemas apa yang patut, well me & family were planning to go back kampung after Sembahyang Raya (as usual since last Raya also). After Sembahyang Raya, we 5 sekeluarga (except my sis - dia balik Melaka, umah mentua dia) - kitorang bermaafan di pagi Raya - starting my mum, then my dad & lastly kami 3 beradik...huish air mata jangan cakapla - boleh tadah dengan baldi tuh...wakakakkakaka...after that bagi $ raya. So rushing la bersiap2 nak balik raya, huh banyak jugak nak bawak nih...biar betul - my bag aje dah 3 bags ahaks. Petang kita arrived kampung (Perak) then rehat2 dulu kat Sg. Dulang after that went to our grandma's house. Adala my uncles and aunties with their children.
Monday: 21/9/o9
Pagi2 bangun me, my brother (Naim) and my dad pergi cari sarapan - eemm nothing much biasala kat kampung tak banyak kedai makan pun. We went to Bagan Datoh to buy some things and also breakfast. Adalah 1 kedai tu so my dad pun order la roti canai and ada few nasi lemak he grabbed 4 bungkus nasik lemak then went off to Sg. Dulang. After sarapan and kemas barang sket, dalam tengah hari tu we went to umah nenek. That day I felt quite bored eemm tak taula nape. Same goes to my brother Mail (well Naim dah went back to KL coz he needed to settle his assignments and projects with his classmates). I told Mail let's go round Teluk Intan and kitorang pun terusla pegi...well nothing much to do pun kat Teluk Intan coz nothing interesting to see and wander. Kitorang pun dah lapar so went to KFC and makan. Petang tu balik semula to umah nenek. Dok kejap tgk TV, Mail ajak gi umah Sg. Dulang coz tgk dia pun dah ngantok sgt...nak tido lepak kat umah nenek ramai gak org so mcm x best la kan. Malam tu my sister, Ija, and her hubby sampai kampung.
Tuesday: 22/9/09
Last day at kampung, pagi2 takde apa sangat nak breakfast cuma ada nasik lemak tu pun sambal dia punyela pedas...(nasi lemak yang cuma ada sambal ikan bilis aje..huhuhu). Pastu gi umah mak long (my dad punye kakak) after singgah kat umah mak uda (my mum punye adik) berayala kejap before went off to KL. Lastly singgah kat umah dalam tengah hari tu terus balik KL. Time tu punyela panas membahang...sakit kepala tak brother siap on aircond paling kuat tapi still tak terasa...rasa panas semacam....and time tu pulak jalan ada skit jam la pulak...apa lagi plus the hot day with jam road...eemm..memang boleh menyirap la satu badan...apatah lagi my brother tu ada skit angin la kan...ahaks. Singgah Sg. Besar kat restoran mamak (memang dari dulu lagi kat situ la port kitorang makan...sampai dah boleh kenal orang2 dia yg dah bertukar2 tuh). Settled with lunch terus jalan...non-stop. So around 6 pm something arrived KL...fuh berangkut barang2 punyela banyak...penat sih...sampai je umah...I was so relieved plus tired and so headache...amik ubat terus wank tido...zzzzzzzzz
Malam baru bangun and mandi pastu sambung tido balik coz the next day nak kena kemas umah pulak huhuhuhuhuhu....
First of all I would like to wish Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin atas salah & silap sepanjang tahun ini. It's been quite a long time tak update blog ni...bukan apa I've been very busy (well biasala alasan stereotype kan ahaks...) - macam biasala dengan kerja yang macam2 kerja. So many things I need to jot down here and so many things I need to express (anger, dissapointment, happy, joy)...eemm.. Since now we're in the mood of Raya, let me tell you the nice and happy things.
Sunday: 20/9/09
Alhamdulillah Allah masih lagi panjangkan umur kita untuk celebrate Hari Raya after one month kita berpuasa (yeke sebulan..ahakaka...well for those yang ada ter"kantoi" atau "uzur" tu..make sure ganti ahhh...nanti dosa tau..ahaks). On Sunday, 20/9/09 was the Raya day, macam biasa I woke in the morning kemas apa yang patut, well me & family were planning to go back kampung after Sembahyang Raya (as usual since last Raya also). After Sembahyang Raya, we 5 sekeluarga (except my sis - dia balik Melaka, umah mentua dia) - kitorang bermaafan di pagi Raya - starting my mum, then my dad & lastly kami 3 beradik...huish air mata jangan cakapla - boleh tadah dengan baldi tuh...wakakakkakaka...after that bagi $ raya. So rushing la bersiap2 nak balik raya, huh banyak jugak nak bawak nih...biar betul - my bag aje dah 3 bags ahaks. Petang kita arrived kampung (Perak) then rehat2 dulu kat Sg. Dulang after that went to our grandma's house. Adala my uncles and aunties with their children.
Monday: 21/9/o9
Pagi2 bangun me, my brother (Naim) and my dad pergi cari sarapan - eemm nothing much biasala kat kampung tak banyak kedai makan pun. We went to Bagan Datoh to buy some things and also breakfast. Adalah 1 kedai tu so my dad pun order la roti canai and ada few nasi lemak he grabbed 4 bungkus nasik lemak then went off to Sg. Dulang. After sarapan and kemas barang sket, dalam tengah hari tu we went to umah nenek. That day I felt quite bored eemm tak taula nape. Same goes to my brother Mail (well Naim dah went back to KL coz he needed to settle his assignments and projects with his classmates). I told Mail let's go round Teluk Intan and kitorang pun terusla pegi...well nothing much to do pun kat Teluk Intan coz nothing interesting to see and wander. Kitorang pun dah lapar so went to KFC and makan. Petang tu balik semula to umah nenek. Dok kejap tgk TV, Mail ajak gi umah Sg. Dulang coz tgk dia pun dah ngantok sgt...nak tido lepak kat umah nenek ramai gak org so mcm x best la kan. Malam tu my sister, Ija, and her hubby sampai kampung.
Tuesday: 22/9/09
Last day at kampung, pagi2 takde apa sangat nak breakfast cuma ada nasik lemak tu pun sambal dia punyela pedas...(nasi lemak yang cuma ada sambal ikan bilis aje..huhuhu). Pastu gi umah mak long (my dad punye kakak) after singgah kat umah mak uda (my mum punye adik) berayala kejap before went off to KL. Lastly singgah kat umah dalam tengah hari tu terus balik KL. Time tu punyela panas membahang...sakit kepala tak brother siap on aircond paling kuat tapi still tak terasa...rasa panas semacam....and time tu pulak jalan ada skit jam la pulak...apa lagi plus the hot day with jam road...eemm..memang boleh menyirap la satu badan...apatah lagi my brother tu ada skit angin la kan...ahaks. Singgah Sg. Besar kat restoran mamak (memang dari dulu lagi kat situ la port kitorang makan...sampai dah boleh kenal orang2 dia yg dah bertukar2 tuh). Settled with lunch terus jalan...non-stop. So around 6 pm something arrived KL...fuh berangkut barang2 punyela banyak...penat sih...sampai je umah...I was so relieved plus tired and so headache...amik ubat terus wank tido...zzzzzzzzz
Malam baru bangun and mandi pastu sambung tido balik coz the next day nak kena kemas umah pulak huhuhuhuhuhu....
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Pergi Bengkel
Today was quite busy. First, buat 2 memo untuk external moderators ICSA-matric untuk claim allowance and request extend of appointment as external moderators. Alhamdulillah siap and sent it to HR manager and copies to those involved. Today ada workshop kat de palma hotel Ampang until Sunday (6/9/09) and semua cawangan kolej involved.
Around 2 pm bertolak from college to de palma. Arrived je kat hotel, ummaang ai dah ramai org dah...berasak2 queue nak check in. Lama jugakla nak tunggu turn to register, pastu dapat gak register and got the key to my room...well biasala dengan sape lg kalo bukan kembar yg tak seiras tu satu bilik dgn mak...ahaks...zarila zahari lah...ehehehheeh. Kitorang start briefing pukul so ada dlm 2 jam utk relax. so around 3.30 pm me and ila gi ampang point coz I needed to pay duit kereta my sister and credit card. huh...penat jugak berjalan. dah settle bayar gi ampang point grocery beli munchy2 utk malam. nak kuar je tgk punyela hujan patah balik and went to guardian semata-mata nak beli payung jek. nasib baik murah ahaks. then back to hotel room.
around 5 went down to level 2 for briefing...kejap jek x lama coz pengurusi kata start after berbuka time tu tgh pukul 5.30 so lepak2 jap kat sofa sembang2 sementara tunggu 6.30 nak gi makan hehehehe....malas nak naik bilik pastu kena turun balik. so tepat2 6.30 turun kat level 1 untuk amik tempat. hehhehehe so dlm pkl 7 gi amik makanan kalo lambat nanti queue lagi panjang org ramai beb. Pkl 7.20 tepat masukla waktu berbuka puasa...Alhamdulillah kenyang x igt...nak naik atas utk get ready for bengkel. tetiba lift jam pulak...hadoi nak kena naik tangga pulak dahla bilik kat tingkat 6...mak aiii nak kena panjat lagi 5 tingkat. so me and ila pun naikla tangga....hadooiii semput gila tahap gaban...dahla baru jek lepas makan.
at last sampaila dlm bilik and mandi pastu siap2 nak gi bengkel....dalam pkl 9 pm kitorang tiba kat tingkat 2 and yg lain2 dah start around pkl 10.30 stop bengkel to be continued the next me and ila returned to our room. I'm still awake, surfing internet and chatting...coz not feeling sleepy yet...hehehehehe while watching TV channel star movies...macam best gakla citer thriller...ehehhe
till then...tata...salam
Around 2 pm bertolak from college to de palma. Arrived je kat hotel, ummaang ai dah ramai org dah...berasak2 queue nak check in. Lama jugakla nak tunggu turn to register, pastu dapat gak register and got the key to my room...well biasala dengan sape lg kalo bukan kembar yg tak seiras tu satu bilik dgn mak...ahaks...zarila zahari lah...ehehehheeh. Kitorang start briefing pukul so ada dlm 2 jam utk relax. so around 3.30 pm me and ila gi ampang point coz I needed to pay duit kereta my sister and credit card. huh...penat jugak berjalan. dah settle bayar gi ampang point grocery beli munchy2 utk malam. nak kuar je tgk punyela hujan patah balik and went to guardian semata-mata nak beli payung jek. nasib baik murah ahaks. then back to hotel room.
around 5 went down to level 2 for briefing...kejap jek x lama coz pengurusi kata start after berbuka time tu tgh pukul 5.30 so lepak2 jap kat sofa sembang2 sementara tunggu 6.30 nak gi makan hehehehe....malas nak naik bilik pastu kena turun balik. so tepat2 6.30 turun kat level 1 untuk amik tempat. hehhehehe so dlm pkl 7 gi amik makanan kalo lambat nanti queue lagi panjang org ramai beb. Pkl 7.20 tepat masukla waktu berbuka puasa...Alhamdulillah kenyang x igt...nak naik atas utk get ready for bengkel. tetiba lift jam pulak...hadoi nak kena naik tangga pulak dahla bilik kat tingkat 6...mak aiii nak kena panjat lagi 5 tingkat. so me and ila pun naikla tangga....hadooiii semput gila tahap gaban...dahla baru jek lepas makan.
at last sampaila dlm bilik and mandi pastu siap2 nak gi bengkel....dalam pkl 9 pm kitorang tiba kat tingkat 2 and yg lain2 dah start around pkl 10.30 stop bengkel to be continued the next me and ila returned to our room. I'm still awake, surfing internet and chatting...coz not feeling sleepy yet...hehehehehe while watching TV channel star movies...macam best gakla citer thriller...ehehhe
till then...tata...salam
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
What a Happy Day
Today is a new day of September 2009. We're now moving ahead the end of year 2009. Yesterday was an Independence Day celebration.
Today, quite a lot of things to do. First class, AB101 section 1 tapi tak ramai datang coz hujan lebat then discuss dgn depa about the group presentation. Minta bagi nama secepat mungkin coz I need to set the date and time of presentation. Pastu class virtual pulak ada kuiz 2 (buat case study) - ramai jugak yg absent - ada yg kata hujan tp ada yg x sms pun bg tau why x datang. Macam biasa buat keja2 ofis and lecture preparation.
Jihah datang tunjuk draft questionnaire yg dah dibetulkan then I rearranged in order then asked her to type then to show me again before doing the pilot test (coz jihah and su decided to do pilot test). After that syamimi came to do backup quiz.
Well, even today macam quite a tiresome but I felt happy and joy....eemmm...wondering why???
Today, quite a lot of things to do. First class, AB101 section 1 tapi tak ramai datang coz hujan lebat then discuss dgn depa about the group presentation. Minta bagi nama secepat mungkin coz I need to set the date and time of presentation. Pastu class virtual pulak ada kuiz 2 (buat case study) - ramai jugak yg absent - ada yg kata hujan tp ada yg x sms pun bg tau why x datang. Macam biasa buat keja2 ofis and lecture preparation.
Jihah datang tunjuk draft questionnaire yg dah dibetulkan then I rearranged in order then asked her to type then to show me again before doing the pilot test (coz jihah and su decided to do pilot test). After that syamimi came to do backup quiz.
Well, even today macam quite a tiresome but I felt happy and joy....eemmm...wondering why???
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Fasting and Merdeka
Alhamdulillah, hari ni dah masuk hari ke-6 kita berpuasa. Time goes by so fast....kejap je dah hujung bulan and next week dah masuk new month of September.
Yesterday (26/8/09) my mum tak sihat - demam and flu - so I decided to buy some lauk kat bazar Ramadhan - my dad bought few kuih. Only me, my brother and parents kat umah berbuka. My other brother, Naim, kat UiTM belajar. Today pun my mum still tak kebah from her sickness...risau gak ni
Tak berapa lama hari je lagi kita nak sambut Merdeka (31/8/09) di bulan puasa...yup even it's now a fasting month tak semestinya kita tak lupa hari Merdeka. But looking back at those times, when our parents, grandparents and others tried to fight for independence, it was so tough and critical....and now, we can see so much development has been done. I'm really proud to be Malaysian. People nowadays are lucky to have all the things and facilities that once difficult to get and never dreamed of getting one. We should be thankful for that.
Wish to all of you Selamat Berpuasa (for Muslims) and Happy Independence Day 2009...may we achieve more success and may the country is in peace and harmony.
Till then...salam
Alhamdulillah, hari ni dah masuk hari ke-6 kita berpuasa. Time goes by so fast....kejap je dah hujung bulan and next week dah masuk new month of September.
Yesterday (26/8/09) my mum tak sihat - demam and flu - so I decided to buy some lauk kat bazar Ramadhan - my dad bought few kuih. Only me, my brother and parents kat umah berbuka. My other brother, Naim, kat UiTM belajar. Today pun my mum still tak kebah from her sickness...risau gak ni
Tak berapa lama hari je lagi kita nak sambut Merdeka (31/8/09) di bulan puasa...yup even it's now a fasting month tak semestinya kita tak lupa hari Merdeka. But looking back at those times, when our parents, grandparents and others tried to fight for independence, it was so tough and critical....and now, we can see so much development has been done. I'm really proud to be Malaysian. People nowadays are lucky to have all the things and facilities that once difficult to get and never dreamed of getting one. We should be thankful for that.
Wish to all of you Selamat Berpuasa (for Muslims) and Happy Independence Day 2009...may we achieve more success and may the country is in peace and harmony.
Till then...salam
Friday, August 21, 2009
Beli Kasut Baru Lagi
Pagi ni ada individual presentation MNGT170 CSOM. 6 orang je yg present so ada lg 7 org utk present next week Monday. Dah abis class, ajak Ila gi makan nasik ayam kampung kat Velodroom Cheras...berbaloi2 rasa dia...fuhhhh...rasa macam pas ni tak dapat makan lagi pulak...alkmalumlah esok kan dah start puasa.
Around 2.30 balik ofis coz Ila ada class marketing UiTM kol 3 nak bagi test.
About 12.30 Ila start keta then terus gi makan nasik ayam kampung...memangla sodap bonar...pas tuh around 1.30 pm gi jusco jap...rasa macam tak sah jek kalo tak gi walaupun kejap jek...(sebenarnya tak tau nak buat apa...tapi belasah je la...jalan2)...sampai2 macam biasala terus gi round kat kedai kasut...hehehehe
Gi pulak kat Vincci...belek punya belek punya belek....adala berkenan ngan 2 pasang kasut nih...ahaks. Mintakla amoi comel tolong carikan size nak cuba try test jap...dua2 high heels...berbaloi2...bila dah ada tuh terusla posing vogue depan cermin barang 2-3 minit...apa lagi terusla bagi tau amoi tu "saya mau ini 2 kasut..."...huhuhuhu...(rasa macam baru jek beli tapi tulah...mana yang ada pun dah lupa design dia...tak terkira dah pun).
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Kena Siapkan Markah PJJ
Semalam (15/8/09) dah settle PJJ final project presentation and Alhamdulillah everything's ok. Today kena siapkan markah untuk subjek EMGT102 PJJ program coz esok kena antar kat Siti utk dia submit ke UiTM...huhuhuhuhuhu....
Ada lg students yg x complete lg coursework nih...tapi dah sms depa and bg tau. Ada yg akan antar esok (17/8/09)...tapi kena bagi before 10:00 am coz after that I have to give to Siti the marks. Almost done cuma nak kena 2-3 juta kali cek nih...maklumla mak ni kalo pasal nombor ada rabun sket ahaks....Insyaallah ptg ni jugak kena siapkan.
Takdela major problem sgt and Alhamdulillah kerja diorang pun semua complete cuma ada 3-4 org je lg yg blm settle. Hopefully tomoro depa dah bg la...kalo tak...waaaaa...nangish suma. Patutu dah kena antar ari tu lg tp tula ada lg yg x dpt siapkan kerja on time coz burden dgn kerja2 ofis and hal2 lain tu yg minta penangguhan dari Siti and Alhamdulillah dapat extend. And esok jugak kena antar kalo tak susah nanti UiTM nak endorse.....takuuttttttt....
1/2 day hari ni jek dok melangak dpn notebook nih siapkan semua carry mark and final exam mark (sambil2 tuh layan facebook and ym...ahaks)...biasala dah ter"addicted" punye pasal. tula nak buat mcm dah jakun tahap ultraman ni kan...nak stop tu yg payah tuh...kalo x boring gak xde hiburan sampingan nih...rasa mcm lambat jek nak siapkan keja.
Ni dah siap pun cuma tinggal yg x bagi lg jek keja kenala tunggu esok pagi and key in markah....
Ada lg students yg x complete lg coursework nih...tapi dah sms depa and bg tau. Ada yg akan antar esok (17/8/09)...tapi kena bagi before 10:00 am coz after that I have to give to Siti the marks. Almost done cuma nak kena 2-3 juta kali cek nih...maklumla mak ni kalo pasal nombor ada rabun sket ahaks....Insyaallah ptg ni jugak kena siapkan.
Takdela major problem sgt and Alhamdulillah kerja diorang pun semua complete cuma ada 3-4 org je lg yg blm settle. Hopefully tomoro depa dah bg la...kalo tak...waaaaa...nangish suma. Patutu dah kena antar ari tu lg tp tula ada lg yg x dpt siapkan kerja on time coz burden dgn kerja2 ofis and hal2 lain tu yg minta penangguhan dari Siti and Alhamdulillah dapat extend. And esok jugak kena antar kalo tak susah nanti UiTM nak endorse.....takuuttttttt....
1/2 day hari ni jek dok melangak dpn notebook nih siapkan semua carry mark and final exam mark (sambil2 tuh layan facebook and ym...ahaks)...biasala dah ter"addicted" punye pasal. tula nak buat mcm dah jakun tahap ultraman ni kan...nak stop tu yg payah tuh...kalo x boring gak xde hiburan sampingan nih...rasa mcm lambat jek nak siapkan keja.
Ni dah siap pun cuma tinggal yg x bagi lg jek keja kenala tunggu esok pagi and key in markah....
Monday, August 10, 2009
Demam yang Melanda Lagi
Last Friday night (31 Jul 09) start batuk sampai sakit tekak. The next morning tengah nak siap2 packing balik kampung dengan family rasa panas and menggigil semacam je...alahai takkan nak demam lagi yang tak best ni. Around pukul 11 pg tu dengan family gi klinik kat area umah....huh tunggu punyala lama...dekat sejam jek...pastu legala my turn jumpa doktor...bagila ubat. Then around 12 noon something bertolak ke kampung...panas betul 1 hari tu...x ingat sakit kepala gila.
Singgah kat kedai jap beli kfc coz kena mkn dulu before amik ubat. pastu amikla ubat...all the way to kampung apa lg bantai tidola siap alas selimut dgn towel lg...walaupun panas terik tp rasa seram sejuk jek....singgah jap kat sungai besar (tpt biasa la mkn kat restoran mamak..kat mana lagi nak makan pun...). dalam kol 5 lebih sampai kampung.
Ahad tu buat kenduri arwah...tapi i didn't join the kenduri coz baru je lepas makan ubat kepala sudah wank terus bantai tido (ni ubat batuk dengan selesema punya pasal la coz dia boleh sebabkan tido)...bantai tido sampai kol 5...gila lama tu...bangun je told my parents yang badan macam makin sakit jek...rasa lagi panas and menggigil2...around 6 something balik KL.
Dalam kol 9.30 reached Selayang....memang tak larat rasa....tido then pagi ni memang x terdaya nak bangun coz rasa menggigil semacam then pening berat betul kepala. Kebetulan my brother pun demam jugak so sama2 gi klinik...tu yg doktor bagi mc 2 hari...
leceh sebenarnya kalau dah sakit demam ni...rasa lemah...bukan seronok apa pun..banyak yang tertinggal..dahla keja banyak nak buat...huhuhuhu...kelas pun kena ganti jugak...hadooii..seksanya demam ni...
Singgah kat kedai jap beli kfc coz kena mkn dulu before amik ubat. pastu amikla ubat...all the way to kampung apa lg bantai tidola siap alas selimut dgn towel lg...walaupun panas terik tp rasa seram sejuk jek....singgah jap kat sungai besar (tpt biasa la mkn kat restoran mamak..kat mana lagi nak makan pun...). dalam kol 5 lebih sampai kampung.
Ahad tu buat kenduri arwah...tapi i didn't join the kenduri coz baru je lepas makan ubat kepala sudah wank terus bantai tido (ni ubat batuk dengan selesema punya pasal la coz dia boleh sebabkan tido)...bantai tido sampai kol 5...gila lama tu...bangun je told my parents yang badan macam makin sakit jek...rasa lagi panas and menggigil2...around 6 something balik KL.
Dalam kol 9.30 reached Selayang....memang tak larat rasa....tido then pagi ni memang x terdaya nak bangun coz rasa menggigil semacam then pening berat betul kepala. Kebetulan my brother pun demam jugak so sama2 gi klinik...tu yg doktor bagi mc 2 hari...
leceh sebenarnya kalau dah sakit demam ni...rasa lemah...bukan seronok apa pun..banyak yang tertinggal..dahla keja banyak nak buat...huhuhuhu...kelas pun kena ganti jugak...hadooii..seksanya demam ni...
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Traumatic Day
Today was the most traumatic day in my life...memang menakutkan as I witnessed the chaotic of reformation in KL.
Today keja coz jaga exam program PJJ then at 1.30 balik so macam biasala turun kat masjid jamek nak ke CM to get a bus. Keluar je from the train terus dengar 1 kumpulan orang menjerit kuat...we looked outside then nampak 1 grp tengah nak buat demonstration. Then police suruh kitorang masuk balik train and turun pulak kat LRT bandaraya kat Sogo. The same thing happened coz another group out of nowhere dari seberang jalan menghala Jln Kuching datang 1 group. Ya Allah, ni bukan reformasi biasa ni.....and we're like stranded kat station ni coz all the groups were from anywhere. I can't really imagined what will happen then. Banyak2 doa terus call my mom and brothers and also Ila telling what happened.
Nasib baik terserempak dengan Ateeqha (my former CAT student) and me and her dok sama2 berpeluk2 nangis takut gila. Lari ikut orang mana depa pergi. Dah kalut jammed otak tak boleh nak ingat apa. Dada sesak sangat kena asap gas and mata pedih gila.
Almost 1 hour stucked kat situ and witnessed the chaotic and havoc event. Memang takut, traumatic and bahaya coz anything unexpected can happen. Then my brother called dia tunggu kat KTM komuter near bank negara and I ran as fast as I could and terus balik. Menggigil satu badan Tuhan je yang tau. Alhamdulillah selamat sampai rumah. That was the first time I faced and witnessed such an event. Moga2 janganlah ada lagi benda macam ni berlaku.
Today keja coz jaga exam program PJJ then at 1.30 balik so macam biasala turun kat masjid jamek nak ke CM to get a bus. Keluar je from the train terus dengar 1 kumpulan orang menjerit kuat...we looked outside then nampak 1 grp tengah nak buat demonstration. Then police suruh kitorang masuk balik train and turun pulak kat LRT bandaraya kat Sogo. The same thing happened coz another group out of nowhere dari seberang jalan menghala Jln Kuching datang 1 group. Ya Allah, ni bukan reformasi biasa ni.....and we're like stranded kat station ni coz all the groups were from anywhere. I can't really imagined what will happen then. Banyak2 doa terus call my mom and brothers and also Ila telling what happened.
Nasib baik terserempak dengan Ateeqha (my former CAT student) and me and her dok sama2 berpeluk2 nangis takut gila. Lari ikut orang mana depa pergi. Dah kalut jammed otak tak boleh nak ingat apa. Dada sesak sangat kena asap gas and mata pedih gila.
Almost 1 hour stucked kat situ and witnessed the chaotic and havoc event. Memang takut, traumatic and bahaya coz anything unexpected can happen. Then my brother called dia tunggu kat KTM komuter near bank negara and I ran as fast as I could and terus balik. Menggigil satu badan Tuhan je yang tau. Alhamdulillah selamat sampai rumah. That was the first time I faced and witnessed such an event. Moga2 janganlah ada lagi benda macam ni berlaku.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Lamanya tak Blogging
Rasa dah berkurun lama tak on blog ni....tup tup tup....dah jauh ketinggalan. Nampak sangat bz benor rupanyeee..hadoiii. Yela macam2 benda nak kena buat.
Budak2 pun dah masuk balik...rasa macam baru je start cuti sem depa ni dah start class balik..rasa macam tak ready je fizikal...mental..segala2 la...ahaks.
Last week demam teruk plus tonsil berdarah...doktor cek kata dah bengkak teruk terus dapat mc 2 hari (khamis and jumaat last week). Bukan rest sangat pun ada gak keja nak kena buat. Tangan gatal nak godek notebook sebenarnya plus jakun dengan broadband baru wakakakakaak.
Today, datang gak la keja walaupun tak berapa nak sihat 100% tapi malas nak amik mc lagi...masak nak replace class. Walaupun tak berapa nak boleh cakap sangat tapi gagah2 kan jugala suara tu walaupun ada gak la pitching and tonasi tu lari daripada selalu huhuhuhu.
Cuaca pun x menentu...tambah2 lagi macam2 virus ni...mintak jauhkanla ek...serik nak demam @ sakit ni...tension adala...bukan best pun.
Rasa dah berkurun lama tak on blog ni....tup tup tup....dah jauh ketinggalan. Nampak sangat bz benor rupanyeee..hadoiii. Yela macam2 benda nak kena buat.
Budak2 pun dah masuk balik...rasa macam baru je start cuti sem depa ni dah start class balik..rasa macam tak ready je fizikal...mental..segala2 la...ahaks.
Last week demam teruk plus tonsil berdarah...doktor cek kata dah bengkak teruk terus dapat mc 2 hari (khamis and jumaat last week). Bukan rest sangat pun ada gak keja nak kena buat. Tangan gatal nak godek notebook sebenarnya plus jakun dengan broadband baru wakakakakaak.
Today, datang gak la keja walaupun tak berapa nak sihat 100% tapi malas nak amik mc lagi...masak nak replace class. Walaupun tak berapa nak boleh cakap sangat tapi gagah2 kan jugala suara tu walaupun ada gak la pitching and tonasi tu lari daripada selalu huhuhuhu.
Cuaca pun x menentu...tambah2 lagi macam2 virus ni...mintak jauhkanla ek...serik nak demam @ sakit ni...tension adala...bukan best pun.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Akhirnya Dapat Jugak Beli Kasut
Salam and good day all
Tengah hari tu...Me and Ila (sape lagi kalo bukan best pren ever in the world ni) went to Jusco...saje je jalan2 and dia pun nak beli barang I went to Vincce (tempat biasala pun)...umaang aii...ada gakla a few kasut baru (memang nampak lama tol tak gi kedai kasut ni)....Belek punye belek mata pun dah naik juling (rambang mata punye pasal ahaks)...test kasut pastu pilih tu ini...kejap pegang yang kaler oren pastu belek pulak kasut high heel kaler pink...(pening mak) last2 wa sudah tangkap 2 pair of shoes..huhuhuhu (gian punye pasal beb...3 bulan tak beli satu pasang kasut pun...). Puas hati aku (dan padan muka aku gak pasni makan meggi lorrrr...ahaks)...ahahaha...Tapi tula ada lagi yang cantik dan menawan di hati ni tapi sabar2 dulu la...later2 boleh lagi..ahaks..(tak sedar diri betul). I bought 1 for Ila as I have promised her to give something to her as she passed her exam last semester hehehehe...
Supposedly this morning ada briefing for my final project students especially about SPSS and how to use it. Dah sms depa yesterday and majority of them ada yang buat mid-term test and ada gak yang ada class Accounting so I decided to cancel the briefing coz difficult gak nak buat briefing skit budak2 ni. Maklumlah mak jaga ramai anak (22 orang sumanye huhuhuhu). I just bagi tau mana yang boleh datang theN just see me to install the SPSS. Only group Iffah and Ecah, and Kina & Ina datang to install SPSS. At first ada problem gakla nak install benda ni kat notebook depa entah apa problem pun tak taula (maklumla mak bukan programmer ahaks...). Lama gak nak settle benda alah ni. Pastu sms Mamat nak mintak tolong...adake pulak dia reply sket punye baik ayat tu (memang kalo baca tak menyirap sure tersentap punye...ahahahahaha). Takpele...paham2...orang bijak pandai macam tula wakakakakaka. Pastu sms Chandra nak mintak tolong. And luckily dia called me back and explained to him the problem then dia pun datang menjadi penyelamat kat budak2 ni. Iffa and Ecah punye dah success install and depa dah boleh start dah key in survey data. Except Kina and Ina punye notebook ada problem. Chan kata installation success cuma ada corrupt something Monday ni dia akan tolong Kina tengok balik macam mana. Thanx Chan for your assistance. I dah mintak budak2 ni belanja u (termasuk I sekali sebagai middle person ahahahahahahaha). Pastu si Hasrul (mintak dia tunjuk chapter 3) pun datangla dgn Acab and Min...nak tengok secara sepintas lalu macam mana SPSS ni sebenarnya.
As a return Ila belanja I pulak lunch (bestnyee...). We went to Nandos, lama gak x makan kat Nandos ni. Dah kenyang (maklumla orang belanja...tu yang rasa sedap dia lain macam tu wakakaka) we went to Maybank Pandan Jaya nak bank in duit (bayau hutang beb)...then terus balik office.
Ni tengah hujan lebat ni...rasa sejuk jek...dapat makan goreng pisang/cekodok ngan kopi/teh tarik fuuhhhhh....menyengat 1 badan beb...pastu apa lagi aktiviti seterusnye di kala hujan ni of course la...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz...ahahahaahahahah.
Ok la all, nak sambung translate notes for EHCM303 PJJ (chapter 4) and nak email terus kat depa cepat. Next week depa punye final exam.
Till then..daaaaaa...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Bilikku yang Bersepah...huhuhuhu
Salam and good day all

Sapela nak tolong kemaskan bilikku ini...huhuhu...kena cari pembantu ni ahaks tolong kemaskan bilik. Nak tampal wallpaper (bukan wallpaper betul - wrapping paper jek...kreatifla sket ahaks)...dari last year tak siap2 lagi...separuh jek yang dapat tampal. Macam rumah tak siap jek ni...hadoiiiii...
Hadoiii...pagi tadi masuk jek bilik kecik ni tengok2...bersepahnye bilikku ini - ni bilik koordinator ke atau bilik stor????..huhuhu...dah lama betul tak berkemas. Mana taknye sem ni jek keja bertimbun ngahlahkan gunung kinabalu kalo tak ular sawa...mau anakonda bersarang dah beranak-pinak kat bilik nih...
Dari luar nampak je macam bagus (konon Professional program room)...tapi bila masuk...umanngg aiii....boleh sakit jantung, hati, jiwa raga suma ada. Alahaiii...macam manala nak kemas bilik ni. Asyik2 dok plan nak kemas tapi bila datang je opis ada keja lain kena buat huhhuhu....
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Today ada ICSA Examiners' Conference 09 at MAICSA Mid Valley. Kitorang pergi guna college transport. Altogether 8 of them. Before pergi meeting tu, I needed to settle a few things. First and foremost, e-mail my PJJ students Quiz 2. Then settled 1 thing, buat letter of payment to MAICSA for CPE conference last week on 17/3/09 my students have attended. Nak bagi by hand terus lagi senang. Then, print Doc 1 & 3 MQA for Kak Sab and En. Leman to review and make some amendments (if necessary).
Then 9.30 a.m. Pakcik drove us to MAICSA. It was raining along the way and quite jam but we managed to arrive on time (laju tuh Pakcik drive...kalah drift ni ahaks). Around 10.30 the conference began. About 12.30 the conference ended (cepat pulak abis...hehehehe..last year rasa lambat jek...hhuhuhu). Then, the MC requested us to go to Boulevard Hotel to lunch (yeayy...makan time beb - harusla...since morning tak bukan lagi butterfly in my stomach dah tahap naga berapi dalam perut wakakakakaka). All the participants went to the Hotel at Worlrice Restaurant to have lunch. Sedap beb all the food...maklumla makan free...hahahahahaahah...jimat duit (hujung bulan ni budget lari la pulak huhuhuhu). Sedap gak makanan dia...different as we had last yang best ni nak gi lagi next year...hahahahaha. Tengah khusyuk makan, time dah near 1.30 mostly nak balik dah to office. Then called Pakcik to fetch us. Went back to office and arrived about 2.00 p.m.
Relax jap...tambah tenaga coz pukul 3.00 ptg ada class dengan budak2 CAT. Check e-mail. Went back to my Coordinator room to prepare for class. About 3.15 went to class and finished about 4.50 pm. Penat gak today...bilik ni still lagi hangat...agaknya aircond yang rosak kot (ke aku yang dah tahap sengal kat sini...wakakakakkaa).
Macam takde mood nak buat keja sebenarnya...rasa penat and hangat. Relax2 jela sambil check e-mail and waiting for the watch to reach 5.30 pm...(balik time..yeayyyyyy). Rasa penat pulak. Banyak benda nak buat back-to-back work. Tula rasa macam tak habis2 je keja nak buat tuh huhuhuhu....
Yesterday thought of going to Sogo tapi tak jadila...coz tak larat sangat (rasa hangat membara pastu dahla dengan ngantok gila tahap gaban lagi...terus balik). Tengokla today...kalo rasa2 ada mood then pergi jela Sogo...nak beli pretzel ni pun tak beli2 lagi...huhuhuhu
Till then...daaaa...
What's In Me
The day goes by with another misery and sigh
Unknown of what will come for me to face the fear and anxiety in mind
Uncertain of what will come to me as I am not ready to face another curiosity in life
The day goes by yet with another tears and broken heart
What's in me...will I know myself better or will I be the same as before? pain that I have to go and tear it apart
What's in one will know what
As I am on my ownself...facing...running...walking...wandering the wall of empty heart
Yes...the day goes by with sorrow in the eyes
For me to bear the pain and anger inside
For me to burden all the hassle and cry
So...what's in me then for me to disguise?
No one would ever asked why
For me to be shy by
Another day yet to be passing by...with pity and sorry for me to die
What's in me to be missed when I'm gone in the memory of life
What's in me to be remembered when I'm not here anymore to fly
Wandering in my empty head...thinking of what will I find
Is it happiness?...Is it joy?...Only time will come by
Things happen for a reason and only time will tell
For what's in me I myself would never spell
For what's in me no one would ever ring the bell
Let the day passes by...let the time plays it rhyme
One day I will find for what's in me to cry
One find day I will know for what's in me to shy
And one unknown day I will see for what's in me....for me...myself to hide
Unknown of what will come for me to face the fear and anxiety in mind
Uncertain of what will come to me as I am not ready to face another curiosity in life
The day goes by yet with another tears and broken heart
What's in me...will I know myself better or will I be the same as before? pain that I have to go and tear it apart
What's in one will know what
As I am on my ownself...facing...running...walking...wandering the wall of empty heart
Yes...the day goes by with sorrow in the eyes
For me to bear the pain and anger inside
For me to burden all the hassle and cry
So...what's in me then for me to disguise?
No one would ever asked why
For me to be shy by
Another day yet to be passing by...with pity and sorry for me to die
What's in me to be missed when I'm gone in the memory of life
What's in me to be remembered when I'm not here anymore to fly
Wandering in my empty head...thinking of what will I find
Is it happiness?...Is it joy?...Only time will come by
Things happen for a reason and only time will tell
For what's in me I myself would never spell
For what's in me no one would ever ring the bell
Let the day passes by...let the time plays it rhyme
One day I will find for what's in me to cry
One find day I will know for what's in me to shy
And one unknown day I will see for what's in me....for me...myself to hide
Monday, March 23, 2009
Hadoiii panas pulak
Today class begins after long holiday (1 week holiday - mid-semester break students). Rasa macam baru jek semalam budak2 ni start cuti dah class balik huhuhuhu...banyak pulak kerja nak buat hari ni...rushing jugakla...hadooiii
Pagi tadi aircond punyela sejuk...tup tup...lepas pukul 9:00 pagi rasa membahang betul macam nak terbakar kulit muka ni...kering seh. Panas tak ingat dahla dalam bilik "aquarium" ni huhuhuhu...tak tahan dah. Pakai kipas manual (pakai buku tu beb) pun tak jalan. Tak taula aircond ni rosak ke...apake...entahla...layan jela.
Pagi tadi siapkan memo baru untuk budak2 icsa-iqs punya block seminar since subjek yang depa nak amik tu (Taxation) tidak di "offer" makanye depa pun nak tukar subjek amik Corporate Law pulak. Then discuss ngan Bak (HEP) pasal benda ni and dia suruh buat memo baru supaya lagi formal (yela nak bagi salinan kat orang2 besar ni tau apa yang berlaku). Kalau main note macam tu je orang pun tak tau pe bendala masalah problem dia tuh huhuhuhu. Masuk jek ofis buat slide untuk class dulu (abiskan slide untuk chapter 5 BUS 202A). Pastu buat memo then gi print and buat copies for those related. Then gi jumpa Bak tapi En. Raja cakap Bak gi kursus pulak so I just passed the memo to En. Raja for him to give it to Bak. Alhamdulillah settled one matter.
Nak gi buat copy je Kak Laili (Dean FSKTM) jumpa kat depan pintu my room (kiranye mesyuarat pintula ni ahakss.....). Kak Laili query about icsa academic calendar for Jan09 session. Dia kata why only 19 weeks je instead of 20 weeks as according to program structure and suggested to have 1 week for revision so that to give students ample time to do consultation and revision. Well I told Kak Laili that memang ada buat yang 20 minggu punya tapi adala sebab2 teknikal then changed back to 19 weeks. Therefore she requested me to give 20 weeks' academic calendar to Zainurin (new Dean of Professional Studies) for him to follow up. Gi buat copy dulu then pas buat jek terus e-mail my Dean the 20 weeks' of academic calendar and make some suggestion for the next session intake. Penat gak ni...tapi Alhamdulillah settled one more work. Class time...went to class for section 1.
Hemmm....6 orang jek datang. Almaklumla depa suma baru naik cuti, tu yang ada lagi nak tune class balik tuh...server lambat pick up time2 macam ni. On with the class to finish chapter 5 coz next week (3/4/09, Friday) cadangnye nak buat Mid-Term test for BUS 202A but ada few students told me that they also will be having Mid-Term test for Maths. hheemm...kena readjust ni...need to discuss with other 2 lecturers Gee and Ila. Nak tengok balik macam mana. If majority yang ada Mid-Term test Math then we have to reschedule the exam date. Abis class relax jap then at 12.30 noon next class same subject but section 3 (1 hour class). Buat skit dulu then sambung at a later day.
Huhuhu...ada class kol 2 til 5 pm...penat tuh...relax jap apa2 yang patut. Sambung translate notes EHCM 303 PJJ to Malay Version for Chapter 3. I need to settle all 5 chapters at least by this Thursday and email to the students so that they can study well (caiyok...caiyok...nit yang comel heheheh - motivation beb...). At 2 pulak went for CAT class for section 3 and at 4 pm class CAT gak for section 4.
Ni tadi tengah dok mentelaah Dokumen 1 & 3 for our new program to be offered in the coming future. Supposedly ada workshop tomorrow (24/3/09, Tuesday) but at the same time I have to attend ICSA Examiners' Conference together with those lecturers yang involved so we asked our Project Manager (En. Umran) to postpone to a later date (sehari jek postpone huhuhuhu) to 25/3/09 (Wednesday) morning til evening. Hadooiiii...entahla..risau gak nak present kat CD experts and those officers...apala agaknya komen or kritikan diorang (ish...ish...ish macam konsert AF pulak - balik ni nak kena minum air masak 1 tempayan..wakakakkaka...kalo tak merdu tak taula...telan 1 satu kolam pulak..wakakakakka)
Memang so hot today...hangat and hazy kat luar tu even the weather is hot and clear. Rasa pening kepala (macam sengal pun ada gak...huhuhuhu)....Monday blues la konon...cewah...Lambatla pulak nak kol 5.30 ptg ni...cepatla jam oi...(macam bulan posa pulak..heeheheh)...lebih2 je..Balik kang rasa macam nak singgah Sogo. Nak beli pretzel kegemaranku...coz last Saturday tak jadi pulak. I went to Jusco Keramat and lepak2 jap kat Old Town White Coffeee then bought some grocery. Tengokla mood macam mana kalo rasa nak gi Sogo then pegi jela...kalo taknak...apa susah...balik jeekkk..
Till then..daaaaaa
Pagi tadi aircond punyela sejuk...tup tup...lepas pukul 9:00 pagi rasa membahang betul macam nak terbakar kulit muka ni...kering seh. Panas tak ingat dahla dalam bilik "aquarium" ni huhuhuhu...tak tahan dah. Pakai kipas manual (pakai buku tu beb) pun tak jalan. Tak taula aircond ni rosak ke...apake...entahla...layan jela.
Pagi tadi siapkan memo baru untuk budak2 icsa-iqs punya block seminar since subjek yang depa nak amik tu (Taxation) tidak di "offer" makanye depa pun nak tukar subjek amik Corporate Law pulak. Then discuss ngan Bak (HEP) pasal benda ni and dia suruh buat memo baru supaya lagi formal (yela nak bagi salinan kat orang2 besar ni tau apa yang berlaku). Kalau main note macam tu je orang pun tak tau pe bendala masalah problem dia tuh huhuhuhu. Masuk jek ofis buat slide untuk class dulu (abiskan slide untuk chapter 5 BUS 202A). Pastu buat memo then gi print and buat copies for those related. Then gi jumpa Bak tapi En. Raja cakap Bak gi kursus pulak so I just passed the memo to En. Raja for him to give it to Bak. Alhamdulillah settled one matter.
Nak gi buat copy je Kak Laili (Dean FSKTM) jumpa kat depan pintu my room (kiranye mesyuarat pintula ni ahakss.....). Kak Laili query about icsa academic calendar for Jan09 session. Dia kata why only 19 weeks je instead of 20 weeks as according to program structure and suggested to have 1 week for revision so that to give students ample time to do consultation and revision. Well I told Kak Laili that memang ada buat yang 20 minggu punya tapi adala sebab2 teknikal then changed back to 19 weeks. Therefore she requested me to give 20 weeks' academic calendar to Zainurin (new Dean of Professional Studies) for him to follow up. Gi buat copy dulu then pas buat jek terus e-mail my Dean the 20 weeks' of academic calendar and make some suggestion for the next session intake. Penat gak ni...tapi Alhamdulillah settled one more work. Class time...went to class for section 1.
Hemmm....6 orang jek datang. Almaklumla depa suma baru naik cuti, tu yang ada lagi nak tune class balik tuh...server lambat pick up time2 macam ni. On with the class to finish chapter 5 coz next week (3/4/09, Friday) cadangnye nak buat Mid-Term test for BUS 202A but ada few students told me that they also will be having Mid-Term test for Maths. hheemm...kena readjust ni...need to discuss with other 2 lecturers Gee and Ila. Nak tengok balik macam mana. If majority yang ada Mid-Term test Math then we have to reschedule the exam date. Abis class relax jap then at 12.30 noon next class same subject but section 3 (1 hour class). Buat skit dulu then sambung at a later day.
Huhuhu...ada class kol 2 til 5 pm...penat tuh...relax jap apa2 yang patut. Sambung translate notes EHCM 303 PJJ to Malay Version for Chapter 3. I need to settle all 5 chapters at least by this Thursday and email to the students so that they can study well (caiyok...caiyok...nit yang comel heheheh - motivation beb...). At 2 pulak went for CAT class for section 3 and at 4 pm class CAT gak for section 4.
Ni tadi tengah dok mentelaah Dokumen 1 & 3 for our new program to be offered in the coming future. Supposedly ada workshop tomorrow (24/3/09, Tuesday) but at the same time I have to attend ICSA Examiners' Conference together with those lecturers yang involved so we asked our Project Manager (En. Umran) to postpone to a later date (sehari jek postpone huhuhuhu) to 25/3/09 (Wednesday) morning til evening. Hadooiiii...entahla..risau gak nak present kat CD experts and those officers...apala agaknya komen or kritikan diorang (ish...ish...ish macam konsert AF pulak - balik ni nak kena minum air masak 1 tempayan..wakakakkaka...kalo tak merdu tak taula...telan 1 satu kolam pulak..wakakakakka)
Memang so hot today...hangat and hazy kat luar tu even the weather is hot and clear. Rasa pening kepala (macam sengal pun ada gak...huhuhuhu)....Monday blues la konon...cewah...Lambatla pulak nak kol 5.30 ptg ni...cepatla jam oi...(macam bulan posa pulak..heeheheh)...lebih2 je..Balik kang rasa macam nak singgah Sogo. Nak beli pretzel kegemaranku...coz last Saturday tak jadi pulak. I went to Jusco Keramat and lepak2 jap kat Old Town White Coffeee then bought some grocery. Tengokla mood macam mana kalo rasa nak gi Sogo then pegi jela...kalo taknak...apa susah...balik jeekkk..
Till then..daaaaaa
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Lepak-Lepak Jap kat Opis
Today ada class dengan students PJJ for EHCM 303 and today is the final class. I have finished chapter 5 and Alhamdulillah completed all the 5 chapters. After that the presentation session (individual presentation). Only 4 of the students attended the class: Fawzie, Shee, Gee, and Aishah. Azmin sms me telling that he's not feeling well to attend. Same goes to Faisal and Azizah.
The presentation session began with Fawzie and later by Gee. Aishah and Shee informed me that both of them have not yet completed their parts due to some technical problems. Therefore, I asked them to e-mail me the slides and see what I can do. InsyaAllah I'll try my very...very...very best to help them and hope for the best of them.
Abis class tadi ingat nak balik tapi since level 3 (the lecturers' room) ada students (they're having their test) so I decided to lepak2 kejap kat bilik sambil siapkan kerja mana2 yang patut. Nak balik pun rasa macam boring pulak (walaupun sememangnya ada kerja nak buat... - saje je tuh nak ngelat dari buat keja...wakakakakkaka..layannn..). Tapi nak jalan2 pun takde sape nak teman huhuhuhuhu. Layan jiwang karat jela kat opis ni. Maybe dalam pukul 1:00 tgh hari kang kot balik...Sambil2 buat keja ni layan la apa2 lagu yang patut...heheheh kalo tak sunyi jek bilik ni. Rasa macam eeeeeeee...tak mau cakapla...(lemah semangat kang tak pasal2 pulak...waaaaa)
Ni tengah men "translate" kan notes from my slides for EHCM 303 (Knowledge Management) to Malay version. Chapter 2 dah siap dah and jap lagi nak email kat students. Ni tengah buat Chapter 3 and ada lagi 2 chapters to go and InsyaAllah by Tuesday or Wednesday I could settle everything. On the 4th April 2009 will be their final exam. So kalau boleh nak bagi kat diorang Malay version notes ni latest pun by Thursday so that they will have ample time to study and understand the subject.
The weather is cloudy and quite windy and hope it's not raining. Ingat before balik ni nak jalan2 jap kat sogo ke or klcc ke (tengok mana kaki ni nak melangkah...hehehhe). Bukan apa pun...saje je nak rewang2 window shopping (padahal nak usha kasut tuh..heheheeh...rasa2 nye kan this year I haven't bought any pair of shoes..waaaaaaaa....kira cipta rekod ni...3 months in a row no shoes maahhhh....terror tu..hehehehe). Nak tengok movie tak syok pulak tengok sorang2...jalan2 je la. Hah tetiba terlintas pulak dalam kepala otak yang tengah slow "server" ni nak beli pretzel auntie's ann...huhuhuhu (rasa macam dah lama tak makan). Oh pretzel kegemaranku...tungguuuu i'll buy you later...ahaks.
The presentation session began with Fawzie and later by Gee. Aishah and Shee informed me that both of them have not yet completed their parts due to some technical problems. Therefore, I asked them to e-mail me the slides and see what I can do. InsyaAllah I'll try my very...very...very best to help them and hope for the best of them.
Abis class tadi ingat nak balik tapi since level 3 (the lecturers' room) ada students (they're having their test) so I decided to lepak2 kejap kat bilik sambil siapkan kerja mana2 yang patut. Nak balik pun rasa macam boring pulak (walaupun sememangnya ada kerja nak buat... - saje je tuh nak ngelat dari buat keja...wakakakakkaka..layannn..). Tapi nak jalan2 pun takde sape nak teman huhuhuhuhu. Layan jiwang karat jela kat opis ni. Maybe dalam pukul 1:00 tgh hari kang kot balik...Sambil2 buat keja ni layan la apa2 lagu yang patut...heheheh kalo tak sunyi jek bilik ni. Rasa macam eeeeeeee...tak mau cakapla...(lemah semangat kang tak pasal2 pulak...waaaaa)
Ni tengah men "translate" kan notes from my slides for EHCM 303 (Knowledge Management) to Malay version. Chapter 2 dah siap dah and jap lagi nak email kat students. Ni tengah buat Chapter 3 and ada lagi 2 chapters to go and InsyaAllah by Tuesday or Wednesday I could settle everything. On the 4th April 2009 will be their final exam. So kalau boleh nak bagi kat diorang Malay version notes ni latest pun by Thursday so that they will have ample time to study and understand the subject.
The weather is cloudy and quite windy and hope it's not raining. Ingat before balik ni nak jalan2 jap kat sogo ke or klcc ke (tengok mana kaki ni nak melangkah...hehehhe). Bukan apa pun...saje je nak rewang2 window shopping (padahal nak usha kasut tuh..heheheeh...rasa2 nye kan this year I haven't bought any pair of shoes..waaaaaaaa....kira cipta rekod ni...3 months in a row no shoes maahhhh....terror tu..hehehehe). Nak tengok movie tak syok pulak tengok sorang2...jalan2 je la. Hah tetiba terlintas pulak dalam kepala otak yang tengah slow "server" ni nak beli pretzel auntie's ann...huhuhuhu (rasa macam dah lama tak makan). Oh pretzel kegemaranku...tungguuuu i'll buy you later...ahaks.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Entrepreneurship Workshop
I was attending Entrepreneurship Workshop at MUST (Malaysia University of Science & Technology) at Kelana Jaya, Selangor from 18/3 - 19/3/09. It was very interesting and informative workshop. First time I heard about MUST...huhuhuhu
Supposedly we needed to depart at 8:00 am since the registration session was at 8:30 am and then the launching session. Well it was raining (not that heavily rain) so it was quite jam the road and most were late. All were in the van (Me, Pian, Kak Sab, Kidah, Ila, En. Leman, Kak CT, Kak Fani...EXCEPT Kak Yati has not yet arrived...huhuhuhu)...Then Kak Sab called her then Kak Yati said she's on the way and be in a jippy..lalalalalala. Well everybody was in the van and Pakcik started to drive on. It was quite late...(hhemmm we'll be the grand entrance lorrrr...huhuhuhu). We arrived almost at 9:00 am and there was Datuk Seri Effendi (the husband of Datin Seri Tiara) gave his speech t0 launch the workshop....Without making a noise we slowly walked towards our sitting (rasa malu beb...orang pandang gak tuh...huhuhuhu). Buat biasa je la duduk (pastu buat muka seposen dengar speech Datuk Effendi). Later, the workshop was successfully launched. I tried to take a picture of him (nak tunjuk kat orang2 office la konon...but then..arrggghhhh camera buat hal pulak...battery problem (rasa dah charge...maybe over-charged tu yang tetiba wank tuh...mangkukk betul la...hadoiii).
Supposedly we needed to depart at 8:00 am since the registration session was at 8:30 am and then the launching session. Well it was raining (not that heavily rain) so it was quite jam the road and most were late. All were in the van (Me, Pian, Kak Sab, Kidah, Ila, En. Leman, Kak CT, Kak Fani...EXCEPT Kak Yati has not yet arrived...huhuhuhu)...Then Kak Sab called her then Kak Yati said she's on the way and be in a jippy..lalalalalala. Well everybody was in the van and Pakcik started to drive on. It was quite late...(hhemmm we'll be the grand entrance lorrrr...huhuhuhu). We arrived almost at 9:00 am and there was Datuk Seri Effendi (the husband of Datin Seri Tiara) gave his speech t0 launch the workshop....Without making a noise we slowly walked towards our sitting (rasa malu beb...orang pandang gak tuh...huhuhuhu). Buat biasa je la duduk (pastu buat muka seposen dengar speech Datuk Effendi). Later, the workshop was successfully launched. I tried to take a picture of him (nak tunjuk kat orang2 office la konon...but then..arrggghhhh camera buat hal pulak...battery problem (rasa dah charge...maybe over-charged tu yang tetiba wank tuh...mangkukk betul la...hadoiii).
After lunch the continuation of talk then at 4.30 we were asked to get into group (which has been formed by the committee earlier) and to go to the discussion room for having workshop discussion. Me and Ila were in 1 group (yeay...). In our group, we needed to discuss on methodology of teaching entrepreneurship at undergraduat
Day 2 we also had presentation from well-experienced and well-knowledged speakers. Before breakfast, we continued in group work but to discuss on a new topic about developing entrepreneurship culture. It was a hot issue and everybody gave a very good points and suggestions. Then, after breakfast, we needed to present our findings from Workshop 1 and 2. Representative from the 2 groups presented the findings and the moderator made some comments and there was also Q & A sessions. After lunch, the talk by SME Senior Manager and I found it was a very informative talk from him and I was interested and eager to open up my own business (bilala agaknye tu..huhuhuhu...InsyaAllah). Last session was a forum by representatives from Cradle Investment, InsKen, MDec, SMIDEC, and Colins from University of Tasmania (UTAS) to talk about grants, loan, business opportunities, etc. And it was a very good forum since I, myself haven't much information about all these aspects. And I got some views and points that I can use in teaching and to upgrade my teaching module for the next semester to come. The workshop ended sharp at 5:00 pm and the closing ceremony after that we got our Certificate ( a recognition of attendance...). After tea, went back to college...arrived about 6.30 pm. But yesterday I arrived quite early about 8:00 pm coz it was not that jam packed.
What I can say about the workshop??? Well, I got to know new friends and exchanging ideas, besides got in-depth inputs and insights about current issues, etc....Above all, this workshop is very intersting and hope I could attend this kind of workshop again later in the future. It's also a good course for students and graduates to attend.
Till then...daaaaaaa
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Makan Roti Lorrrrrr
Today patut cuti (since yesterday) but have to come coz nak kena settle kan pasal ICSA exam fees and so forth. Penat gak ke sana sini. Pastu Hasrul datang around 9.30 am to discuss on final project. dia ngan Piad je asyik sokmo kena REDO from proposal pastu Literature Review, then questionnaire pulak pastu methodology. Bukanlah susah mana pun. Tulah...taknak selalu datang untuk consultation dengan project supervisor...kan dah susah...ado2 yo...tak dapek mak nak nolong ah...Lain kali buat lagi...dan lagi...dan lagi...Nasib baik tak kena rotan.
Pastu key in kan survey data untuk MQA students ICSA. Penat gak nak buat ni dahla kadang2 network buat hal...rasa macam nak pecah kepala je biar terburai segala isi otak...baru senang hati. Dalam pukul 2 ptg tu terus gi Jusco (bukan nak shopping ek) nak claim rebate ni ah. Pergi sorang2 je naik LRT (Ila cuti)...nasib baik I pun cuti so takdela orang nak kecoh2 (suka2 hati je nak keluar masuk macam company ni aku yang punye ahaks...). Claim ni on behalf of my sister coz dia yang bawak keta tu (walau pun keta tu mak yang punya...tapi tak bawak...huhuhuhuhu...sejarah hitam...heheheehe...takla hitam sangat...separuh hitam jek...tapi lemah semangat tahap ultraman tuh...). Sampai je post office...umang aiiii ramai la pulak manusia ingatkan time2 dah kol 2.30 ni takde dah orang...dahla pulak nombor turn 1297 (nombor pada masa tu pulak 1277)...haduiii lemah pinggang nak tunggu lama-lama ni...(takpe sabar yolah...). At last, Alhamdulillah, my turn...dapek la mak meng "claim" kan rebate...eemmm my sister will be coming to our house tonight...nak mintak upah...Ija jangan lupa upah menjalankan tanggungjwab yang penuh dedikasi ni...ahaks...hahahahahaah (lenguh lutut tu berdiri)
Balik ofis sampai around 3.30 (siap budget time tuh)...kira kalah lari pecut tahap kampung den ni pikir la sendiri...(dari opis kol 2 pas tu sampai opis kol 3.30)...berapo lamo to mak amik untuk ulang alik Jusco ke opis??? ahahahahahaha
Sambungla buat keja...lapar la pulak...patutnye tadi masa nak balik from Jusco singgah mana2 kedai makan (koman2 McD or KFC ke...riak...taknak pulak..kan dah kebulur)...nasib baikla ada roti twiggies pagi tadi ni ah beli kat LRT pandan jaya...alahhh bedal je la...dah tahap lapar gila (gila pun tak macam aku wakakakakka)...belasah je roti tu (anggap la tengah makan KFC original huhuuhu)...sedap gak. Walaupun engkau hanya sekadar roti...tapi memang sedap huhuhuhu (tengah kebulur memangla kata sedap...cuba ada makanan lagi sedap...roti pun bungkus jek...buat2 tak nampak)
Esok nak pergi entrepreneur conference (2 hari) kat Kelana Jaya...morning till evening....yeayyyyy seronot gak dapat jalan2 keluar ni walaupun setakat gi conference...tapi untuk menambah ilmu (bukan ilmu silat hatta ilmu alam ye...)...(mentang2 la mengajar Knowledge Management..cakap pun dah ala2 merapu..wakakakkaaa...takpe)...
OK la..till then...adioss..Salam
Friday, March 13, 2009
Hari yang Mendung
Salam and good day all
Pagi ni hujan lebat jugak nasib baik bawak payung (walaupun payung tu comel...macam tuan dia jugak..ahaks haks haks...sekali sekala perasan apa salahnya). Sampai je kat ofis first thing was to photostate exam entry forms and money order for ICSA students (banyak gak nak copy ni). Dah settle satu then photostate pulak exam form nak bagi kat budak2 ICSA yang belum lagi buat payment. Tengah khusyuk buat kerja (sambil layan lagu kat pc) datangla Athiera and Baby nak bagi money order. Pastu ada technical error diorang silap buat payment then I asked them to add another money order for basic entry fee. Sesambil diorang filled in the form, kitorang pun gossip2 la...(layan pagi2 sambil ditemani oleh sound effect hujan yang lebat..nasib baik takde guruh kalo tak hhuuuuu....takutttt). Before diorang keluar I gave them satu bekas coklat (candy from Langkawi my sister bought when she was having trip with husband). Dengan bekas2 sekali tu diorang bawak...ish ish ish (Baby jangan lupa bekas tu kasik isi ek pulangkan...wakakakakakak..just joking..huhuhu)
Since morning memang tak boleh nak concentrate keja hakiki pun coz back-to-back students ICSA-PDCA Sem 3 (yang tengah cuti khas) nak bagi money order and isi borang exam. Ramai jugak nak melayan...(rasa macam artis pun ada gak yela sorang2 mintak tolong cek borang...walaupun tak mintak sign tapi rasa glamer gak la ramai nak jumpa...heheheheeh). Sheeba met me asking my help to check on her cover letter for Internship. Pastu sembang2 sket la dengan dia. Azit datang nak amik quiz BUS 202A (Chapter 3 & 4). At first I saw him quite stressed coz tengah nak buat ayat then I found that he tried hard to memorize what he has read then I told him that he can open the book since it's an open-book quiz (saje je nak tolong students, takla stress sangat dengan banyak quiz plus project lagi). Then barula si Azit ni lega skit muka dia. While dia tengah buat kuiz still ada lagi students datang nak buat payment exam.
Dah settle 1, turn budak2 final project pulak datang. Aza and Zehan then came Kina to check on the draft of Chapter 3 research methodology. Hemm...diorang punye dah ok dah just nak amend on minor error. Then datang pulak Fadzli, Faris and Syafiqzaidi and Syafiq. Si Syafiq bagi tau Nazrul fah fly to Sabah...(ish tak sabar2 nak balik Sabah dahtu siap terbawak sekali part dia punye keja. Nasib baik dapat email kat Syafiq). It's noon (time nak lunch) tapi checking tak abis lagi so I just told Syafiq to email me the draft. Bertuah betul punye Piad, adake dia main letak draft Chapter 3 tu on my table kat bilik lagi 1 (bukan nak jumpa untuk checking...takpe nantila budak tu kena rotan...wakakakakkaka). Banyak betul dia and Hasrul kena amend (silap2 boleh redo ni..banyak part takde ni...hadoiiiiii)
Noon, with Zarila went to Jusco Maluri (tu jela tempat paling grand yang boleh mengulo..huhu). Round2 jap kat Jusco (walaupun dah boleh hafal dah tiap2 department tu apa yang ada...setakat cuci mata je...). Then fikir apa nak makan. Masing2 kata tak kisah...last2 went to Secret Recipe (most tempat makan full...maklumla tengah sale kan..). Survey jap kasut huhuhu. tungguu...akan ku beli kasut2 itu. Tak boleh lama2 kol 3 petang ni ada meeting projection for new sem...kena pergi ni (walau pun dalam email dia kata semua koordinator di JEMPUT hadir..tapi Dekan dah suruh datang...kena datang tuh...dah jadi WAJIB..hehehehe). I had Fish & Chip plus Iced Chocolate and Ila had her Spaghetti and Ice Lemon Tea. Today I belanja Ila makan...tengok dia pun tengah stress (esok dia punye exam untuk EMBA course dia) plus dengan dia tengah bengang dengan seseorang...huhuhu...(takut kalo dia tengah bad mood beb...)
Pastu sampai ofis pukul 2.30 (fuiyooo kira tula time paling awal kitorang balik ofis...hahahaha). Then check email so takde apa2 yang baru...Okla nak gi meeting ni...kang tak dapat lak apa2 information first-hand.
Til then...daaaaaaa
Pagi ni hujan lebat jugak nasib baik bawak payung (walaupun payung tu comel...macam tuan dia jugak..ahaks haks haks...sekali sekala perasan apa salahnya). Sampai je kat ofis first thing was to photostate exam entry forms and money order for ICSA students (banyak gak nak copy ni). Dah settle satu then photostate pulak exam form nak bagi kat budak2 ICSA yang belum lagi buat payment. Tengah khusyuk buat kerja (sambil layan lagu kat pc) datangla Athiera and Baby nak bagi money order. Pastu ada technical error diorang silap buat payment then I asked them to add another money order for basic entry fee. Sesambil diorang filled in the form, kitorang pun gossip2 la...(layan pagi2 sambil ditemani oleh sound effect hujan yang lebat..nasib baik takde guruh kalo tak hhuuuuu....takutttt). Before diorang keluar I gave them satu bekas coklat (candy from Langkawi my sister bought when she was having trip with husband). Dengan bekas2 sekali tu diorang bawak...ish ish ish (Baby jangan lupa bekas tu kasik isi ek pulangkan...wakakakakakak..just joking..huhuhu)
Since morning memang tak boleh nak concentrate keja hakiki pun coz back-to-back students ICSA-PDCA Sem 3 (yang tengah cuti khas) nak bagi money order and isi borang exam. Ramai jugak nak melayan...(rasa macam artis pun ada gak yela sorang2 mintak tolong cek borang...walaupun tak mintak sign tapi rasa glamer gak la ramai nak jumpa...heheheheeh). Sheeba met me asking my help to check on her cover letter for Internship. Pastu sembang2 sket la dengan dia. Azit datang nak amik quiz BUS 202A (Chapter 3 & 4). At first I saw him quite stressed coz tengah nak buat ayat then I found that he tried hard to memorize what he has read then I told him that he can open the book since it's an open-book quiz (saje je nak tolong students, takla stress sangat dengan banyak quiz plus project lagi). Then barula si Azit ni lega skit muka dia. While dia tengah buat kuiz still ada lagi students datang nak buat payment exam.
Dah settle 1, turn budak2 final project pulak datang. Aza and Zehan then came Kina to check on the draft of Chapter 3 research methodology. Hemm...diorang punye dah ok dah just nak amend on minor error. Then datang pulak Fadzli, Faris and Syafiqzaidi and Syafiq. Si Syafiq bagi tau Nazrul fah fly to Sabah...(ish tak sabar2 nak balik Sabah dahtu siap terbawak sekali part dia punye keja. Nasib baik dapat email kat Syafiq). It's noon (time nak lunch) tapi checking tak abis lagi so I just told Syafiq to email me the draft. Bertuah betul punye Piad, adake dia main letak draft Chapter 3 tu on my table kat bilik lagi 1 (bukan nak jumpa untuk checking...takpe nantila budak tu kena rotan...wakakakakkaka). Banyak betul dia and Hasrul kena amend (silap2 boleh redo ni..banyak part takde ni...hadoiiiiii)
Noon, with Zarila went to Jusco Maluri (tu jela tempat paling grand yang boleh mengulo..huhu). Round2 jap kat Jusco (walaupun dah boleh hafal dah tiap2 department tu apa yang ada...setakat cuci mata je...). Then fikir apa nak makan. Masing2 kata tak kisah...last2 went to Secret Recipe (most tempat makan full...maklumla tengah sale kan..). Survey jap kasut huhuhu. tungguu...akan ku beli kasut2 itu. Tak boleh lama2 kol 3 petang ni ada meeting projection for new sem...kena pergi ni (walau pun dalam email dia kata semua koordinator di JEMPUT hadir..tapi Dekan dah suruh datang...kena datang tuh...dah jadi WAJIB..hehehehe). I had Fish & Chip plus Iced Chocolate and Ila had her Spaghetti and Ice Lemon Tea. Today I belanja Ila makan...tengok dia pun tengah stress (esok dia punye exam untuk EMBA course dia) plus dengan dia tengah bengang dengan seseorang...huhuhu...(takut kalo dia tengah bad mood beb...)
Pastu sampai ofis pukul 2.30 (fuiyooo kira tula time paling awal kitorang balik ofis...hahahaha). Then check email so takde apa2 yang baru...Okla nak gi meeting ni...kang tak dapat lak apa2 information first-hand.
Til then...daaaaaaa
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Salam and good day all
Hadooiiiii....dah start balik dah sakit. My tonsil dah bengkak balik plus with flu and fever. Ni yang tak best ni. Since yesterday dah start batuk then terus sampai malam. Nak tido pun susah (tension beb bila dah kena sakit tonsil ni...Tuhan je yang tau). Mana dengan migrain yang makin menjadi-jadi. Tapi bila ada orang yang tak faham pastu siap cakap "you ni asyik sakit je..." memangla dia manusia yang tak pernah rasa sakit atau pun kerja dia memang tak pernah nak rasa apa itu sakit???? (takpela...what I can say biarla Tuhan tunjukkan kat orang tu...biar lagi sakit....padan muka). Ada gak yang tanya migrain ni takkan tak boleh hilang?...Easier said than done la beb...sekali kena memangla azab rasa...bukan macam pening kepala biasa..Then ingat nak amik MC je for today's class tapi memikirkan banyak class jugakla nak kena attend so terpaksala meng"cancel" kan niat untuk MC. Hassle gak nak kena replace class dahla time takde yang banyak free.
Pergi jela class since pagi tadi sampai kol 4.30 petang tadi...tak larat dah nak carry on till pukul 5.00....sampai nak pecah tekak ni (sakit gile). Tapi adala pulak sorang student ni Nadia Vun bengkak I pun bagi taula yang dia nak kena beguk...pastu ramaila pulak yang confused apa kebenda la beguk tu..siap ada yang cakap benguk la...bongok la..wkakakakaka...alah benda ni kan satu jenis penyakit...almaklumla budak2 ni kan lahir zaman IT yang serba canggih ni so penyakit pun jenis yang canggih2, tak kenal penyakit2 tradisional ni...ahaks. So tengok si Nadia Vun ni dah panik la yela baru kena penyakit no so I pun bagila skit tips nak ubat sakit ni (kira doktor tak bertauliah la ni..huhuhu).
Habis class straight ke PC nak print quiz 3 for virtual class nak bagi esok. Maybe buat open book kot coz nak tolong bebudak ni jugak. Yela kalo asyik bagi kuiz biasa2 yang tak open nanti stress pulak bebudak ni nak kena membaca je bagi diorang relak sikitla. Tolong up kan markah performance diorang...tapi what I can see overall so far they perform and participate well in the class..cuma adala timing diorang ni notty2 gitu dalam class....budak2 la katakan...layannnnnn
Rasa lambat pulak nak balik nih...dahla tahap gigil gila tahap gaban dah ni...heemm tak tau lagi whether nak MC ke tak esok (tengok keadaan tahap kecerdasan mental dan fizikal..huhuhu)...kalo larat datangla keja...tapi kalo dah tahap nak pengsan so amik jela MC cik Nit oit...
Till then...adioss...wassalam
Hadooiiiii....dah start balik dah sakit. My tonsil dah bengkak balik plus with flu and fever. Ni yang tak best ni. Since yesterday dah start batuk then terus sampai malam. Nak tido pun susah (tension beb bila dah kena sakit tonsil ni...Tuhan je yang tau). Mana dengan migrain yang makin menjadi-jadi. Tapi bila ada orang yang tak faham pastu siap cakap "you ni asyik sakit je..." memangla dia manusia yang tak pernah rasa sakit atau pun kerja dia memang tak pernah nak rasa apa itu sakit???? (takpela...what I can say biarla Tuhan tunjukkan kat orang tu...biar lagi sakit....padan muka). Ada gak yang tanya migrain ni takkan tak boleh hilang?...Easier said than done la beb...sekali kena memangla azab rasa...bukan macam pening kepala biasa..Then ingat nak amik MC je for today's class tapi memikirkan banyak class jugakla nak kena attend so terpaksala meng"cancel" kan niat untuk MC. Hassle gak nak kena replace class dahla time takde yang banyak free.
Pergi jela class since pagi tadi sampai kol 4.30 petang tadi...tak larat dah nak carry on till pukul 5.00....sampai nak pecah tekak ni (sakit gile). Tapi adala pulak sorang student ni Nadia Vun bengkak I pun bagi taula yang dia nak kena beguk...pastu ramaila pulak yang confused apa kebenda la beguk tu..siap ada yang cakap benguk la...bongok la..wkakakakaka...alah benda ni kan satu jenis penyakit...almaklumla budak2 ni kan lahir zaman IT yang serba canggih ni so penyakit pun jenis yang canggih2, tak kenal penyakit2 tradisional ni...ahaks. So tengok si Nadia Vun ni dah panik la yela baru kena penyakit no so I pun bagila skit tips nak ubat sakit ni (kira doktor tak bertauliah la ni..huhuhu).
Habis class straight ke PC nak print quiz 3 for virtual class nak bagi esok. Maybe buat open book kot coz nak tolong bebudak ni jugak. Yela kalo asyik bagi kuiz biasa2 yang tak open nanti stress pulak bebudak ni nak kena membaca je bagi diorang relak sikitla. Tolong up kan markah performance diorang...tapi what I can see overall so far they perform and participate well in the class..cuma adala timing diorang ni notty2 gitu dalam class....budak2 la katakan...layannnnnn
Rasa lambat pulak nak balik nih...dahla tahap gigil gila tahap gaban dah ni...heemm tak tau lagi whether nak MC ke tak esok (tengok keadaan tahap kecerdasan mental dan fizikal..huhuhu)...kalo larat datangla keja...tapi kalo dah tahap nak pengsan so amik jela MC cik Nit oit...
Till then...adioss...wassalam
Friday, March 6, 2009
Thanks Aza & Zehan for the Chocolate
Then, started to brief Chapter 3 together with Fatin & Izyan. I showed them sample of Chapter 3 and what to be included in it. I asked them to prepare as a draft first and then let me check for approval. I explained to them that this chapter is quite easy and not much hassle in preparing it. So I gave them 1 week to prepare chapter 3.
About 2 pm (supposedly ada class Virtual tapi sebab lapar bangat - baru je dapat break and lunch - so I informed students that class will begin a bit late - and diorang pun ok gak coz ada gak yang baru nak makan). So, me and Ila tried a new cafe in front of our office (dulu kedai buku - tapi dah open new cafe). Cafe tu nama dia IRC, so try la makan kat situ...heemm...ok la (for first time attempt). The price is affordable and sesuai la jugak untuk students kat situ coz ada wifi. At least ok gak adala 1 cafe untuk bumiputera coz sebelah dia chinese cafe. Then straight to class...bebudak semua buat presentation (group presentation). Tapi ada 2 group lagi yang tak buat (ada problem skit) so I asked them to present next week.
The whole day yesterday was quite tiresome...banyak kerja back-to-back. But, it's ok, as long as we know how to prioritize our job, right???
About 2 pm (supposedly ada class Virtual tapi sebab lapar bangat - baru je dapat break and lunch - so I informed students that class will begin a bit late - and diorang pun ok gak coz ada gak yang baru nak makan). So, me and Ila tried a new cafe in front of our office (dulu kedai buku - tapi dah open new cafe). Cafe tu nama dia IRC, so try la makan kat situ...heemm...ok la (for first time attempt). The price is affordable and sesuai la jugak untuk students kat situ coz ada wifi. At least ok gak adala 1 cafe untuk bumiputera coz sebelah dia chinese cafe. Then straight to class...bebudak semua buat presentation (group presentation). Tapi ada 2 group lagi yang tak buat (ada problem skit) so I asked them to present next week.
The whole day yesterday was quite tiresome...banyak kerja back-to-back. But, it's ok, as long as we know how to prioritize our job, right???
Balik keja Alhamdulillah jalan tak jam...very smooth...heemm best tuh. Bas gerak dalam pukul 7pm then reached home about 8pm (normal time la tuh...). Penat sangat badan, terus zzzzzz
Tilll then, adios..tata
Tilll then, adios..tata
Friday, February 27, 2009
Hari ni ada kursus
Salam and good day all
Heem...pagi tadi pegi keja hujan (gerimis mengundang...huhuhu)...sampai kat ofis je hari nampak gelap. Ni pun tengah mendung (berarak mendung kelabu...cewah macam lagu pulak...hihihi). Jap2 lagi nak gi kursus pasal nak buat diploma baru under my department (InsyaAllah)...cadangan nak buat Diploma in Human Resource and Diploma in Entrepreneur yang telah dicadangkan oleh Rector. Hopefully everything's going on fine. Bagus jugak nak offer these 2 courses coz it's important in any organization we work. As well as nowadays people are more into business and entrepreneurship is one way in helping us to become successful entrepreneur. Kursus ni nak bincang on the program objective and program outcome of these course. To see the relevancy and justification to the market.
Kursus ni starting today sampai esok tu (28/2/09..Saturday) tapi nasib baik dapat unrecorded leave (tapi problemnya tak taula pulak bila nak ambik unrecorded leave ni...huhuhuhuhu...). Takpela bila2 pun ada kan..kan..kan..(InsyaAllah).
Nak cerita skit pasal semalam. Petang balik tetiba nak gi Sogo saje je round2 tengok kasut (apa lagi dah itu satu kewajipan...wakakakaka)...pastu tengok pulak kat tempat beg guess...alamak ada beg barula pulak...ish...ish...ish...kena bagitau Zarila gak ni...tapi nanti2 la...Then pegi kat grocery nak beli roti and few things. Lama gak la round2 kat tempat grocery tu macam2 benda tengok...saje cuci mata yang rabun ni ahaks...haks...haks...Pastu tengok jam...time to go home bebeh...once dah settle bayar nak keluar je alamak...terpandang pulak Auntie's Ann punye kedai (bila pulak Sogo ni ada Auntie's aku yang tak perasan...huhuhu) yang best ni dahla lama tak makan pretzel dia yang sedap. Apa lagi tanpa berlengah2 dan membuang masa yang memang cepat betul berlalu ni, I went to the counter and tapaula pretzel apa lagi. I bought my favorite flavor...cinnamon pretzel...nyum...nyum...nyum...tak sabar nak sampai umah nak makan (perut pun dah buat irama ghazal untuk rabiah dah ni...huhuhu).

Keluar Sogo je alamak hujan la pulak (boleh tahan lebatla jugak...hadoi payung tak bawak pulak). Ah belasah je la jalan dalam hujan (nak buat camne beb...takkan nak tercangak kat LRT station Sogo tu...lenguh kaki mak dengan high heels ni...kejang dah tumit). Pastu nak tunggu cab pun punyela azab sengsara (tapi terpaksala berdiri dengan vogue dan muka yang comel...ahaks..wakakakakaka...perasan sendiri takpe...). Adalah lebih kurang 1/2 hour waiting for the cab at last Alhamdulillah dapat jugak. Nak on the way back to my beloved home kat Selayang ni pun jenuh gak nak sampai coz hujan dan jalan jam tak ingat. Nak ilangkan boring abang cab pun bukakla cerita2 semasa....(layannnnnn...ok gak sekali-sekala kan takla boring senyap bisu je dalam cab...huhuhu). 1 hour je on the road...lenguh dah pinggang nak duduk tapi takpela asalkan dapat sampai rumah (tak sabar nak makan pretzel kesayangan ni ahahahaha). Alhamdulillah I reached home safe and sound around 8 pm. Basahla jugak baju. Sampai je umah letak beg segala benda...terus makan pretzel...huuiiiiiiiiiiiiii sedapnyee (macam 10 tahun tak rasa...wakakakakaakaka). Buat pulak milo huiii lagila beshhhhhhh. Alhamdulillah kenyang.
Lepak2 jap baca paper and tengok news. Tetiba rasa sakit kepala...dah dtg migrain terus makan ubat then tido. Tapi tak boleh tido sangat badan dah start seram sejuk...rasa nak demam dah. Kepala makin denyut2...haduiii. Janganlah demam, tak suka...tak best pun. Lagipun keesokannya nak keja ada kursus kena attend. Kejap tido pastu bangun balik...tido pastu bangun balik...boring tol...time makin laju je berjalan....tak sukeeeeeeee...Pasang mp3 layan lagu..pastu at last....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Till then...adios
Heem...pagi tadi pegi keja hujan (gerimis mengundang...huhuhu)...sampai kat ofis je hari nampak gelap. Ni pun tengah mendung (berarak mendung kelabu...cewah macam lagu pulak...hihihi). Jap2 lagi nak gi kursus pasal nak buat diploma baru under my department (InsyaAllah)...cadangan nak buat Diploma in Human Resource and Diploma in Entrepreneur yang telah dicadangkan oleh Rector. Hopefully everything's going on fine. Bagus jugak nak offer these 2 courses coz it's important in any organization we work. As well as nowadays people are more into business and entrepreneurship is one way in helping us to become successful entrepreneur. Kursus ni nak bincang on the program objective and program outcome of these course. To see the relevancy and justification to the market.
Kursus ni starting today sampai esok tu (28/2/09..Saturday) tapi nasib baik dapat unrecorded leave (tapi problemnya tak taula pulak bila nak ambik unrecorded leave ni...huhuhuhuhu...). Takpela bila2 pun ada kan..kan..kan..(InsyaAllah).
Nak cerita skit pasal semalam. Petang balik tetiba nak gi Sogo saje je round2 tengok kasut (apa lagi dah itu satu kewajipan...wakakakaka)...pastu tengok pulak kat tempat beg guess...alamak ada beg barula pulak...ish...ish...ish...kena bagitau Zarila gak ni...tapi nanti2 la...Then pegi kat grocery nak beli roti and few things. Lama gak la round2 kat tempat grocery tu macam2 benda tengok...saje cuci mata yang rabun ni ahaks...haks...haks...Pastu tengok jam...time to go home bebeh...once dah settle bayar nak keluar je alamak...terpandang pulak Auntie's Ann punye kedai (bila pulak Sogo ni ada Auntie's aku yang tak perasan...huhuhu) yang best ni dahla lama tak makan pretzel dia yang sedap. Apa lagi tanpa berlengah2 dan membuang masa yang memang cepat betul berlalu ni, I went to the counter and tapaula pretzel apa lagi. I bought my favorite flavor...cinnamon pretzel...nyum...nyum...nyum...tak sabar nak sampai umah nak makan (perut pun dah buat irama ghazal untuk rabiah dah ni...huhuhu).
Keluar Sogo je alamak hujan la pulak (boleh tahan lebatla jugak...hadoi payung tak bawak pulak). Ah belasah je la jalan dalam hujan (nak buat camne beb...takkan nak tercangak kat LRT station Sogo tu...lenguh kaki mak dengan high heels ni...kejang dah tumit). Pastu nak tunggu cab pun punyela azab sengsara (tapi terpaksala berdiri dengan vogue dan muka yang comel...ahaks..wakakakakaka...perasan sendiri takpe...). Adalah lebih kurang 1/2 hour waiting for the cab at last Alhamdulillah dapat jugak. Nak on the way back to my beloved home kat Selayang ni pun jenuh gak nak sampai coz hujan dan jalan jam tak ingat. Nak ilangkan boring abang cab pun bukakla cerita2 semasa....(layannnnnn...ok gak sekali-sekala kan takla boring senyap bisu je dalam cab...huhuhu). 1 hour je on the road...lenguh dah pinggang nak duduk tapi takpela asalkan dapat sampai rumah (tak sabar nak makan pretzel kesayangan ni ahahahaha). Alhamdulillah I reached home safe and sound around 8 pm. Basahla jugak baju. Sampai je umah letak beg segala benda...terus makan pretzel...huuiiiiiiiiiiiiii sedapnyee (macam 10 tahun tak rasa...wakakakakaakaka). Buat pulak milo huiii lagila beshhhhhhh. Alhamdulillah kenyang.
Lepak2 jap baca paper and tengok news. Tetiba rasa sakit kepala...dah dtg migrain terus makan ubat then tido. Tapi tak boleh tido sangat badan dah start seram sejuk...rasa nak demam dah. Kepala makin denyut2...haduiii. Janganlah demam, tak suka...tak best pun. Lagipun keesokannya nak keja ada kursus kena attend. Kejap tido pastu bangun balik...tido pastu bangun balik...boring tol...time makin laju je berjalan....tak sukeeeeeeee...Pasang mp3 layan lagu..pastu at last....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Till then...adios
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Cerita Hantu
Salam and good day all
Yesterday around 2 pm chico, umar and acap came to see me discussing on their final project. shahir and umar punya group (acap sebagai pak pacak je...wakakakakaka)...chico and umar showed their questionnaire draft and it's good and clearly understood. So, I asked them to prepare in finalized format then can proceed to distribute the questionnaires to respondents.
Lepas checking diorang punya questionnaire, bebudak ni lepak2 la kejap in my room sambil bercerita-cerita macam2 ceritala tapi yang paling best best cerita hantu (ala2 keliwon la pulekk...huhuhu..seram dah ni). Masing2 pun berceritala kisah masing2 pasal hantu dan seangkatan dengannya. Tapi si chico ni la yang paling banyak cerita kisah2 experience dia dgn hantu2 ni...huhuhuhuhu...seram la pulak...dahla bilik kat hujung sekali tu....Best gak lepak ngan bebudak ni....
Si acap pulak tak abis2 ngan patah hati dia tu...(dah2 la tu acap...tak payah nak patah2 lagi hati tu...). Daripada last semester sampaila ni tak sudah2 dgn conflict dia tu. Bila tanya dia kata conflict...apa yang conflict pun tak taula. Lupa pulak pesanan kat acap semalam (acap...jangan lupa kek sedap yang you janji nak bagi tu...sebelum grad tau..heheheheeh). Tapi tak lama la pun lepak2 coz pas tu gi makan jap (daripada pagi tak makan apa2). Then keluar ngan zarila gi jusco maluri makan kat Black Canyon. Then back to office continue working.
Petangnya pulak nak balik nak dekat pukul 6 ptg dah...pergi la toilet dulu. Masa dalam toilet tu dahla sunyi semacam (nasib baik pasang lampu)...tup...tup...tetiba lampu off (gelap pulak tetiba...hadui ni yang dah seriau ni...seram pulak tetiba)....sape pulak yang tutup lampu ni...gelap dah lain macam (walaupun kat luar tu mendung...huhuhu)...fuhh nasib baik bukan cerita seram....rupa-rupanya pak guard yang tutup lampu...dia dah siap sedia nak kunci office tingkat atas dah (hadui lemah semangat macam nak runtuh jantung ni...huhuhuhu)
Itula ceritanya...lain kali taknak la cerita2 hantu time2 petang...menyeramkan jiwa raga je...
Yesterday around 2 pm chico, umar and acap came to see me discussing on their final project. shahir and umar punya group (acap sebagai pak pacak je...wakakakakaka)...chico and umar showed their questionnaire draft and it's good and clearly understood. So, I asked them to prepare in finalized format then can proceed to distribute the questionnaires to respondents.
Lepas checking diorang punya questionnaire, bebudak ni lepak2 la kejap in my room sambil bercerita-cerita macam2 ceritala tapi yang paling best best cerita hantu (ala2 keliwon la pulekk...huhuhu..seram dah ni). Masing2 pun berceritala kisah masing2 pasal hantu dan seangkatan dengannya. Tapi si chico ni la yang paling banyak cerita kisah2 experience dia dgn hantu2 ni...huhuhuhuhu...seram la pulak...dahla bilik kat hujung sekali tu....Best gak lepak ngan bebudak ni....
Si acap pulak tak abis2 ngan patah hati dia tu...(dah2 la tu acap...tak payah nak patah2 lagi hati tu...). Daripada last semester sampaila ni tak sudah2 dgn conflict dia tu. Bila tanya dia kata conflict...apa yang conflict pun tak taula. Lupa pulak pesanan kat acap semalam (acap...jangan lupa kek sedap yang you janji nak bagi tu...sebelum grad tau..heheheheeh). Tapi tak lama la pun lepak2 coz pas tu gi makan jap (daripada pagi tak makan apa2). Then keluar ngan zarila gi jusco maluri makan kat Black Canyon. Then back to office continue working.
Petangnya pulak nak balik nak dekat pukul 6 ptg dah...pergi la toilet dulu. Masa dalam toilet tu dahla sunyi semacam (nasib baik pasang lampu)...tup...tup...tetiba lampu off (gelap pulak tetiba...hadui ni yang dah seriau ni...seram pulak tetiba)....sape pulak yang tutup lampu ni...gelap dah lain macam (walaupun kat luar tu mendung...huhuhu)...fuhh nasib baik bukan cerita seram....rupa-rupanya pak guard yang tutup lampu...dia dah siap sedia nak kunci office tingkat atas dah (hadui lemah semangat macam nak runtuh jantung ni...huhuhuhu)
Itula ceritanya...lain kali taknak la cerita2 hantu time2 petang...menyeramkan jiwa raga je...
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Faiz dan langsir
Salam and good day all
Yesterday I have a CAT class (paper 5) with section 4. Hemm...tengah2 buat lecture tu adala bagi 1 contoh untuk relate dengan topic yang diajar...entah macam mana si Faiz ni boleh pulak cakap "ada orang tu pakai baju kain langsir...huuhuhu"...Mau tak gelak satu class. Si Faiz ni muka seposen selamba je buat lawak...hai si adik manis pun sudah malu2 kucing gitu..ahaks...tapi yela just gurau2 manja la gitu...memang happening la semalam...pas satu...satu lawak dibuatnye...tak kering gusi nak gelak. At least yesterday takla tension sangat even banyak keja nak kena pikir.
Petang ni pulak (baru je abis class) Shaiful Rozlan pulak tetiba lain macam je perangai dia...selalu tak pulak macam tu dalam kelas...tetiba ari ni macam aktif and participate confident je dalam class (cewah...bagus la tu...)....Kitorang pun ala2 macam pelik la pulak...bebudak class pulak siap cakap..."Miss kena jaga2 Rozlan tu, lain macam je...ahahahahahaaha..." Apa2 pun...the class is fun...
Till then..tata
Yesterday I have a CAT class (paper 5) with section 4. Hemm...tengah2 buat lecture tu adala bagi 1 contoh untuk relate dengan topic yang diajar...entah macam mana si Faiz ni boleh pulak cakap "ada orang tu pakai baju kain langsir...huuhuhu"...Mau tak gelak satu class. Si Faiz ni muka seposen selamba je buat lawak...hai si adik manis pun sudah malu2 kucing gitu..ahaks...tapi yela just gurau2 manja la gitu...memang happening la semalam...pas satu...satu lawak dibuatnye...tak kering gusi nak gelak. At least yesterday takla tension sangat even banyak keja nak kena pikir.
Petang ni pulak (baru je abis class) Shaiful Rozlan pulak tetiba lain macam je perangai dia...selalu tak pulak macam tu dalam kelas...tetiba ari ni macam aktif and participate confident je dalam class (cewah...bagus la tu...)....Kitorang pun ala2 macam pelik la pulak...bebudak class pulak siap cakap..."Miss kena jaga2 Rozlan tu, lain macam je...ahahahahahaaha..." Apa2 pun...the class is fun...
Till then..tata
Kenangan Bersama
Salam and good day all
Suddenly remember all the memories I have with sheeba and fara last semesters...been some of places: sunway pyramid, pavilion, midvalley, OU (to name a few)...we had such a very good time hanging out together, chit-chatting and making fun...
This picture was taken when we're at OU having lunch (masing2 perut tengah kebulur...tapi diorang ni sempat pulak post maut...siap ada rantai lagi...huhuhu)...Dah makan semua kenyang tapi chicken wings plak x si sheeba la tapau bawak balik. Then we wandering around sampai sesat la jugak...then suddenly sheeba pergi jumpa anak sedara dia yang comel tu. So me and farah jalan2 kat mark & spencer so I bought them lotion each one. Then while waiting sheeba date dengan anak sedara dia, me and farah lepak2 kejap at starbucks. After that we watched movie (cerita seram tuh..huhuhuhu...tapi tak seram pun...boleh la).
At late night nak balik kitorang boleh sesat nak cari car park...suma kedai dah tutup, lampu pun dah separuh off...kitorang pun gelabah la...sheeba nak nangis...takut tu tak jumpa keta nak balik...huhuhu...(taubat la lain kali taknak gi OU dah...)
What a memories...lama tak jalan2 ngan diorang ni...heemm...wonder bila lg nak jalan2...miss them so much....
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
This morning I gave a group work to BUS 312 students. I asked them to prepare brief report about virtual team tools and gave them questions to answer. Some of the students were absent and I inform the class not to allow those absent to be in the group...
Then, this evening while I was having a snack, the "PAKATAN" (en. awang, amar, hafiz, sharul, wira, asri) led by saufi (the only pakatan member present in class...huhuhu) met me to apologize for being absent...hemmm. They wanted me to give them assignment...well looking at their effort to come and see me to apologize and explain about the absence then, I decided to give them the questions and also reminder for them not to repeat in the future...or marks...heheeheheh
Continued on my work preparing on teaching notes.
That's all...till then...tata
Then, this evening while I was having a snack, the "PAKATAN" (en. awang, amar, hafiz, sharul, wira, asri) led by saufi (the only pakatan member present in class...huhuhu) met me to apologize for being absent...hemmm. They wanted me to give them assignment...well looking at their effort to come and see me to apologize and explain about the absence then, I decided to give them the questions and also reminder for them not to repeat in the future...or marks...heheeheheh
Continued on my work preparing on teaching notes.
That's all...till then...tata
Monday, February 16, 2009
What a Day
Salam and good day all
Hemm feels down today coz something happened and it has made me disappointed and sad. Well, let it be silent with the passing of time.
This evening had a meeting with our college Rector regarding some issues pertaining to academic. It was good to have this meeting since we can meet him personally and "clear the air" of some ambiguous matters. Hope what have been discussed will be carried out effectively. Insyaallah.
Not to forget, congratulations to Syakirah Azmi, Fikri and Ridhwan for passing their CAT exam. Very proud of you. Wish you will good luck and success in pursuing your next move. (Still remember all those former CAT students and other students that I have taught...wonder what are they doing right now).
Erni, have you decided on your choice?...Well, grab the opportunity (it's once-in-a-lifetime chance)...Insyaallah there'll be a better prospect there. Go for it. Nana, how's the new house?...When to invite me for your house-warming party...heheheeheheh...
I'm bringing home BUS 202A quiz 1 (chapter 1) to mark. Insyaallah if I manage to complete all the markings, then, I'll return the quiz to my students tomorrow and discuss on the answers.
That's all...till then...salam
Hemm feels down today coz something happened and it has made me disappointed and sad. Well, let it be silent with the passing of time.
This evening had a meeting with our college Rector regarding some issues pertaining to academic. It was good to have this meeting since we can meet him personally and "clear the air" of some ambiguous matters. Hope what have been discussed will be carried out effectively. Insyaallah.
Not to forget, congratulations to Syakirah Azmi, Fikri and Ridhwan for passing their CAT exam. Very proud of you. Wish you will good luck and success in pursuing your next move. (Still remember all those former CAT students and other students that I have taught...wonder what are they doing right now).
Erni, have you decided on your choice?...Well, grab the opportunity (it's once-in-a-lifetime chance)...Insyaallah there'll be a better prospect there. Go for it. Nana, how's the new house?...When to invite me for your house-warming party...heheheeheheh...
I'm bringing home BUS 202A quiz 1 (chapter 1) to mark. Insyaallah if I manage to complete all the markings, then, I'll return the quiz to my students tomorrow and discuss on the answers.
That's all...till then...salam
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Raining Cats and Dogs
Salam and good day
It has been a while I did not update my blog. Yeah since the classes have began plus other work to do but it's ok with me...that's my job and interest. So far Alhamdulillah, life passes by as usual even there're some ups and downs but it must go on and on for as long as I can stand...InsyaAllah.
It's raining cats and dogs heavily rain....emm wonder how to go back. Alhamdulillah I bring umbrella today or else it will be a messy wet all the way back home huhuhuhu....5 minutes more to go...waiting the clock ticking and ticking to 5.30. Plan of what to do at home....yeah continue marking the final research proposal...I have another 3 proposal to go. This Friday will be having a meeting with my project students to comment on their proposal and their progress on the literature review (LR). I hope everything's fine.
Got to go..til then..chioowwww
It has been a while I did not update my blog. Yeah since the classes have began plus other work to do but it's ok with me...that's my job and interest. So far Alhamdulillah, life passes by as usual even there're some ups and downs but it must go on and on for as long as I can stand...InsyaAllah.
It's raining cats and dogs heavily rain....emm wonder how to go back. Alhamdulillah I bring umbrella today or else it will be a messy wet all the way back home huhuhuhu....5 minutes more to go...waiting the clock ticking and ticking to 5.30. Plan of what to do at home....yeah continue marking the final research proposal...I have another 3 proposal to go. This Friday will be having a meeting with my project students to comment on their proposal and their progress on the literature review (LR). I hope everything's fine.
Got to go..til then..chioowwww
Monday, January 12, 2009
Beginning of the Class
Salam & good day all
I just finished my first class for the day - CAT class - Managing People and Systems class. There was a large number of students in my class (I teach section 2) - nearly 70 students in my class and all of them attended the class today. So I asked them to list their names together with their contact numbers. Well, since it was the first class, so I just having a briefing session and what not. About 3 pm I called off the day and will be seeing them tomorrow at 8.30 am class. They requested to start the class at 8.45 am for them to have's ok with me. They were quite far and hope they will maintain their good attitude throughout the semester.
Then, back in my room continuing updating my teaching module for CAT subject...some of the students wanted to have a copy of my module, so need to rush updating the module. Hopefully it can be finished within this week.
Not much to tell today....not in the good mood for "dancing" my fingers today on the keyboard..ahaks...need to settle my work first...start to busy now huhuhu
Before I end this short "story-telling"....want to wish RIDHWAN (my ex-CAT student)...a HAPPY BIRTHDAY...WAN HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U...WISH U A HAPPY AND JOYFUL DAY IN YOUR LIFE...see ya later...
Friday, January 9, 2009
Lunch tadi igt nak gi ambik kasut semalam tukar org tu xde gi solat me and ila went to jusco (mana lg nak gi...itu je tpt paling vogue kt cheras)...jalan2 kat jusco pas tu..mana lg nak mengulau...kt tpt kasut la...first went to vincci...hemm not bad kasut design (survery dulu beb..heheh)...pastu gi pulak kat primavera...jeng..jeng..jeng..ternampak a pair of shoes yg mmg cantik and looks sexy (high heels tuh..kaler hitam and cream)...bila test je..fuuhh mmg mengancam jiwa raga and menggoncang kalbu..huhuhu...testing dpn cermin...awek salesgirl senget jek kepala tgk (sengal tol...nak bergaya pun x buat dek je kes kan)....mmg lawa seh...tergoda habis dia mmg very the vogue and very modern look. 50% sale tuh...isk...isk..isk...pegang pas tu letak..pastu pegang balik...test lg...belek dpn cermin...(aku sudah tergudaaaaaaaaa....tolongggggg). mmg nak kena beli....Ila kata xpe sabar...sabar...kasut dah byk...cukup2 dulu (tp x boleh tahan godaan kasut itu...tidakkkkkk)...tunggu gaji bln ni..mintak2 adala lg stok...huhuhu....tungguuu...tapi mcm nak kena beli gak....tadi pun nak balik pun mcm sayang nye nak melepaskan kasut itu...huhuhuhu...oh kasut....oh tidak....tidak...tidakkkk
on the way back gi singgah jap kat pandan jaya...abang cobbler tu dah amik kasut...okla cun dah repair tumit...leh pakai next week...melaram kasut mana yg ada...
xpe...dpt gaji ni nanti jagola ekau wahai kasut primavera yg sexy dan menawan..akan ku belik ekau jugak...tunggguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
on the way back gi singgah jap kat pandan jaya...abang cobbler tu dah amik kasut...okla cun dah repair tumit...leh pakai next week...melaram kasut mana yg ada...
xpe...dpt gaji ni nanti jagola ekau wahai kasut primavera yg sexy dan menawan..akan ku belik ekau jugak...tunggguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Busy Day
Salam and good day all
Today my ICSA students (Matric, PDCA and IQS) registered until afternoon. I was involved in handling my grouping of students, informing them when the class will begin, etc...etc...suddenly my head was so dizzy and pain (non-stop since yesterday). The students came to see me to get their timetable but I haven't photostate them yet coz there's some adjustment to do and I told them I'll give them next week before the class begin. I've also informed them that I will be having briefing (by level) as soon as possible regarding the ICSA and their next thing to do. Especially for Matric level, I need to brief them in detail about their structure and coursework coz this sem (Sem 2) will be their final Sem before they can pursue to PDCA (if they successfully passed their exam in June 2009), Insyaallah.
I've decided to go the nearest clinic during lunch coz can't stand the pain (nak pengsan seh...2 hari x baik2). Sheeba came and we chit-chat for a while. She's here to make her clearance coz she's completed her DBIT course and she asked my opinion whether she needs to further degree or to work first. Well, I guess she knows what she wants to do for her next move, like I said to her previously, it's better to work to gain experience and explore new environment. You can study part-time or PJJ (it's just the matter of putting your morale and interest in doing what you are in). Same as what Ila said, work first to have that experience and learning yourself to be matured in facing challenging world outside as well as being independent. Who knows, there's good opportunity that we might never realize ahead of us...
Nearly 1 pm, accompanied with my best buddy (Ila), we went to Klinik Kita at Pandan Jaya. The doctor was so nice and warmth. She said that I have migrain, sore throat and flu and she said she's going to give the strongest antibody to release my pain. While checking my blood pressure, we have short conversation (borak2 kosong skit)...and Alhamdulillah my BP is ok. Then, few minutes after that the nurse called me and gave me the medicines. I was given antibody (the strongest one...x taula kuat mana..huhuhu), flu, for throat, for cough (all pills...isk...isk..isk...I really don't like to eat pills....). Total RM49.00 (lagi singgit yo nak 50 hinggit huhu..nasib baik leh claim...hehhehe). Tq my fren for taking me to the clinic...appreciate ur hospitality and assistance...
After that went to the cobbler to repair my shoes (5 pairs of tumit tu...). 1 pair of shoes costs more/less about RM4 to RM8 (huhuhuhuhu...ranap den....tula addicted sgt kat kasut...rasokan la...padan muko den sendiri...x serik lg tu nak beli lg pas ni...). I've decided to take the shoes tomorrow since Ila needs to meet her classmates to discuss their assignments for Master class. Back at the office, continued my work completing my department members' timetable and then give to the members for them to check. Hope everything's ok.
My next task was to schedule for resit exam for my Matric students which will be held on the 3rd week of January (Insyaallah) most probably by 19/1 - 21/1/09. I pray that they can do better for this resit exam and can continue their next study with other friends. By tonight or early morning tomorrow I need to sms/call them to inform the resit schedule and what they need to do before the resit exam. Tomorrow morning, I need to email to Kak Inazlina (AS'AD/Exam Unit) to schedule for the resit exam.
Now it's 4.45 pm. Sitting at my workstation in front of the pc...(termenung dan merenung monitor pc yg agak2 comel ada gambar kucing nih...x tau nak buat pe dah...). Head feels dizzy and pain...just took the pills and feels sleepy too (ok gak balik naik bus nanti leh tido sambil dgr mp3 hehehehe...). The road is starting to jam-pack, bz with so many vehicles (biasala kalau dah start skolah ni jalan back to normal la jam...huhuhuhu) and start to arrive home late...huhuhuhu. Tonight I want to sleep early coz the doctor said I haven't have enough rest and sleep that's why I got this flu and pain. Yeah she's's not that I don't want to but I need to settle my work then I can rest peacefully (hehehehe)...but it's ok...I like what I'm doing and thank to Allah for giving me good job for my survival (Amin...).....Till then, chiooowwww...
Today my ICSA students (Matric, PDCA and IQS) registered until afternoon. I was involved in handling my grouping of students, informing them when the class will begin, etc...etc...suddenly my head was so dizzy and pain (non-stop since yesterday). The students came to see me to get their timetable but I haven't photostate them yet coz there's some adjustment to do and I told them I'll give them next week before the class begin. I've also informed them that I will be having briefing (by level) as soon as possible regarding the ICSA and their next thing to do. Especially for Matric level, I need to brief them in detail about their structure and coursework coz this sem (Sem 2) will be their final Sem before they can pursue to PDCA (if they successfully passed their exam in June 2009), Insyaallah.
I've decided to go the nearest clinic during lunch coz can't stand the pain (nak pengsan seh...2 hari x baik2). Sheeba came and we chit-chat for a while. She's here to make her clearance coz she's completed her DBIT course and she asked my opinion whether she needs to further degree or to work first. Well, I guess she knows what she wants to do for her next move, like I said to her previously, it's better to work to gain experience and explore new environment. You can study part-time or PJJ (it's just the matter of putting your morale and interest in doing what you are in). Same as what Ila said, work first to have that experience and learning yourself to be matured in facing challenging world outside as well as being independent. Who knows, there's good opportunity that we might never realize ahead of us...
Nearly 1 pm, accompanied with my best buddy (Ila), we went to Klinik Kita at Pandan Jaya. The doctor was so nice and warmth. She said that I have migrain, sore throat and flu and she said she's going to give the strongest antibody to release my pain. While checking my blood pressure, we have short conversation (borak2 kosong skit)...and Alhamdulillah my BP is ok. Then, few minutes after that the nurse called me and gave me the medicines. I was given antibody (the strongest one...x taula kuat mana..huhuhu), flu, for throat, for cough (all pills...isk...isk..isk...I really don't like to eat pills....). Total RM49.00 (lagi singgit yo nak 50 hinggit huhu..nasib baik leh claim...hehhehe). Tq my fren for taking me to the clinic...appreciate ur hospitality and assistance...
After that went to the cobbler to repair my shoes (5 pairs of tumit tu...). 1 pair of shoes costs more/less about RM4 to RM8 (huhuhuhuhu...ranap den....tula addicted sgt kat kasut...rasokan la...padan muko den sendiri...x serik lg tu nak beli lg pas ni...). I've decided to take the shoes tomorrow since Ila needs to meet her classmates to discuss their assignments for Master class. Back at the office, continued my work completing my department members' timetable and then give to the members for them to check. Hope everything's ok.
My next task was to schedule for resit exam for my Matric students which will be held on the 3rd week of January (Insyaallah) most probably by 19/1 - 21/1/09. I pray that they can do better for this resit exam and can continue their next study with other friends. By tonight or early morning tomorrow I need to sms/call them to inform the resit schedule and what they need to do before the resit exam. Tomorrow morning, I need to email to Kak Inazlina (AS'AD/Exam Unit) to schedule for the resit exam.
Now it's 4.45 pm. Sitting at my workstation in front of the pc...(termenung dan merenung monitor pc yg agak2 comel ada gambar kucing nih...x tau nak buat pe dah...). Head feels dizzy and pain...just took the pills and feels sleepy too (ok gak balik naik bus nanti leh tido sambil dgr mp3 hehehehe...). The road is starting to jam-pack, bz with so many vehicles (biasala kalau dah start skolah ni jalan back to normal la jam...huhuhuhu) and start to arrive home late...huhuhuhu. Tonight I want to sleep early coz the doctor said I haven't have enough rest and sleep that's why I got this flu and pain. Yeah she's's not that I don't want to but I need to settle my work then I can rest peacefully (hehehehe)...but it's ok...I like what I'm doing and thank to Allah for giving me good job for my survival (Amin...).....Till then, chiooowwww...
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
New Students Registration
This morning at 8:30 a.m. me and zarila together with our BOSS, kak ani, were involved in the new students' registration for KPTM program (DBIT/DCS). We "placed" ourself at "Kaunter 4" for "Semakan Dokumen" for new students who will be enrolled into this college. It's quite fun when you've got to involve in this "event" coz you've got to see various kinds of parents accompanying their sons/daughters to register (kind of remembering myself though when my parents accompanied me to register for my Diploma program at UiTM...isk..isk..isk.. - will never forget that)
I handled for checking all the documents needed for the student's registration is completed and certified (for any copied documents). I finished the "duty" at 1:00 p.m. (thank you to AS'AD for providing us "mihun goreng" for breakfast and "nasi campur + pisang" for lunch plus the mineral water...). Well, I haven't done this kind of activity for quite a long time since the last time my "duty" assisting marketing unit few years back...remembering those days, I got the opportunity to go and visit to many kinds of schools, places, and involved in various kinds of education exhibitions as well as meeting various kinds of people. It's kind of fun even quite tiresome but I got the opportunity to explore and experience new "work" and "job" besides making new friends at a new department...hehehehe
Tomorrow will be different registration for different programs and I wish everything will be fine and in order. Can't wait to seeing semester of course hehehhe...
Till then, chiowwww....
Monday, January 5, 2009
Feel Good Today
Salam & Good Day All
Hemm today I feel good and I'm in a good mood even some work still pending and yet to be completed in due time. I'm not sure what makes me feel good today but I guess let it be that way that I'll put a smiley face throughout my journey home.
This morning me and Dilla settled some part of time table which has not yet been keyed-in in the CMS but yet there're still some part needed to check and update since the "ketua" si Rosima (minah laser...hehehehe..jangan marah ek...) will be coming in after her "cuti" to check the time table....(takut weh bila dia pasang sound speaker dia..wakakakakaka)
In the afternoon, I helped Ila (Zarila Zahari) set her blog (heheheheh...macam dah pandai sikitla buat blog ni...tu yg mcm berlagak semacam jekk...) and now she has her own blog...(samo eh jakun jap cam den gak ah...x dapek nolong ah).
Me and Alice (from IED department) have some chat (quite long the chatting...kat tepi toilet lak tuh..ceh...maintain vogue skit...hehehehhe)...well just a general conversation about work and future...Hemm, talking about future, I guess it's time for me to find the next step that is to further my study to the next level...may be in Master or Professional program like Chartered Secretary (ICSA). I kind of falling in love with ICSA since I was appointed as the Coordinator and I found that this course gives me an in-depth input about the program. Yup, sounds interesting about ICSA and I'm going to find out more detail about the whole structure coz as far as I concern...after attending some of MAICSA luncheons, functions, meetings, conferences...I found that this course is promising and also very $$$$$...heheheehhe, Insyaallah...yup that's my next move. And thanx to Ila for her supporting and encouragement for me to pursue in this program.
Not to forget, congratulates to Ila also for her good grades in exam (EMBA program)...I know you can do it bebeh...and work hard for your dream. Feel happy for you.
Hemm, 1 hour left for me to pack my things and go back. Today, a few students came and met me especially the ICSA students asking about their registration and time table. Then, prepare my teaching planner for my next subjects to teach for new session.
Next week, I'll be starting busy with classess and my other work, but I'm happy of what I am doing...That's right when you put interest in what you are doing, of course you'll find yourself happy in doing what you are involved in. Like chiko, he told me that he has set his band and has wrote a single which I have read the lyrics and found it so touching and sentimental (jiwang karat seh....heheheeh)...Well chiko, I wish you all the best and don't forget to give me 1 album once you have successfully recorded a song eh...heheheehheehe
Well, that's it for now....nothing much to tell you all today...till then...chioowwwwww
Hemm today I feel good and I'm in a good mood even some work still pending and yet to be completed in due time. I'm not sure what makes me feel good today but I guess let it be that way that I'll put a smiley face throughout my journey home.
This morning me and Dilla settled some part of time table which has not yet been keyed-in in the CMS but yet there're still some part needed to check and update since the "ketua" si Rosima (minah laser...hehehehe..jangan marah ek...) will be coming in after her "cuti" to check the time table....(takut weh bila dia pasang sound speaker dia..wakakakakaka)
In the afternoon, I helped Ila (Zarila Zahari) set her blog (heheheheh...macam dah pandai sikitla buat blog ni...tu yg mcm berlagak semacam jekk...) and now she has her own blog...(samo eh jakun jap cam den gak ah...x dapek nolong ah).
Me and Alice (from IED department) have some chat (quite long the chatting...kat tepi toilet lak tuh..ceh...maintain vogue skit...hehehehhe)...well just a general conversation about work and future...Hemm, talking about future, I guess it's time for me to find the next step that is to further my study to the next level...may be in Master or Professional program like Chartered Secretary (ICSA). I kind of falling in love with ICSA since I was appointed as the Coordinator and I found that this course gives me an in-depth input about the program. Yup, sounds interesting about ICSA and I'm going to find out more detail about the whole structure coz as far as I concern...after attending some of MAICSA luncheons, functions, meetings, conferences...I found that this course is promising and also very $$$$$...heheheehhe, Insyaallah...yup that's my next move. And thanx to Ila for her supporting and encouragement for me to pursue in this program.
Not to forget, congratulates to Ila also for her good grades in exam (EMBA program)...I know you can do it bebeh...and work hard for your dream. Feel happy for you.
Hemm, 1 hour left for me to pack my things and go back. Today, a few students came and met me especially the ICSA students asking about their registration and time table. Then, prepare my teaching planner for my next subjects to teach for new session.
Next week, I'll be starting busy with classess and my other work, but I'm happy of what I am doing...That's right when you put interest in what you are doing, of course you'll find yourself happy in doing what you are involved in. Like chiko, he told me that he has set his band and has wrote a single which I have read the lyrics and found it so touching and sentimental (jiwang karat seh....heheheeh)...Well chiko, I wish you all the best and don't forget to give me 1 album once you have successfully recorded a song eh...heheheehheehe
Well, that's it for now....nothing much to tell you all today...till then...chioowwwwww
Friday, January 2, 2009
New Day...New Beginning
Salam & good evening
The weather outside is cloudy and windy and in my room is very cold...feels shivering to my spine ahaks...Hope it's not raining so that I could go back safe & sound.
The UiTM students have started their classes (even not all but some of the lecturers have started their classes)...the new beginning for these students to battle and work hard to success for the new semester (pray for them...Insyaallah). After that, the next course will come in....and the college will be filled with all kinds of students, with different looks, make-ups, hairstyle??? (maybe)...and new resolution and promise. I can still remember when I was student before. Reading some of my students' blogs of their past memories and stories, well I also remember some of my memories and stories (the happy ones, the sad ones, the unexpected ones...etc...). Sometimes I feel like to go back to those days heehhee...
As chiko said...what has been left behind should not be forgotten but to be remembered as history and to learn from them as well as to improve ourselves for this new year. Thanx chico, reading your blog makes me realize how important is past memories for us to ponder (love to read your blog..heheheeh). Same goes to Ila and Aza...telling about your memories make me thinking of mines too huhuhuhu.
So many memories to remember and I will always remember them and keep them to my heart till the end of my breath (I guess some things are better left unrevealed eh...). Life is filled with so much surprises and happenings. So, expect the unexpected and take the opportunity to explore yourself and learn new things...well that include me too, I am learning to learn new things and try to be a better person....BUT first I need to learn to make myself happy so that I know how to make other people happy. We always wonder and assume that when we look at people surround you happy, then you tend to say "OK they are happy, so I am happy for them..." but we will never know whether they are actually happy or otherwise??? until we approach them and know what their feelings are and what they feel at the moment.
We might look happy on the outside...but on the inside, no one knows (only Allah..the Almighty ONE knows what we are facing and going through)...Life has its ups and downs and we are living in a cycle of life where we might be at the top today and tomorrow, who knows, we might be flopped down at the bottom. I am learning to remind myself to always remember that when I am at the top, always look down and always remember our roots and how do we begin climbing the ladders up to where we are now. Nothing is easy...even when you want to drink and desperately need water and the only way is to buy whether you like it or not you have to buy it right?...therefore, life has a price to pay and whatever you are have to pay for the price. NO PAIN, NO GAIN...and when you face the pain...then you'll taste the gain...You know what's ahead you. Plan your life and live in with harmony and peace.
Erni, I wish you all the best and congrats for the offer for you to work at oversea...I'm very proud of you. Take it as the opportunity, it's your destiny and grab while you can. I'll always pray for the better life and future for you wherever you are. Nana, congrats also for having a new home and baby...feels happy to hear that. I wonder how are my former SS (Secretarial course students) are doing now...hope they're doing fine..(miss them a lot...)
Last but not least, 2009 is not about celebrating a new year but also it is about experiencing a new life, exploring new experiment, learning new things, etc...Remember, when we are looking for the future, don't forget the past...
Till then..chiowwww
The weather outside is cloudy and windy and in my room is very cold...feels shivering to my spine ahaks...Hope it's not raining so that I could go back safe & sound.
The UiTM students have started their classes (even not all but some of the lecturers have started their classes)...the new beginning for these students to battle and work hard to success for the new semester (pray for them...Insyaallah). After that, the next course will come in....and the college will be filled with all kinds of students, with different looks, make-ups, hairstyle??? (maybe)...and new resolution and promise. I can still remember when I was student before. Reading some of my students' blogs of their past memories and stories, well I also remember some of my memories and stories (the happy ones, the sad ones, the unexpected ones...etc...). Sometimes I feel like to go back to those days heehhee...
As chiko said...what has been left behind should not be forgotten but to be remembered as history and to learn from them as well as to improve ourselves for this new year. Thanx chico, reading your blog makes me realize how important is past memories for us to ponder (love to read your blog..heheheeh). Same goes to Ila and Aza...telling about your memories make me thinking of mines too huhuhuhu.
So many memories to remember and I will always remember them and keep them to my heart till the end of my breath (I guess some things are better left unrevealed eh...). Life is filled with so much surprises and happenings. So, expect the unexpected and take the opportunity to explore yourself and learn new things...well that include me too, I am learning to learn new things and try to be a better person....BUT first I need to learn to make myself happy so that I know how to make other people happy. We always wonder and assume that when we look at people surround you happy, then you tend to say "OK they are happy, so I am happy for them..." but we will never know whether they are actually happy or otherwise??? until we approach them and know what their feelings are and what they feel at the moment.
We might look happy on the outside...but on the inside, no one knows (only Allah..the Almighty ONE knows what we are facing and going through)...Life has its ups and downs and we are living in a cycle of life where we might be at the top today and tomorrow, who knows, we might be flopped down at the bottom. I am learning to remind myself to always remember that when I am at the top, always look down and always remember our roots and how do we begin climbing the ladders up to where we are now. Nothing is easy...even when you want to drink and desperately need water and the only way is to buy whether you like it or not you have to buy it right?...therefore, life has a price to pay and whatever you are have to pay for the price. NO PAIN, NO GAIN...and when you face the pain...then you'll taste the gain...You know what's ahead you. Plan your life and live in with harmony and peace.
Erni, I wish you all the best and congrats for the offer for you to work at oversea...I'm very proud of you. Take it as the opportunity, it's your destiny and grab while you can. I'll always pray for the better life and future for you wherever you are. Nana, congrats also for having a new home and baby...feels happy to hear that. I wonder how are my former SS (Secretarial course students) are doing now...hope they're doing fine..(miss them a lot...)
Last but not least, 2009 is not about celebrating a new year but also it is about experiencing a new life, exploring new experiment, learning new things, etc...Remember, when we are looking for the future, don't forget the past...
Till then..chiowwww
Salam and Morning
Today is a special day for my beloved "sister" @ "mom" who has been with me for 9 years now...Kak Jah @ Pn. Halijah Ahmad (former lecturer at KPTM KL, now is in Lembah Beringin)...Kak Jah...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU..wish you a very happy and joyful years filled with flowery of excitement and happiness and may you success in your career and in life...LOVE YOU ALWAYS & REALLY MISS YOU A LOT...isk isk isk..
It's the second day of January 2009, this morning it's raining and cloudy so I guess some people might still be sleeping and dreaming hehehe...Well, yesterday was the 1st day of January 2009 and it was a public holiday and I didn't have much things to do except cleaning my room and spending time with parents besides watching TV. Not intended to go out or "window shopping hunting for shoes...hehehhee"...Hemm, what's my resolution for this year eh? (well I guess I want to make it happen then I can tell the resolution...hehehe..wait and see...Insyaallah)
I want to congrat to all my students for passing their final exams especially for those taking BUS312:
(section 1) - farhan, illa, fatin, hasrul, yani, afiq, asyraf, faris, ferhad, shahir, naquib, nawal, nik, mizah, sarah, aniqah, raayeiyah, wani, kina, umar, yasmin & zuhairah.
(section 3) - aedy, afiq, marina, izzat, nazrul, fadzli, shahril, syafiq, nor syafiqa, noreen, liyana, azriyan, fatihah, ilyuni, aza, shazarina, ariffah, bahiah, izyan, aishah, harni, syafiqah, syafiq, syahnim & zaihan.
Not to forget congrats to my students for BUS202A (section 1): siti norazlina, redzuan, fadzli, safinaz, aniqah, aimi afiqah, norajinah, nur amira, nurfatin amira, yati, nazihah, sharifah, umairah, izzat & wan nur amira.
Last but not least for my Final Project (COS330) students: mallis, sakti, aris, john, ganu, elya, farah, sheeba, abu & afiq
Congratulations to all of you and I'm very proud of your hardwork, commitment and effort. Thank you also for being my students and to have good times with all of you...hope we can keep in touch...and love you all always
That's it for now...continue to prepare time table for my ICSA students coz next week (5 Jan 09, Monday) will be the registration of ICSA-Matric Sem 2...congrats to all of you in succeeding to battle yourself in Sem 2....see all of you later.
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