Salam and good day
On Wednesday evening (22/9/10) ada short meeting regarding internal audit all the ISO committee and HODs were given a short briefing of what to prepare for the ISO audit. Oohhh baru je pas abis MQA audit for DBIT & DCS...satu lg keja berat dtg...pastu nak cek starting 27/9/10 (Monday)..after meeting tu semua org dok pulun lah update apa2 file yg perlu.
Takut jugak ni yelah benda ni besar nak dpt kan status ISO ASAP. So suma org kelam kabut dok buat apa2 yg patut...busy sana sini. Jangan main2 kalo sape2 yg x meet the requirement..will get NCR title (non-compliance)...pastu kena ngadap Rektor la bg sebab nape jd mcm tu.
Every lecturer needs to prepare 2 files: 1 folio pengajaran (utk subjek yg diajar) and 1 lg folio peribadi....uuiiii kalau sorang lecturer ajar sampai 4 subjek means that 5 folio la kena prepare.. mmg boleh demam sampai naik darah tinggi ni....huhuhuhu
Sama-samalah kita doa everything will be going on smoothly and everybody will be getting good grades from the auditor....InsyaAllah....
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Salam Aidilfitri
Assalamualaikum...good day
Semalam (10/9/10, Jumaat) seluruh umat Islam di dunia menyambut 1 Syawal (Hari Raya Aidilfitri) tahun 2010 dengan rasa syukur. Alhamdulillah, this year I've got to celebrate raya with my beloved family and bermaafan di pagi. Memang rasa syahdu sgt bila salam tangan parents and mohon diampun dan dihalalkan makan minum. Ya Allah aku berdoa agar aku dapat bersama-sama lagi meraikan raya yang mulia dengan keluarga yang tercinta pada tahun hadapan...InsyaAllah.
Supposedly this raya me and my family balik kampung tapi tahun ni tak balik coz my mum pun x sihat. So we've decided utk balik after raya or minggu ke-2 or 3 raya. So I just beraya di KL. Well, memang I ni orang KL (dah lahir pun kat KL kan) takde rasa apa pun yg x bestnye.
Yesterday (10/9) me and someone berjalan2 di Midvalley thought of watching movie Resident Evil tapi bila sampai je kat Mivalley tu Ya Allah selautan manusia mmg sesak...rupa2 nya time tu tgh ada Indian Festival so mmg la ramai org dgn kaum lain lagi...yelah time tgh cuti kan so org2 KL ni jalan2 lah....pegi kat GSC tgk2 mmg punyalah panjang que nak beli tiket..emmm nak beratur tu mmg la boleh tp x sure boleh dpt seat yg best atau x....xnak lah dok depan sekali nak kena dongak kepala...sakit woohhhh
Last2 petang tu we all gi ke Brem Mall kat Kepong tu...that was the first time I've been there emm tengok2 xla meriah lg coz byk lg yg x buka...meaning that this mall baru je kitorang pegi kat movie centre dia...xlah segah TGV or GSC...nama dia apa ekkk...alaaaa lupa pulak...but boleh lah. Cun x ramai org and que pun x pjg. Dapatlah beli tiket 7:15 punye preview. Jalan2 jap pastu at 7 pm beli popcorn and air terus masuk wayang.
Abis dlm kol 8:45pm...not bad the story especially mila jovovich...minat gak kat minah ni ahaks.
Pastu dah rasa penat...teruslah balik to tell u that raya kat KL ni pun boleh tahan best jugak...hehehe
Apa2 pun salam Aidilfitri buat kenalan dan family...mohon maaf atas salah silap...
Semalam (10/9/10, Jumaat) seluruh umat Islam di dunia menyambut 1 Syawal (Hari Raya Aidilfitri) tahun 2010 dengan rasa syukur. Alhamdulillah, this year I've got to celebrate raya with my beloved family and bermaafan di pagi. Memang rasa syahdu sgt bila salam tangan parents and mohon diampun dan dihalalkan makan minum. Ya Allah aku berdoa agar aku dapat bersama-sama lagi meraikan raya yang mulia dengan keluarga yang tercinta pada tahun hadapan...InsyaAllah.
Supposedly this raya me and my family balik kampung tapi tahun ni tak balik coz my mum pun x sihat. So we've decided utk balik after raya or minggu ke-2 or 3 raya. So I just beraya di KL. Well, memang I ni orang KL (dah lahir pun kat KL kan) takde rasa apa pun yg x bestnye.
Yesterday (10/9) me and someone berjalan2 di Midvalley thought of watching movie Resident Evil tapi bila sampai je kat Mivalley tu Ya Allah selautan manusia mmg sesak...rupa2 nya time tu tgh ada Indian Festival so mmg la ramai org dgn kaum lain lagi...yelah time tgh cuti kan so org2 KL ni jalan2 lah....pegi kat GSC tgk2 mmg punyalah panjang que nak beli tiket..emmm nak beratur tu mmg la boleh tp x sure boleh dpt seat yg best atau x....xnak lah dok depan sekali nak kena dongak kepala...sakit woohhhh
Last2 petang tu we all gi ke Brem Mall kat Kepong tu...that was the first time I've been there emm tengok2 xla meriah lg coz byk lg yg x buka...meaning that this mall baru je kitorang pegi kat movie centre dia...xlah segah TGV or GSC...nama dia apa ekkk...alaaaa lupa pulak...but boleh lah. Cun x ramai org and que pun x pjg. Dapatlah beli tiket 7:15 punye preview. Jalan2 jap pastu at 7 pm beli popcorn and air terus masuk wayang.
Abis dlm kol 8:45pm...not bad the story especially mila jovovich...minat gak kat minah ni ahaks.
Pastu dah rasa penat...teruslah balik to tell u that raya kat KL ni pun boleh tahan best jugak...hehehe
Apa2 pun salam Aidilfitri buat kenalan dan family...mohon maaf atas salah silap...
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Salam and good day all
Semalam (3/9/10) pukul 10.30 ada perjumpaan dgn Dr. Wan Sabri (TRHEP) regarding the presentation of ICSA club proposal nak buat team-building this coming October...InsyaAllah. Dr. Wan byk la jugak bg idea and we did some brainstorming session. And I was so glad coz he gave good complement to ICSA and requeset asked to promote the program so that kita dapat feedback yang bagus in terms of studens enrolment. Once dah meeting dengan dia...kena pergi lagi 1 meeting...approval of our kenala tunggu lg..
Tunggu punya tunggu...sampai tengah hari then Amir kata masuk petang coz yelah nak solat Jumaat dah by 2.45 pm kena standby untuk meeting budget.
Around 3 pm something tu me, Amir, Alif, and Hanis entered the room kat LT 2.1 kat situ adalah Shukri, En. Usop (logistic), exec. kewangan, and chaired by Dr. we all pun discuss la our budget...eeemmm macam biasalahkan bila dah present budget ni macam2 lah benda itu ini nak potong. Well, I tak suka nak panjang2 kan citer and nak complicated kan few matters so I've decided to cut some of the items so that diorang dapat more/less per head of student to give the expense budget.
Then, Dr. Wan kata bolehke kitorang manage to find source of fund?...Then I replied said don't worry I am so convinced on my anak-anak buah yang mereka boleh buat kerja and all these while they were trained to become good financier...InsyaAllah...yelah at some times we need to be confident to convince someone especially those yg higher level so that we can prove that we can produce something to make these people proud and impressive.
Pas meeting tu...Alhamdulillah at least our proposal and budget approved even we need to adjust on few things in terms of nak buat something different to the team-building program (later I'll story ok...).
Dah meeting proposal and budget, we straight ahead to LT 3.4 to meet the students @ committee to inform about the decision from the meeting and a few things discussed on the meeting.
Till then...salam
Semalam (3/9/10) pukul 10.30 ada perjumpaan dgn Dr. Wan Sabri (TRHEP) regarding the presentation of ICSA club proposal nak buat team-building this coming October...InsyaAllah. Dr. Wan byk la jugak bg idea and we did some brainstorming session. And I was so glad coz he gave good complement to ICSA and requeset asked to promote the program so that kita dapat feedback yang bagus in terms of studens enrolment. Once dah meeting dengan dia...kena pergi lagi 1 meeting...approval of our kenala tunggu lg..
Tunggu punya tunggu...sampai tengah hari then Amir kata masuk petang coz yelah nak solat Jumaat dah by 2.45 pm kena standby untuk meeting budget.
Around 3 pm something tu me, Amir, Alif, and Hanis entered the room kat LT 2.1 kat situ adalah Shukri, En. Usop (logistic), exec. kewangan, and chaired by Dr. we all pun discuss la our budget...eeemmm macam biasalahkan bila dah present budget ni macam2 lah benda itu ini nak potong. Well, I tak suka nak panjang2 kan citer and nak complicated kan few matters so I've decided to cut some of the items so that diorang dapat more/less per head of student to give the expense budget.
Then, Dr. Wan kata bolehke kitorang manage to find source of fund?...Then I replied said don't worry I am so convinced on my anak-anak buah yang mereka boleh buat kerja and all these while they were trained to become good financier...InsyaAllah...yelah at some times we need to be confident to convince someone especially those yg higher level so that we can prove that we can produce something to make these people proud and impressive.
Pas meeting tu...Alhamdulillah at least our proposal and budget approved even we need to adjust on few things in terms of nak buat something different to the team-building program (later I'll story ok...).
Dah meeting proposal and budget, we straight ahead to LT 3.4 to meet the students @ committee to inform about the decision from the meeting and a few things discussed on the meeting.
Till then...salam
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Good Day Good Time
Salam and good day
Today (2/9/10) was a presentation for club proposal and approval for budget for doing club activities. Alif & Amir have been waiting since morning. At last, Alhamdulillah, Alif called me saying that our turn will be I rushed down after meeting Kak Husni and waited for about 1 minute then entered En. Usop's room with Alif.
So, Alif pun presentla the objectives of the team building program....tup tup tup...En. Usop said that the proposal was good and detailed but since icsa club nak buat team building program so we have to present to Dr. Wan Sabri ourselves. He said that, there were about 4 more clubs before us doing team building program also. So, we have to see him ourselves and present the proposal for x dpt lg la keputusan whether our budget ni approve ke x.
Takpela...ada hikmah di sebaliknya...ujia dari Allah di bulan Ramadan. Then i ajak Alip, Amir, Acat and Zila to buka puasa...mula2 nak buka kat Quality hotel then bila called the place the person in charge kata dah fully booked...frust. So try la hotel lain, last2 dapat Vistana hotel kat area pekeliling (kalau naik LRT stop kat Titiwangsa....flat pekeliling yg dah kosong tu). Around 5.30 pm kuar ofis. Zila bawak keta dia parking kat LRT Pandan Jaya. So kitorang ke Titiwangsa pastu jalan depan sikit sampailah kat Vistana hotel.
I've been there last year buka puasa and the food was not bad...sedap jugak. So we went to level 3, bayar dulu pastu duduk. Around 7pm masing2 dah dok gi amik makanan. Kol 7.20pm Alip baca doa and kitorang pun buka puasa.
We had a very good time laughing and enjoying ourselves....yela even penat and stress keja but at the end of the day...we enjoy. Seronok tgk anak2 manja bertiga ni makan...selera sgt. And tell u all, the food was....ffuuuhhhh many varieties of food...x termakan especially lauk pauk masakan kampung.....juling mata...
So around 8:30 kitorang pun out from the hotel and ahead to LRT nak balik. Sempat pesan kat Alip, Amir and Acat utk set pakai baju kaler apa utk present proposal to Dr. Wan esok (3/9/10). Ya Allah...berikanlah kami kekuatan dan keyakinan untuk berhadapan dgn 1 lg cabaran....aminnn
Today (2/9/10) was a presentation for club proposal and approval for budget for doing club activities. Alif & Amir have been waiting since morning. At last, Alhamdulillah, Alif called me saying that our turn will be I rushed down after meeting Kak Husni and waited for about 1 minute then entered En. Usop's room with Alif.
So, Alif pun presentla the objectives of the team building program....tup tup tup...En. Usop said that the proposal was good and detailed but since icsa club nak buat team building program so we have to present to Dr. Wan Sabri ourselves. He said that, there were about 4 more clubs before us doing team building program also. So, we have to see him ourselves and present the proposal for x dpt lg la keputusan whether our budget ni approve ke x.
Takpela...ada hikmah di sebaliknya...ujia dari Allah di bulan Ramadan. Then i ajak Alip, Amir, Acat and Zila to buka puasa...mula2 nak buka kat Quality hotel then bila called the place the person in charge kata dah fully booked...frust. So try la hotel lain, last2 dapat Vistana hotel kat area pekeliling (kalau naik LRT stop kat Titiwangsa....flat pekeliling yg dah kosong tu). Around 5.30 pm kuar ofis. Zila bawak keta dia parking kat LRT Pandan Jaya. So kitorang ke Titiwangsa pastu jalan depan sikit sampailah kat Vistana hotel.
I've been there last year buka puasa and the food was not bad...sedap jugak. So we went to level 3, bayar dulu pastu duduk. Around 7pm masing2 dah dok gi amik makanan. Kol 7.20pm Alip baca doa and kitorang pun buka puasa.
We had a very good time laughing and enjoying ourselves....yela even penat and stress keja but at the end of the day...we enjoy. Seronok tgk anak2 manja bertiga ni makan...selera sgt. And tell u all, the food was....ffuuuhhhh many varieties of food...x termakan especially lauk pauk masakan kampung.....juling mata...
So around 8:30 kitorang pun out from the hotel and ahead to LRT nak balik. Sempat pesan kat Alip, Amir and Acat utk set pakai baju kaler apa utk present proposal to Dr. Wan esok (3/9/10). Ya Allah...berikanlah kami kekuatan dan keyakinan untuk berhadapan dgn 1 lg cabaran....aminnn
Sunday, August 8, 2010
One Month as Bisnes HOD
Salam and good day all
For the past 1 month was a very hectic and tiresome for me...not only as the ICSA and HRM coordinator but also as the new HOD.
Yup I have been appointed as the new HOD starting 1 July 2010 (my turn after Kak Zulaini). It was not as easy as some people might think or imagine. Being the HOD is not about the title...rather it's about the responsibility (the other shoulder) and entrust (on the other shoulder). Being HOD, one person should possess not only integrity but also showing equity and empowerment to the department members. satisfy every individual is not easy must show a good job and try as possible to be fair to each one.
Different individual shows different attitude and personality...therefore, you must understand the diversity and differences in them. Moreover, being HOD also has its good get to become closer with a person and get to know him/her better and understand much more better about this person.
InsyaAllah, I'll try my very best to become a good HOD and be fair and able to harmonize the least...I'm trying to do something better for the department (for my 1 year service as HOD).
Till then...wassalam...chiowwww
For the past 1 month was a very hectic and tiresome for me...not only as the ICSA and HRM coordinator but also as the new HOD.
Yup I have been appointed as the new HOD starting 1 July 2010 (my turn after Kak Zulaini). It was not as easy as some people might think or imagine. Being the HOD is not about the title...rather it's about the responsibility (the other shoulder) and entrust (on the other shoulder). Being HOD, one person should possess not only integrity but also showing equity and empowerment to the department members. satisfy every individual is not easy must show a good job and try as possible to be fair to each one.
Different individual shows different attitude and personality...therefore, you must understand the diversity and differences in them. Moreover, being HOD also has its good get to become closer with a person and get to know him/her better and understand much more better about this person.
InsyaAllah, I'll try my very best to become a good HOD and be fair and able to harmonize the least...I'm trying to do something better for the department (for my 1 year service as HOD).
Till then...wassalam...chiowwww
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Nape Orang Suka Nak Salahkan Orang Lain Tanpa Mencari Punca Dulu?
Salam and Good Day All
Dunia ni mmg penuh dgn bermacam2 dugaan & cabaran. Kalau org yg tak kuat mental, fizikal & spiritual pasti dah kecundang bkn di tgh jalan...blm mula nak berjalan dah terus jatuh tergolek. Apa lg kalau kerja dlm dunia korporat atau pun company besar yg penuh dgn mcm2 bentuk perangai, kelakuan dan budaya kerja dan sistem.
Entahla, kadang2 kita rasa kita dah buat yang terbaik dalam satu2 kerja & kita fikir kita mungkin akan mendapat pujian bg kerja yang kita yg mendapat pujian adalah org lain. Apatah lg kalau kita buat silap...yang mana silap itu bukanlah berpunca dari kita tetapi dari aspek lain....eemm...terus je org lain menuding jari pada kita dgn mengatakan "kenapa u buat mcm ni?"...tanpa terlebih dahulu mencari punca dan berbincang bersama2 mencari sebab & cara mengatasi sesuatu masalah itu.
Lebih teruk lagi, bila kita dah berusaha untuk menjelaskan masalah itu berpunca dari sumber yg pihak yg satu lg seakan2 memekkan telinga atau sengaja tidak mahu faham akan masalah sebenar yg berlaku. Kita rasa spt kita ini sudah gagal utk menunjukkan prestasi dan kualiti kerja yg diharapkan. Mengapa jadi begitu?....Tak bolehke kita bersama2 duduk berbincang dgn rasional & secara profesional tanpa perlu nak menuding jari ke sana ke mari & lepas itu jadilah satu masalah besar yg mana asalnya hanyalah isu yg masih boleh diselesaikan secara efisyen & efektif.
Inilah realiti kehidupan. Kita bekerja dgn bersungguh2 tanpa mengira penat lelah & meletakkan komitmen yg tinggi dlm apa yg kita di satu pihak tidak berpuas hati & seolah2 mahu menyalahkan kita atas kesilapan yg berlaku (walaupun bkn berpunca dari kita)...kita tetap juga bersalah....walau mcm mana sekali pun kita cuba menegakkan pendirian.
Ya Allah...sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Berkuasa Lagi Maha Mengetahui...aku insan yg jahil & kerdil memohon ketabahan & kekuatan mental & fizikal serta spiritual dlm mengharungi hidup yg penuh liku & cabaran ini. Sesungguhnya Engkau sahajalah Yang Maha Berkuasa utk menunjukkan balasan ke atas org2 yg menganiayai org lain...Aminnnn
Dunia ni mmg penuh dgn bermacam2 dugaan & cabaran. Kalau org yg tak kuat mental, fizikal & spiritual pasti dah kecundang bkn di tgh jalan...blm mula nak berjalan dah terus jatuh tergolek. Apa lg kalau kerja dlm dunia korporat atau pun company besar yg penuh dgn mcm2 bentuk perangai, kelakuan dan budaya kerja dan sistem.
Entahla, kadang2 kita rasa kita dah buat yang terbaik dalam satu2 kerja & kita fikir kita mungkin akan mendapat pujian bg kerja yang kita yg mendapat pujian adalah org lain. Apatah lg kalau kita buat silap...yang mana silap itu bukanlah berpunca dari kita tetapi dari aspek lain....eemm...terus je org lain menuding jari pada kita dgn mengatakan "kenapa u buat mcm ni?"...tanpa terlebih dahulu mencari punca dan berbincang bersama2 mencari sebab & cara mengatasi sesuatu masalah itu.
Lebih teruk lagi, bila kita dah berusaha untuk menjelaskan masalah itu berpunca dari sumber yg pihak yg satu lg seakan2 memekkan telinga atau sengaja tidak mahu faham akan masalah sebenar yg berlaku. Kita rasa spt kita ini sudah gagal utk menunjukkan prestasi dan kualiti kerja yg diharapkan. Mengapa jadi begitu?....Tak bolehke kita bersama2 duduk berbincang dgn rasional & secara profesional tanpa perlu nak menuding jari ke sana ke mari & lepas itu jadilah satu masalah besar yg mana asalnya hanyalah isu yg masih boleh diselesaikan secara efisyen & efektif.
Inilah realiti kehidupan. Kita bekerja dgn bersungguh2 tanpa mengira penat lelah & meletakkan komitmen yg tinggi dlm apa yg kita di satu pihak tidak berpuas hati & seolah2 mahu menyalahkan kita atas kesilapan yg berlaku (walaupun bkn berpunca dari kita)...kita tetap juga bersalah....walau mcm mana sekali pun kita cuba menegakkan pendirian.
Ya Allah...sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Berkuasa Lagi Maha Mengetahui...aku insan yg jahil & kerdil memohon ketabahan & kekuatan mental & fizikal serta spiritual dlm mengharungi hidup yg penuh liku & cabaran ini. Sesungguhnya Engkau sahajalah Yang Maha Berkuasa utk menunjukkan balasan ke atas org2 yg menganiayai org lain...Aminnnn
Friday, June 18, 2010
1 Hari yang Penat
Salam and good day
Fuuhhhh sungguh penat x hengat. Dari pagi sampai ofis terus je ngadap PC. Mula2 siapkan academic calendar for AB107 program pastu email to the Dean utk checking and amendment. Siap 1, pastu settlekan pasal template markah and final report to email to those lecturers involved in teaching AU101. Alhamdulillah lega 1 keja.
Dalam kol 10 gi lab komputer lak tgk Dilla dah ada kat situ tgh key in data untuk buat timetable. Today konon nak all out utk suma subjek home-grown program. So dari pkl 10 pg santak sampai kol 5 ptg non-stop dok ngadap PC buat keja tu. Migrain nak teruk pulak.
Byk kena bega...sana sini, tukar situ....ada yg x boleh masuk section. Tp tulah...igt bolehlah settle today tp ada problem jugak. Utk subjek BUS 310A kena tanya Napi, koordinator dia mcm mana dia buat grouping section coz subjek ni ada jugak yg sem 6 amik. Eeemmm x settle2 jugak. Same goes with PPE 234 and ECO 200A yg Shu ajar x boleh masuk jugak coz classroom dah x available. Aargghhhh...tensionnnn!!!!!
Last2 decide just print mana2 timetable yg dah siap to key in dlm CMS pulak. Pastu mak pulak nak kena buat timetable utk students ni...patutnya diorang dah start class on this Monday (21/6/10) tp tulah rasanya kena inform diorang to start on Tuesday or Wednesday if the timetable cannot be finished. Mana nak buat preparation lg...arrggghhhh!!!!!!! (kasi hantok kepala kat dinding sampai terburai otak...muahahahahahahahahahahahaha)
Till then...salam...
Fuuhhhh sungguh penat x hengat. Dari pagi sampai ofis terus je ngadap PC. Mula2 siapkan academic calendar for AB107 program pastu email to the Dean utk checking and amendment. Siap 1, pastu settlekan pasal template markah and final report to email to those lecturers involved in teaching AU101. Alhamdulillah lega 1 keja.
Dalam kol 10 gi lab komputer lak tgk Dilla dah ada kat situ tgh key in data untuk buat timetable. Today konon nak all out utk suma subjek home-grown program. So dari pkl 10 pg santak sampai kol 5 ptg non-stop dok ngadap PC buat keja tu. Migrain nak teruk pulak.
Byk kena bega...sana sini, tukar situ....ada yg x boleh masuk section. Tp tulah...igt bolehlah settle today tp ada problem jugak. Utk subjek BUS 310A kena tanya Napi, koordinator dia mcm mana dia buat grouping section coz subjek ni ada jugak yg sem 6 amik. Eeemmm x settle2 jugak. Same goes with PPE 234 and ECO 200A yg Shu ajar x boleh masuk jugak coz classroom dah x available. Aargghhhh...tensionnnn!!!!!
Last2 decide just print mana2 timetable yg dah siap to key in dlm CMS pulak. Pastu mak pulak nak kena buat timetable utk students ni...patutnya diorang dah start class on this Monday (21/6/10) tp tulah rasanya kena inform diorang to start on Tuesday or Wednesday if the timetable cannot be finished. Mana nak buat preparation lg...arrggghhhh!!!!!!! (kasi hantok kepala kat dinding sampai terburai otak...muahahahahahahahahahahahaha)
Till then...salam...
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Hari Penat
Salam and good day
Semalam (9/7/10) meeting JKA (jawatankuasa akademik) involved TRA, deans, HODs, and coordinators to discuss on issues regarding exam results and students performance. The meeting was adjourned at 6.30 pm....bayangkanlah 1 hari suntuk from 9 am until 6.30 pm fuuhhh mengalahkan meeting kat parlimen hehehe...dgn bilik meeting yg sejuk nasib baik ada blazer tp sejuk la jugak. Even the meeting lama but I guess it was worth because we're being detail and thorough to see who can we help to give good grades and cgpa. Hopefully these students would be much more motivated in the new sem.
Keluar je dari bilik meeting kat ground floor tu tengok2 kat luar jalan dah ujan lebat....alamak..gelap semacam dgn guruh. Naik to my room packed my stuff amik payung terus punch out. Memang agak lebat jugakla so tunggu LRT and agak lambat jugakla pastu sampai masjid jamek walked to CM and Alhamdulillah bus dah ada terus naik. Around 7.30pm bus mula gerak tapi jam mmg x igt la (lupa pulak nak bawak roti...ahaks)....eemm mmg akan sampai lambat. Sempatla jugak tido2 kejap di bawah aircond yg sejuk...
Sampai umah dekat2 pukul 9pm dengan basah kena ujan badan dah seram sejuk. Dahla penat gila dgn meeting pastu curi2 time sikit rushing here and there. Mandi pastu makan sikit alas perut.....around 10pm tido...zzzzzzzzzz...Badan dah penat sgt and nak tgk TV pun malas je so apa lg katil dan bantal dah sayup2 memanggil...hehehehe
Till then....chioowwww
Semalam (9/7/10) meeting JKA (jawatankuasa akademik) involved TRA, deans, HODs, and coordinators to discuss on issues regarding exam results and students performance. The meeting was adjourned at 6.30 pm....bayangkanlah 1 hari suntuk from 9 am until 6.30 pm fuuhhh mengalahkan meeting kat parlimen hehehe...dgn bilik meeting yg sejuk nasib baik ada blazer tp sejuk la jugak. Even the meeting lama but I guess it was worth because we're being detail and thorough to see who can we help to give good grades and cgpa. Hopefully these students would be much more motivated in the new sem.
Keluar je dari bilik meeting kat ground floor tu tengok2 kat luar jalan dah ujan lebat....alamak..gelap semacam dgn guruh. Naik to my room packed my stuff amik payung terus punch out. Memang agak lebat jugakla so tunggu LRT and agak lambat jugakla pastu sampai masjid jamek walked to CM and Alhamdulillah bus dah ada terus naik. Around 7.30pm bus mula gerak tapi jam mmg x igt la (lupa pulak nak bawak roti...ahaks)....eemm mmg akan sampai lambat. Sempatla jugak tido2 kejap di bawah aircond yg sejuk...
Sampai umah dekat2 pukul 9pm dengan basah kena ujan badan dah seram sejuk. Dahla penat gila dgn meeting pastu curi2 time sikit rushing here and there. Mandi pastu makan sikit alas perut.....around 10pm tido...zzzzzzzzzz...Badan dah penat sgt and nak tgk TV pun malas je so apa lg katil dan bantal dah sayup2 memanggil...hehehehe
Till then....chioowwww
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Kelab ICSA Majlis Bacaan Yassin
Salam and good day all
Semalam (21/5/10, Jumaat) telah selamat berlangsungnya majlis bacaan Yassin dan doa anjuran kelab ICSA. Penat lelah persiapan dari awal hingga akhir memberi 1 kejayaan yang tidak terhingga. Mereka baru je first time handle this event even adala a few flaws but they have tried their best to make this majlis a success.
As a club advisor, I'm so proud of their effort menjayakan majlis yang mulia ini. Sebarang kekurangan harap dimaafkan. What I'm very proud of was that every food served was made by these students. Thanks guys for your sponsor.
Miza buat cake coklat siap rempit bawak kek ke dewan hehehehehe...Hanis dengan popia anda tauhu sumbat yang sedap. Sakinah dengan puding yg yum yum yum....Syed dgn nasik ayam yang dibuat oleh ibu tercinta...mmg sedap bangat.
Alhamdulillah, pinggan mangkuk pun students sponsor and thanks to lyana and the geng krn susah payah bawak pinggan mangkuk. Allah membantu kita jika niat kita baik. And thanks to the committee yang juga berusaha untuk menjadikan majlis ini berjaya. Ramai kata layanan yg diberikan mcm dekat hotel pulak...hehehe..itu pujian yg bagus.
Thanks to all Matric students kerana mengerah keringat mencuci pinggan mangkuk.
InsyaAllah jika diizinkan dan ada rezeki, kita akan buat yg lg baik dan jemput ramai orang. Yela buat first time just utk yg sikit2 dulu.
Till then, salam...
Semalam (21/5/10, Jumaat) telah selamat berlangsungnya majlis bacaan Yassin dan doa anjuran kelab ICSA. Penat lelah persiapan dari awal hingga akhir memberi 1 kejayaan yang tidak terhingga. Mereka baru je first time handle this event even adala a few flaws but they have tried their best to make this majlis a success.
As a club advisor, I'm so proud of their effort menjayakan majlis yang mulia ini. Sebarang kekurangan harap dimaafkan. What I'm very proud of was that every food served was made by these students. Thanks guys for your sponsor.
Miza buat cake coklat siap rempit bawak kek ke dewan hehehehehe...Hanis dengan popia anda tauhu sumbat yang sedap. Sakinah dengan puding yg yum yum yum....Syed dgn nasik ayam yang dibuat oleh ibu tercinta...mmg sedap bangat.
Alhamdulillah, pinggan mangkuk pun students sponsor and thanks to lyana and the geng krn susah payah bawak pinggan mangkuk. Allah membantu kita jika niat kita baik. And thanks to the committee yang juga berusaha untuk menjadikan majlis ini berjaya. Ramai kata layanan yg diberikan mcm dekat hotel pulak...hehehe..itu pujian yg bagus.
Thanks to all Matric students kerana mengerah keringat mencuci pinggan mangkuk.
InsyaAllah jika diizinkan dan ada rezeki, kita akan buat yg lg baik dan jemput ramai orang. Yela buat first time just utk yg sikit2 dulu.
Till then, salam...
Monday, May 17, 2010
Salam and good day all
Now is raining with thunder outside the office. Yet, I am still at the office stuck with work that is unending...never ending story. 5 minutes more to see Dean Laili to discuss few matters with my boss (Kak Ani), Gee and Dilla regarding our department's workload.
Centralized marking began since last week and me and my members just done our BUS 202A marking...yet I have 3 more subjects to mark. Starting this sem we begin to do centralize marking together with 2nd marker to see the fairness in marking. Hopefully all's well end's well.
I'm targetting to go back at 6.30 or else I'll be arriving home late. For past few weeks I haven't had enough rest and sleep coz need to settle all the markings and carry marks since my students have started asking their carry marks (wwaaaaaa)...
Till then...chiowwww
Now is raining with thunder outside the office. Yet, I am still at the office stuck with work that is unending...never ending story. 5 minutes more to see Dean Laili to discuss few matters with my boss (Kak Ani), Gee and Dilla regarding our department's workload.
Centralized marking began since last week and me and my members just done our BUS 202A marking...yet I have 3 more subjects to mark. Starting this sem we begin to do centralize marking together with 2nd marker to see the fairness in marking. Hopefully all's well end's well.
I'm targetting to go back at 6.30 or else I'll be arriving home late. For past few weeks I haven't had enough rest and sleep coz need to settle all the markings and carry marks since my students have started asking their carry marks (wwaaaaaa)...
Till then...chiowwww
Thursday, April 1, 2010
NICE Entrepreneurship Conference yang Menarik
Salam and good day all
On Tuesday (30/3) and Wednesday (31/3/10) UiTM had conducted its Entrepreneurship Conference at Shah Alam Convention Centre (SACC) kat PKNS....wahhhh since I was graduated from UiTM...rasa2 nya almost 4 years la x jejak kat Shah Alam...byk perubahan especially PKNS tu...fuh not bad dah sekarang. Dulu, time2 study kat situ tempat melepak hahhahahah...kira PKNS tu paling glamer la bagi kitorang.
Dpt la jumpa balik Dr. Lenora, very nice x berubah so tanya khabar and what's the new stories. And also jumpa Kak Norkiah lecturer kat YPM dulu before dia pindah UiTM. She's changed a lot...but still yg respect dia masih remember me lagi...respect her for that and x sombongla kan. So kami gerak from KPTM around 7:45 am and jalan agak jam so sampai SACC tu nearly 9:00 am so register then had some breakfast. 9:30 am the conference began. Guess what? The conference was launched by Dato Mukhriz....uuuuuu at last dpt tgk dia lively...handsome...heheh. All's well ended well...even some of the presentation quite average but the input was informative and I got knowledge of what is happening now in the entrepreneurship world outside.
Day 2 (Wed 31/3) gerak from KPTM jugak around 7 am something still jalan agak jam almaklumla pagi2 kan time org gi keja and sampai agak lewat tu. Supposedly the first presentation started at 8:30 am so without wasting time gi breakfast skit then masuk hall tengok2 panel tgh buat her presentation, so x dpt la nak tgk from beginning...dia dah nak ending part, the conclusion part. Of all the presentations and forums presented, yg paling best was the part of Mydin, Otai Burger, Upin-Ipin punye CEO...they all presented with good energy and very very very informative. I've got the idea to propose to the college to invite either Otai or Upin-Ipin to come and give talk about their experience in entrepreneurship. Seronok sgt dgr diorang cerita.
Habis conference around 5 pm then before went back to adala minum petang skit. On Tuesday balik tu hujan lebat and sampai tp on Wednesday pulak jalan punyala jam so sampai KPTM dah pukul 7....huhuhuhuhu lambat lg la sampai umah. Alhamdulillah, bila sampai CM bus dah ada tu pun bus last tau...sempat gak sampai umah pun around 9:30 pm...penat x igt coz dahla back-to-back bengkel, conference, class, meeting....terkejar sana-sini...penat punye pasal sampai lupa nak mandi...terus je zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....then next morning bangun for the new day..
Till then...salam...chiowww
On Tuesday (30/3) and Wednesday (31/3/10) UiTM had conducted its Entrepreneurship Conference at Shah Alam Convention Centre (SACC) kat PKNS....wahhhh since I was graduated from UiTM...rasa2 nya almost 4 years la x jejak kat Shah Alam...byk perubahan especially PKNS tu...fuh not bad dah sekarang. Dulu, time2 study kat situ tempat melepak hahhahahah...kira PKNS tu paling glamer la bagi kitorang.
Dpt la jumpa balik Dr. Lenora, very nice x berubah so tanya khabar and what's the new stories. And also jumpa Kak Norkiah lecturer kat YPM dulu before dia pindah UiTM. She's changed a lot...but still yg respect dia masih remember me lagi...respect her for that and x sombongla kan. So kami gerak from KPTM around 7:45 am and jalan agak jam so sampai SACC tu nearly 9:00 am so register then had some breakfast. 9:30 am the conference began. Guess what? The conference was launched by Dato Mukhriz....uuuuuu at last dpt tgk dia lively...handsome...heheh. All's well ended well...even some of the presentation quite average but the input was informative and I got knowledge of what is happening now in the entrepreneurship world outside.
Day 2 (Wed 31/3) gerak from KPTM jugak around 7 am something still jalan agak jam almaklumla pagi2 kan time org gi keja and sampai agak lewat tu. Supposedly the first presentation started at 8:30 am so without wasting time gi breakfast skit then masuk hall tengok2 panel tgh buat her presentation, so x dpt la nak tgk from beginning...dia dah nak ending part, the conclusion part. Of all the presentations and forums presented, yg paling best was the part of Mydin, Otai Burger, Upin-Ipin punye CEO...they all presented with good energy and very very very informative. I've got the idea to propose to the college to invite either Otai or Upin-Ipin to come and give talk about their experience in entrepreneurship. Seronok sgt dgr diorang cerita.
Habis conference around 5 pm then before went back to adala minum petang skit. On Tuesday balik tu hujan lebat and sampai tp on Wednesday pulak jalan punyala jam so sampai KPTM dah pukul 7....huhuhuhuhu lambat lg la sampai umah. Alhamdulillah, bila sampai CM bus dah ada tu pun bus last tau...sempat gak sampai umah pun around 9:30 pm...penat x igt coz dahla back-to-back bengkel, conference, class, meeting....terkejar sana-sini...penat punye pasal sampai lupa nak mandi...terus je zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....then next morning bangun for the new day..
Till then...salam...chiowww
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Hari yang Busy
Salam and Good Day
Today (27/3/10) final class for PJJ program and 2 chapters to cover and Alhamdulillah managed to cover all the 9 chapters (sesak jugak nafas - 2 jam nak cover 2 chapter aje). Around 8.45am bagi Test 2 dulu the sambil2 diorang buat test I need to compile my program structure utk serahkan pada Ketua Task Force.
Ingat dah settle la tp my Dean, En. Zainurin called me during my lecture bg tau yg kita kena amend balik the infor. coz Ketua bagi format baru (paling lateset)...aahh sudah ni yg tension ni igt dah settle bolehla buat keja lain before balik umah. I told the Dean, I finished class around 11 and I'll straight away naik bengkel. Once class dah settle and wished them luck for exam next week I went straight away to Level 5. Igt dah boleh start tapi...tapi...tapi...aarrghhhh...ada lagi yg kena ubah.
Diorang ubah lg format table tu so kenala tunggu yg paling latest punya baru boleh guna. Sambil2 tu cek email and buat keja lain dulu. Time passed away so fast so around 12 noon baru dapat amik format paling latest tu then terus start bekerja. Insyaallah on my part ICSA takla susah sgt as compared to other programs yg kena tgk each element. Tapi during tgh checking tu adalah yg tersalah infor and key in so kenala betulkan. At 1pm semua stop kejap and gi lunch kat kafe bawah.....bolehlah hidangan nasi tomato and a few buah. Bengkel akan start balik at 2.30 pm. Need to settle everything by today so that esok tak payah datangla...penat gila..mental tortured coz non-stop work and not enough rest and sleep. Dah la this week je 3 malam berturut2 x tido nak siapkan keja yg mmg penting.
Till then...salam...chiowwwww
Today (27/3/10) final class for PJJ program and 2 chapters to cover and Alhamdulillah managed to cover all the 9 chapters (sesak jugak nafas - 2 jam nak cover 2 chapter aje). Around 8.45am bagi Test 2 dulu the sambil2 diorang buat test I need to compile my program structure utk serahkan pada Ketua Task Force.
Ingat dah settle la tp my Dean, En. Zainurin called me during my lecture bg tau yg kita kena amend balik the infor. coz Ketua bagi format baru (paling lateset)...aahh sudah ni yg tension ni igt dah settle bolehla buat keja lain before balik umah. I told the Dean, I finished class around 11 and I'll straight away naik bengkel. Once class dah settle and wished them luck for exam next week I went straight away to Level 5. Igt dah boleh start tapi...tapi...tapi...aarrghhhh...ada lagi yg kena ubah.
Diorang ubah lg format table tu so kenala tunggu yg paling latest punya baru boleh guna. Sambil2 tu cek email and buat keja lain dulu. Time passed away so fast so around 12 noon baru dapat amik format paling latest tu then terus start bekerja. Insyaallah on my part ICSA takla susah sgt as compared to other programs yg kena tgk each element. Tapi during tgh checking tu adalah yg tersalah infor and key in so kenala betulkan. At 1pm semua stop kejap and gi lunch kat kafe bawah.....bolehlah hidangan nasi tomato and a few buah. Bengkel akan start balik at 2.30 pm. Need to settle everything by today so that esok tak payah datangla...penat gila..mental tortured coz non-stop work and not enough rest and sleep. Dah la this week je 3 malam berturut2 x tido nak siapkan keja yg mmg penting.
Till then...salam...chiowwwww
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Kehilangan Selamanya
Salam and good day
Feeling dizzy this morning and migrain x kebah2 lg. Nak makan ubat pun dah payau rasa.
My department telah kehilangan seorang member yg paling ceria, happy, and fun utk selamanya...beliau telah meninggal dunia semalam (23/3/2010, Selasa) di Pusat Perubatan UM (PPUM).
To start, I went to class then got back to my room at 11 am dpt miss call from Zarila then ada SMS from her says, "AKIDAH DAH TENAT." At that moment, rasa tergamam dan nak gugur sudden lepas dia buat pemindahan darah because she got leukemia and her brother agreed utk buat pemindahan darah to Kidah. At first, OK but later ada complications. So yesterday, all my department members went to PPUM. Me, Ila, Gee, Dilla and Radzi naik satu keta (keta Gee) and Radzi drove. So sampai2 nak cari parking punyala susah and the parking spaces memg pack. So Alhamdulillah, dapat parking tingkat 5 paling atas. Then, kitorang carilah bilik Kidah. Sampai2 tgk dia dalam keadaan yg tenat sgt...sedih tgk dia dlm keadaan mcm tu...and the BP makin slow down.
After that, doctor suruh semua org termasuk family dia tunggu kat luar...and about setengah jam lebih jgk la menunggu suddenly the doctor panggil mak dia masuk and x lama lps tu we got the news...Kidah dah takde....I was so badly cried....terasa sgt2 kehilangan dia. And everybody kat situ pun mmg teramat sedih. Some of other department members datang jugak...Cuna, Tilla, Kak Ina, to name a few..thanks guys for coming. We waited sampai semuanya selesai. Ada a few students dia, Kak Fazni and Ila tolong mandikan dan kapankan jenazah and then pihak lelaki buat sembahyang jenazah. Around 6 pm mcm tu jenazah terus dibawa pulang ke Ipoh and her mother said nak terus kebumikan once dah sampai because everything dah settle.
Around 6.30 pm we all got back to college and sampai kolej dlm pkl 7.15 pm jalan agak jam tp bergeraklah jugak. Rushing naik bilik kemas barang and straight to LRT pandan jaya then turun ke Masjid Jamek all the way to CM and naik bus and Alhamdulillah bus dah ada so dlm pkl 8.30 pm bas pun gerak ke Selayang.
Now, kami dah kehilangan seorang kawan, adik, department member yg sentiasa ceria and happy forever. She was so very strong to fight for her illness...Kidah you'll be remembered forever in our heart. Al-Fatihah
Feeling dizzy this morning and migrain x kebah2 lg. Nak makan ubat pun dah payau rasa.
My department telah kehilangan seorang member yg paling ceria, happy, and fun utk selamanya...beliau telah meninggal dunia semalam (23/3/2010, Selasa) di Pusat Perubatan UM (PPUM).
To start, I went to class then got back to my room at 11 am dpt miss call from Zarila then ada SMS from her says, "AKIDAH DAH TENAT." At that moment, rasa tergamam dan nak gugur sudden lepas dia buat pemindahan darah because she got leukemia and her brother agreed utk buat pemindahan darah to Kidah. At first, OK but later ada complications. So yesterday, all my department members went to PPUM. Me, Ila, Gee, Dilla and Radzi naik satu keta (keta Gee) and Radzi drove. So sampai2 nak cari parking punyala susah and the parking spaces memg pack. So Alhamdulillah, dapat parking tingkat 5 paling atas. Then, kitorang carilah bilik Kidah. Sampai2 tgk dia dalam keadaan yg tenat sgt...sedih tgk dia dlm keadaan mcm tu...and the BP makin slow down.
After that, doctor suruh semua org termasuk family dia tunggu kat luar...and about setengah jam lebih jgk la menunggu suddenly the doctor panggil mak dia masuk and x lama lps tu we got the news...Kidah dah takde....I was so badly cried....terasa sgt2 kehilangan dia. And everybody kat situ pun mmg teramat sedih. Some of other department members datang jugak...Cuna, Tilla, Kak Ina, to name a few..thanks guys for coming. We waited sampai semuanya selesai. Ada a few students dia, Kak Fazni and Ila tolong mandikan dan kapankan jenazah and then pihak lelaki buat sembahyang jenazah. Around 6 pm mcm tu jenazah terus dibawa pulang ke Ipoh and her mother said nak terus kebumikan once dah sampai because everything dah settle.
Around 6.30 pm we all got back to college and sampai kolej dlm pkl 7.15 pm jalan agak jam tp bergeraklah jugak. Rushing naik bilik kemas barang and straight to LRT pandan jaya then turun ke Masjid Jamek all the way to CM and naik bus and Alhamdulillah bus dah ada so dlm pkl 8.30 pm bas pun gerak ke Selayang.
Now, kami dah kehilangan seorang kawan, adik, department member yg sentiasa ceria and happy forever. She was so very strong to fight for her illness...Kidah you'll be remembered forever in our heart. Al-Fatihah
Monday, March 22, 2010
Minda Yang Penat

Today (22/3/10) keja coz byk class, thought of taking MC sbb migrain and tgh demam tp thinking of classes and nak cover syllabus lg fuuhhh kenala tolak tepi nak amik MC tu.
Semalam (21/3/10) bengkel abis (Alhamdulillah). Memang penat....bukan apa yela serabut, kelam-kabut nak siapkan semua on time. Minda otak mental semuala penat jam stress. Since ari Jumaat aritu sampaila malam semalam hujan non-stop. Yesterday bengkel abis, but actually my part dah settle dah moderate semua. So me and Ila apa lg balik bilik packing apa2 yg patut pastu jalan2 kat pantai ambik gambar la bergaya sakan. Time tu dah dekat pukul 12 tgh hari so kitorang ke tempat makan...sementara nak tunggu waktu makan, our ketua bidang Kak CT called me to go to the hall nak check ada file yg dihantar tu mcm confused. So me and Ila pegila ke dewan. And everything around 12.30 mcm tula kitorang ke tempat makan and had our lunch. Makan nasi minyak, ayam masak sambal and a few buah. Badan dah x sedap, dgn sakit tekak lg...kepala migrain sgt2. Balik bilik tukar baju and final checking kot2 ada apa2 yg tertinggal then straight to lobby bagi balik kunci then ke bus simpan beg semua and amik seat. Agak lama jugakla nak menunggu yg lain2 tu so around 2.15 gerak tp dia stop kejap kat kedai keropok dekat dgn hotel. So ramailah yg turun nak beli keropok. Again, lamala menanti diorang semua shopping keropok. So around 3 pm bertolak ke KL. Dlm perjalanan tu hujan kejap2.

So, sampai rumah dalam pukul 8.30 pm ikut MRR2 Gombak and Alhamdulillah jalan x berapa jam as compared to jalan yg menghala ke Gombak dan Ampang...memang jam pack. Sampai je rumah rasa lapar sgt2 and tgk2 my dad ada masak mihun sup so apa lg...tanpa berlengah2 teruslah mkn mihun sup mcm x makan 3 hari...ahaks....
Cadang nak disebabkan hujan dan agak sejuk dan memang penat gila dgn mental, fizikal yg dah tak tahan penat and stres...terus tidoo...sampaila ke paginyaa....and today keja..
Till then....adiosss...salam
Friday, March 19, 2010
Bengkel Moderasi Cherating

Salam and good day
Today (19/3/2010) me and other committee involved in the moderation workshop for exam in Cherating, Pahang. We have gathered at the lobby college for the bus and masing-masing dah susun barang semua and ambil seat masing. Well I duduk dgn Zarila lah sape lagi...memang tak boleh lekang. Masing2 dah janji nak pakai beg sama ahaks.
Well, bas bertolak dlm pukul 9.30 am seperti yg dijanjikan, so along the way to bergeraklah ke Cherating. Seronok pun ada yela first time beb ke Cherating....walaupun ada tugas yg menanti tp excited punye pasal....walaupun kolej punye budget yela bila lg nak merasa kan ahaks.
Dalam pukul 11.30 am kitorang stop kejap kat R&R Temerloh for half hour utk mengalas perut yg lapar kebulur dpd pagi x makan apa. Tapi diet punye pasal....just makan pau kacang merah 2 ketul dgn milo ais. Pas makan tu gi beli asam apa yg patut nak munch2 dlm bus coz nak sampai Cherating tu jauh lg. Pas makan, dlm pkl 12. 15 gerak balik.
Sempatlah jugak tido kejap coz dok melangut je pun dlm bus x leh buat apa sambil2 dgr mp3 layan perasaan tido jap. So dlm pukul 1.30 sampai ke Cherating...not bad the place. Sampai2 teruslah register tp ada problem....huhuhuhu....bilik x siap lagi...haddooiiii...tensionnn!!!! So kenalah xde apala yg boleh dibuat pun.
Lama gila tunggu sampai boleh tido lagi. Dlm pukul 4 pm tu Fendi kata masuk dewan coz nak buat briefing pasal bengkel. I kat committee utk subjek Marketing, with the Ketua Bidangnya ialah Kak CT Mahani. Mula2 doa pastu angkat sumpah Aku Janji utk moderate soalan. Then, pengurusi kata kita start at 8.30 pm since ada yg baru sampai and ada yg datang dari jauh so bg time to rest....yahhoooo...leh jalan2 kat pantai.
Time tgh buat discussion tu....Fendi bagi kunci bilik. Alhamdulillah akhirnya dapat gak kunci bilik setelah sekian lama menunggu (mcm tunggu exam result jek ahaks). Minum petang jap makan mihun dgn susu segar. Pastu terus naik bilik rehat jap.
Ila ajak jalan2 kat pantai....mak ok jek sambil2 ambil angin kan...sebelum mengerah tenaga malam karang...ahahahha...OK lah...sambung later di siri yg lain...tata
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Me and the Shoes
Salam and good day all
Rindunye dah lama x update blog ni. Been away and lots of things to settle. Today pun actually nak siapkan few works and try to make myself bz or else i'll be wondering all day long passing my time.

Some of my friends say or even my students say "u gila kasut ke?"...hahahaha...well the answer is: ABSOLUTELY RIGHT...NOT ONLY CRAZY BUT...ADDICTED TO THEM...muahahahahaha. One of my friends even aske me: "Ko x boring ke selalu sgt beli kasut?" Then I answered: "X lah...aku lg boring kalau x dpt beli kasut"...ahahahahahha...dia pun terus senyap jela malas nak layan.
It's some sort of my stress therapy though ahaha. Well looking at those shoes with variety of colors, various designs and shapes...make me feel like eemm release a bit....(poyo je..) at least lah kan. Kasut paling tinggi 5" bila pakai gi class mak aiii rasa mcm nak patah kaki tp maintain jela dlm class siap students tgk lagi kata wahh miss mcm nak gi buat konsert ke...ahaks. and the shoes...mcm Allahyarham Tan Sri P. Ramlee said...lagu dan irama x dpt dipisahkan...well my version of kiasan: NITA AND THE SHOES MEMANG TAK DPT DIPISAHKAN...hahahahaha. Even ada yg i beli 2 pasang yg sama jenis but with different colors. Betullah kata Zarila..."you ni mmg gila...x tau nak ubat mcm mana..." huhuhuhuhuhu
I love perfumes and begs...but ABOVE ALL SHOES ARE MY TRULY ADDICTION...heheheh
Till then...
Thursday, February 11, 2010
What a Disappointed Day
Salam and good day
Agak lama x "write" on my blog...been quite bz (as usual the same "cliche" reason). But it's the fact dalam hidup ni semua orang bz kan...even buat a simple task pun dah bz. Tapi tulah tak tau sebenarnya nak tulis apa lg since it's been quite some time tak update my blog.
Today I was quite disappointed. Dua class dah kena "basuh" tadi (marketing and admin class). They've put up my nerve and my patient has come to the limit. Memang kalau boleh taknak la bising2 bebel2 coz masing2 dah besar and dah boleh berfikir dengan waras but because of attitude they've made me so disappointed.
I've let all out since I was so stressed up because of their attitude in my class. I've been so patient and up to yesterday I can't take it any longer. Yes, I memang seorang yang penyabar but once I explode, everything burst. Don't take advantage too much on what I've given. Dah banyak sangat bagi muka tapi diorang take for granted and not serious in class at all.
Well, I guess I will not be coming for their next class. Bukan merajuk cuma memang kecewa and they made me feel unhappy. Fikirlah keberkatan dan keredhaan setiap ilmu yang dicurahkan kepada mereka but they really take for granted. I guess biarlah kalau dah diorang pun tak makan saman apa yang ditegur tadi then, let me play my part...we'll see what happen then.
I don't mind at all of not being liked and I just do my part and play my role as a lecturer come to class lecture, etc....if they don't have the like in or on's ok then...coz I've no thing to lose.
Agak lama x "write" on my blog...been quite bz (as usual the same "cliche" reason). But it's the fact dalam hidup ni semua orang bz kan...even buat a simple task pun dah bz. Tapi tulah tak tau sebenarnya nak tulis apa lg since it's been quite some time tak update my blog.
Today I was quite disappointed. Dua class dah kena "basuh" tadi (marketing and admin class). They've put up my nerve and my patient has come to the limit. Memang kalau boleh taknak la bising2 bebel2 coz masing2 dah besar and dah boleh berfikir dengan waras but because of attitude they've made me so disappointed.
I've let all out since I was so stressed up because of their attitude in my class. I've been so patient and up to yesterday I can't take it any longer. Yes, I memang seorang yang penyabar but once I explode, everything burst. Don't take advantage too much on what I've given. Dah banyak sangat bagi muka tapi diorang take for granted and not serious in class at all.
Well, I guess I will not be coming for their next class. Bukan merajuk cuma memang kecewa and they made me feel unhappy. Fikirlah keberkatan dan keredhaan setiap ilmu yang dicurahkan kepada mereka but they really take for granted. I guess biarlah kalau dah diorang pun tak makan saman apa yang ditegur tadi then, let me play my part...we'll see what happen then.
I don't mind at all of not being liked and I just do my part and play my role as a lecturer come to class lecture, etc....if they don't have the like in or on's ok then...coz I've no thing to lose.
Monday, December 28, 2009
What's in Life?
Today is 28 December 2009 (Monday) year is just around the corner and the year 0f 2009 will be ending soon. Emm wondering if I have succeeded fulfilling my resolution (hehehe)...guess not fully 100% and as usual it will be forwarded to the next year's resolution (hahaha)...well better not to say it out loud coz if it's not working out...MALUUUUU...huhuhu
I'm on leave today till next week (10 January 2009) but I have to come today to settle my ICSA Matric exam result analysis because I'm waiting for 3 more subjects (Quantitative Methods, Economics, and Computer)...but sometimes due to work demands me to commit myself to come to the office and settle everything (but sometimes tak settle jugak kena bawak balik rumah and dok terperap dalam bilik with my notebook doing my work). But sometimes some people they tend to mumble and complaint for their work and some of them are quite annoyed of being so much hypocrite...we should be thankful and grateful for given the job as compared to those people who are still wandering and searching for job. But yet, they are some people who do not feel thankfu for it...bising keja banyak sgt nak buat tapi bila fikir balik it's logic kan? Yela dapat gaji banyak of course la keja pun banyak (compatible with what u are doing and also with your high paid income...chehh..)..Well biarla apa2 pun Allah yang Maha Berkuasa atas segala-galanya.
Well, when talking about commitment ni banyak perkara yang perlu kita fikirkan right? People around me always ask "Bila nak kahwin?...Are u being so choosy?....Baik kahwin cepat, umur dah meningkat...bla..bla..bla.."...Yeah...yeah...yeah...thank you for all the concerns and worries.'s not that I don't want to get married or whatsoever...I just tell them..."Belum jodoh lagi; Belum ada teman lagi; etc...etc...etc.."...Sometimes, when I think of this married thing....again I ask myself whether I am prepared enough to commit myself to married life? Perkahwinan sesuatu yang dituntut dalam agama but when u think of getting married because u have to get married or sebab dah sampai seru BUT THERE'S NO PREPARATION AND COMMITMENT...then what will happen later?
Apa2 pun I always pray to Allah to give me strength and courage to face what's ahead of me...Insyaallah doa moga Allah pertemukanku jodoh yang boleh menerima dan menjaga saya dengan baik dan sehingga akhir hayat...Amin...
Till then..wassalam
I'm on leave today till next week (10 January 2009) but I have to come today to settle my ICSA Matric exam result analysis because I'm waiting for 3 more subjects (Quantitative Methods, Economics, and Computer)...but sometimes due to work demands me to commit myself to come to the office and settle everything (but sometimes tak settle jugak kena bawak balik rumah and dok terperap dalam bilik with my notebook doing my work). But sometimes some people they tend to mumble and complaint for their work and some of them are quite annoyed of being so much hypocrite...we should be thankful and grateful for given the job as compared to those people who are still wandering and searching for job. But yet, they are some people who do not feel thankfu for it...bising keja banyak sgt nak buat tapi bila fikir balik it's logic kan? Yela dapat gaji banyak of course la keja pun banyak (compatible with what u are doing and also with your high paid income...chehh..)..Well biarla apa2 pun Allah yang Maha Berkuasa atas segala-galanya.
Well, when talking about commitment ni banyak perkara yang perlu kita fikirkan right? People around me always ask "Bila nak kahwin?...Are u being so choosy?....Baik kahwin cepat, umur dah meningkat...bla..bla..bla.."...Yeah...yeah...yeah...thank you for all the concerns and worries.'s not that I don't want to get married or whatsoever...I just tell them..."Belum jodoh lagi; Belum ada teman lagi; etc...etc...etc.."...Sometimes, when I think of this married thing....again I ask myself whether I am prepared enough to commit myself to married life? Perkahwinan sesuatu yang dituntut dalam agama but when u think of getting married because u have to get married or sebab dah sampai seru BUT THERE'S NO PREPARATION AND COMMITMENT...then what will happen later?
Apa2 pun I always pray to Allah to give me strength and courage to face what's ahead of me...Insyaallah doa moga Allah pertemukanku jodoh yang boleh menerima dan menjaga saya dengan baik dan sehingga akhir hayat...Amin...
Till then..wassalam
Monday, December 7, 2009
Hari Warga KPTM yang Meriah
Salam and good day
Huh lama tol x menulis kat blog ni....menunjukkan yg i've been so busy la konon. Tapi memang betul pun busy ngalahkan menteri hahahahaha.

Dah ptg2 naik hotel coz nak gi iron baju. Dahla tu nak iron baju kena gi Blok B. Dah bilik kitorang kat Blok C tingkat paling atas sekali tingkat 9 tapi mmg best view dia boleh nampak semua. So bwk baju gi blok B nasib baik hall iron tu xde org so me and Ila pun iron la baju. Back to hotel and rest jap pastu took a shower then siap2 nak gi dinner.

Sunday (6/12/09)
Huh lama tol x menulis kat blog ni....menunjukkan yg i've been so busy la konon. Tapi memang betul pun busy ngalahkan menteri hahahahaha.
Last Saturday til Sunday (5/12 - 6/12/09) ada buat Hari Warga KPTM at Ancasa Allsuites Hotel at Port Dickson. All the branches attended and it was enjoyable and fun. Tema dinner riuh sekampung. Before gi PD ni me and Ila punyela kecoh dok pikir apala nak pakai mlm dinner tu dahla tema org kampung. On Friday tu konon gi lah jusco nak cari apa2 yg boleh dijadikan pakaian utk meet the theme tp x jumpa2 gak. Mlm tu dok pening pikir apa nak pakai. Last2 adala baju tp takla kampung pun coz tak retila pakaian kampung ni mcm mana (almaklumla mak kan org bandar hahahaha - poyo je) pastu tanya my mum ada tak kain batik yg blm dipakai lg so my mum bg 1 pair of batik yg still lg dibungkus x buka2...huhuhu...Settled fuh Alhamdulillah.
Saturday (5/12/09)
Saturday (5/12/09)
Gerak from my house to college coz gi dgn keta Ila. Car pool dgn Kak Fazni and Kak Ana. Around 11 am gerak from kolej. Lapar gila sgt coz x breakfast apa pun so stopped by kejap kat R&R beli waffle and air mineral and continued the journey (ceh mcm journey XPDC je ahaks). So dh sampai PD tapi mcm lost coz cari punye cari x jumpa gak hotel tu. Stopped jap kat terminal PD tanya la org kat situ. Kak Fani kata kita dah terlepas so kena patah balik. So patahla balik then lastly Alhamdulillah kita pun berjaya menjumpai hotel tersebut ahaks. Dlm kol 2 ptg gakla sampai.
Amik kunci pastu gi lunch around 2.30 pm masuk bilik, lawa gak bilik dia. Me and Ila dok 1 bilik (2 org je beb) yg lain2 kongsi2 ahahahaha...yela last minute register dgn Fendi nak gi PD. Siap bagi complimentary buah coz operator kata itu complimentary utk honeymooner ahahaha...poyo
Dlm pkl 3 ada games turun bwh kat blok B ada kaunter org buat inai so apa lg mak pun try la (dah free kan heheh) buat dua2 tangan rasa mcm nak menikah pulak wakakakkaka (perasan jek). Pastu dok jap nak tunggu inai kering dah tu me, Ila and Kak Ana nampak gym apa lg terusla masuk (huh first time masuk gym - wlu pun gym hotel)...Baru main kejap dah penat (poyo je lebih - yg lain2 amik gambar posing jek...ahaks)
Amik kunci pastu gi lunch around 2.30 pm masuk bilik, lawa gak bilik dia. Me and Ila dok 1 bilik (2 org je beb) yg lain2 kongsi2 ahahahaha...yela last minute register dgn Fendi nak gi PD. Siap bagi complimentary buah coz operator kata itu complimentary utk honeymooner ahahaha...poyo
Dlm pkl 3 ada games turun bwh kat blok B ada kaunter org buat inai so apa lg mak pun try la (dah free kan heheh) buat dua2 tangan rasa mcm nak menikah pulak wakakakkaka (perasan jek). Pastu dok jap nak tunggu inai kering dah tu me, Ila and Kak Ana nampak gym apa lg terusla masuk (huh first time masuk gym - wlu pun gym hotel)...Baru main kejap dah penat (poyo je lebih - yg lain2 amik gambar posing jek...ahaks)
Mlm dinner mmg riuh jgk la. Artis jemputan Haiza and dia mmg best jd MC that night mmg btl2 kecohla x kering gusi pecah perut gelak. And mmg x boring. Means that she's good at entertaining the crowd and suma mmg sporting gilala nak2 last2 part tu ada joget lambak huh adala beberapa org naik pentas x igt joget punye hahahaha...Around 1 am balik hotel. By the way Ila dpt lucky draw tu dia dapat mini bar pastu nama dia pulak tercalon sbg best theme dress tp yg menang org lain...huhuhuhuhu
Sunday (6/12/09)
Pagi2 bfast pastu tukar baju. Gi padang tgk org sukan tp kitorang x sukan pun coz time2 tu dahla panas (maklumla puteri lilin kitorang ni ahahahahaah - mmg poyo teramat sgt). So dah lama tgk tu gi lah jalan2 kat area hotel tu pastu gi pantai jalan2 then minum air kelapa. Tak lama pastu dlm kol 11 am nak masuk bilik balik tp tetiba mak ckp jom tgk kuda nak. So gi lah kt tpt kuda tu...yg naik Ila jek. Mak x pun coz x beranila just amik gambar kat kuda jek.
So dlm kol 12 noon balik bilik rehat jap pastu dlm kol 1 tu turun bilik check out then gi lunch. Tunggu Kak Fani pastu off to KL. Around 1.45 pm bergerak.
Sampai kolej dlm kol 3.30 ptg so I waited for my brother to fetch me. Dlm kol 5.30 ptg dia sampai ngan kwn dia so balik jln jem jugak so pusing sana sini nak elak jem at last sampai umah dlm kol 6 lebih gakla. Penat x igt
Anyway...I enjoyed the day and it was fun....Insyaallah kalau ada rezeki lagi next year bolehla pergi lagi and hopefully gi tempat yg lain pulak ahahahah..
Till then...wassalam
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