Today is 28 December 2009 (Monday) year is just around the corner and the year 0f 2009 will be ending soon. Emm wondering if I have succeeded fulfilling my resolution (hehehe)...guess not fully 100% and as usual it will be forwarded to the next year's resolution (hahaha)...well better not to say it out loud coz if it's not working out...MALUUUUU...huhuhu
I'm on leave today till next week (10 January 2009) but I have to come today to settle my ICSA Matric exam result analysis because I'm waiting for 3 more subjects (Quantitative Methods, Economics, and Computer)...but sometimes due to work demands me to commit myself to come to the office and settle everything (but sometimes tak settle jugak kena bawak balik rumah and dok terperap dalam bilik with my notebook doing my work). But sometimes some people they tend to mumble and complaint for their work and some of them are quite annoyed of being so much hypocrite...we should be thankful and grateful for given the job as compared to those people who are still wandering and searching for job. But yet, they are some people who do not feel thankfu for it...bising keja banyak sgt nak buat tapi bila fikir balik it's logic kan? Yela dapat gaji banyak of course la keja pun banyak (compatible with what u are doing and also with your high paid income...chehh..)..Well biarla apa2 pun Allah yang Maha Berkuasa atas segala-galanya.
Well, when talking about commitment ni banyak perkara yang perlu kita fikirkan right? People around me always ask "Bila nak kahwin?...Are u being so choosy?....Baik kahwin cepat, umur dah meningkat...bla..bla..bla.."...Yeah...yeah...yeah...thank you for all the concerns and worries.'s not that I don't want to get married or whatsoever...I just tell them..."Belum jodoh lagi; Belum ada teman lagi; etc...etc...etc.."...Sometimes, when I think of this married thing....again I ask myself whether I am prepared enough to commit myself to married life? Perkahwinan sesuatu yang dituntut dalam agama but when u think of getting married because u have to get married or sebab dah sampai seru BUT THERE'S NO PREPARATION AND COMMITMENT...then what will happen later?
Apa2 pun I always pray to Allah to give me strength and courage to face what's ahead of me...Insyaallah doa moga Allah pertemukanku jodoh yang boleh menerima dan menjaga saya dengan baik dan sehingga akhir hayat...Amin...
Till then..wassalam
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Hari Warga KPTM yang Meriah
Salam and good day
Huh lama tol x menulis kat blog ni....menunjukkan yg i've been so busy la konon. Tapi memang betul pun busy ngalahkan menteri hahahahaha.

Dah ptg2 naik hotel coz nak gi iron baju. Dahla tu nak iron baju kena gi Blok B. Dah bilik kitorang kat Blok C tingkat paling atas sekali tingkat 9 tapi mmg best view dia boleh nampak semua. So bwk baju gi blok B nasib baik hall iron tu xde org so me and Ila pun iron la baju. Back to hotel and rest jap pastu took a shower then siap2 nak gi dinner.

Sunday (6/12/09)
Huh lama tol x menulis kat blog ni....menunjukkan yg i've been so busy la konon. Tapi memang betul pun busy ngalahkan menteri hahahahaha.
Last Saturday til Sunday (5/12 - 6/12/09) ada buat Hari Warga KPTM at Ancasa Allsuites Hotel at Port Dickson. All the branches attended and it was enjoyable and fun. Tema dinner riuh sekampung. Before gi PD ni me and Ila punyela kecoh dok pikir apala nak pakai mlm dinner tu dahla tema org kampung. On Friday tu konon gi lah jusco nak cari apa2 yg boleh dijadikan pakaian utk meet the theme tp x jumpa2 gak. Mlm tu dok pening pikir apa nak pakai. Last2 adala baju tp takla kampung pun coz tak retila pakaian kampung ni mcm mana (almaklumla mak kan org bandar hahahaha - poyo je) pastu tanya my mum ada tak kain batik yg blm dipakai lg so my mum bg 1 pair of batik yg still lg dibungkus x buka2...huhuhu...Settled fuh Alhamdulillah.
Saturday (5/12/09)
Saturday (5/12/09)
Gerak from my house to college coz gi dgn keta Ila. Car pool dgn Kak Fazni and Kak Ana. Around 11 am gerak from kolej. Lapar gila sgt coz x breakfast apa pun so stopped by kejap kat R&R beli waffle and air mineral and continued the journey (ceh mcm journey XPDC je ahaks). So dh sampai PD tapi mcm lost coz cari punye cari x jumpa gak hotel tu. Stopped jap kat terminal PD tanya la org kat situ. Kak Fani kata kita dah terlepas so kena patah balik. So patahla balik then lastly Alhamdulillah kita pun berjaya menjumpai hotel tersebut ahaks. Dlm kol 2 ptg gakla sampai.
Amik kunci pastu gi lunch around 2.30 pm masuk bilik, lawa gak bilik dia. Me and Ila dok 1 bilik (2 org je beb) yg lain2 kongsi2 ahahahaha...yela last minute register dgn Fendi nak gi PD. Siap bagi complimentary buah coz operator kata itu complimentary utk honeymooner ahahaha...poyo
Dlm pkl 3 ada games turun bwh kat blok B ada kaunter org buat inai so apa lg mak pun try la (dah free kan heheh) buat dua2 tangan rasa mcm nak menikah pulak wakakakkaka (perasan jek). Pastu dok jap nak tunggu inai kering dah tu me, Ila and Kak Ana nampak gym apa lg terusla masuk (huh first time masuk gym - wlu pun gym hotel)...Baru main kejap dah penat (poyo je lebih - yg lain2 amik gambar posing jek...ahaks)
Amik kunci pastu gi lunch around 2.30 pm masuk bilik, lawa gak bilik dia. Me and Ila dok 1 bilik (2 org je beb) yg lain2 kongsi2 ahahahaha...yela last minute register dgn Fendi nak gi PD. Siap bagi complimentary buah coz operator kata itu complimentary utk honeymooner ahahaha...poyo
Dlm pkl 3 ada games turun bwh kat blok B ada kaunter org buat inai so apa lg mak pun try la (dah free kan heheh) buat dua2 tangan rasa mcm nak menikah pulak wakakakkaka (perasan jek). Pastu dok jap nak tunggu inai kering dah tu me, Ila and Kak Ana nampak gym apa lg terusla masuk (huh first time masuk gym - wlu pun gym hotel)...Baru main kejap dah penat (poyo je lebih - yg lain2 amik gambar posing jek...ahaks)
Mlm dinner mmg riuh jgk la. Artis jemputan Haiza and dia mmg best jd MC that night mmg btl2 kecohla x kering gusi pecah perut gelak. And mmg x boring. Means that she's good at entertaining the crowd and suma mmg sporting gilala nak2 last2 part tu ada joget lambak huh adala beberapa org naik pentas x igt joget punye hahahaha...Around 1 am balik hotel. By the way Ila dpt lucky draw tu dia dapat mini bar pastu nama dia pulak tercalon sbg best theme dress tp yg menang org lain...huhuhuhuhu
Sunday (6/12/09)
Pagi2 bfast pastu tukar baju. Gi padang tgk org sukan tp kitorang x sukan pun coz time2 tu dahla panas (maklumla puteri lilin kitorang ni ahahahahaah - mmg poyo teramat sgt). So dah lama tgk tu gi lah jalan2 kat area hotel tu pastu gi pantai jalan2 then minum air kelapa. Tak lama pastu dlm kol 11 am nak masuk bilik balik tp tetiba mak ckp jom tgk kuda nak. So gi lah kt tpt kuda tu...yg naik Ila jek. Mak x pun coz x beranila just amik gambar kat kuda jek.
So dlm kol 12 noon balik bilik rehat jap pastu dlm kol 1 tu turun bilik check out then gi lunch. Tunggu Kak Fani pastu off to KL. Around 1.45 pm bergerak.
Sampai kolej dlm kol 3.30 ptg so I waited for my brother to fetch me. Dlm kol 5.30 ptg dia sampai ngan kwn dia so balik jln jem jugak so pusing sana sini nak elak jem at last sampai umah dlm kol 6 lebih gakla. Penat x igt
Anyway...I enjoyed the day and it was fun....Insyaallah kalau ada rezeki lagi next year bolehla pergi lagi and hopefully gi tempat yg lain pulak ahahahah..
Till then...wassalam
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